Mori Kogoro put his hands on Hongzi's head in retaliation, messed up his long hair, and ran away immediately.

Hongzi immediately screamed, moving her long legs to hunt down Kogoro Mouri.

But Xiaolan suddenly appeared around the corner, and Hongzi, who had been running, immediately stopped moving, and began to straighten her long hair as if nothing had happened.

But his burgundy eyes stared fiercely at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro smiled complacently.

Chapter 0005 Bold Hongzi

The time soon came to the evening, and the night fell, and the shrine was full of villagers and tourists.

As the chants and drums in the shrine ended, the middle gate opened.

A short old man with a pale face came out of it. It seemed that he was only about [-] meters tall.

The tourists on the left and right kept saying after seeing it: "It's the longevity woman!"

Longevity woman came out with a long torch, lit the torch and burned three numbers on the window.

And Hongzi beside him saw the number forty-eight on it, jumped up excitedly, put his arms around Kogoro Mouri's arm and said, "Hey, I've hit it, I've hit it."

Kogoro Mori's arms fell into softness from time to time, and Hattori Heiji couldn't help but look at the Kogoro Mori with a look of envy.

When Xiaolan saw this, she smiled and stepped forward, took Hongzi's little hand, pretending to be concerned: "Hongzi, let me see, wow, you are so lucky!"

She pulled Hongzi away calmly.

"It goes without saying that Miss Ben's luck has always been unparalleled in the world."

Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to this side, his eyes drifted away, and he saw all the expressions of the guests in the entire shrine.

Most of the guests looked disappointed, but the squinting-eyed Shoumi looked delighted, and the black-short-haired girl Naoko also frowned, tightly clutching the number plate in her hand.

It seems that these two women are still the ones who got the 'Dugong Arrow' this time, obviously this revenge plan will not stop.

It didn't take long before Junhui appeared in front of everyone wearing a priestess costume, with a very dignified pretty face.

Jun Hui said: "Please pay attention, the 'Dugong Arrow' will be awarded in an hour. Please move the winners to the Mermaid Waterfall, where we will hold the award ceremony."

An hour later, Hattori Heiji and his party were already waiting under the Mermaid Waterfall.

The sound of the waterfall's water splash is very obvious, but there is only a faint fire light at the presentation ceremony, and there is no way to see the waterfall clearly.

Xiaolan looked around from time to time, until a familiar big hand appeared on her shoulder, and then she came back to her senses.

"Dad, where have you been, and why have you been there for so long?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "I just went to the toilet. I didn't expect there to be so many people in the toilet at the shrine, and there was a queue for a long time."

At this time, Jun Hui said: "Please come out to the three guests who got the 'Dugong Arrow' just now!"

Koizumi Hongko walked out first, followed by the black short-haired girl Naoko.

"Who is the other one, please come out together!"

At this time, Mori Kogoro had an extra wooden sign with one hundred and seven written on it in his hand, and he also walked out.

Conan and Hattori Heiji were startled. Just now they also saw the happy face of the squinting girl Ebihara Shoumi, and they thought she had won the lottery.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the wooden sign was in the hands of Mori Kogoro.

Xiao Lan also said with a puzzled look: "Hey, I remember Dad didn't buy it!"

Jun Hui, who hosted the presentation ceremony, saw that Kogoro Mori walked out, his face changed, but he continued to go through the process calmly.

On the other hand, Hongzi looked at Kogoro Moori with admiration. It was really amazing, and he got it so quickly.

In this way, they have already obtained two of the three dugong arrows, and they only need to find a way to get the remaining one from Naoko Heijiang.

Soon, a wooden treasure box was taken out from behind him. It was antique and had mysterious patterns. It looked quite historical, and Hongzi's wine-red eyes lit up.

Then the treasure box was opened, and three small arrow feathers were hidden in it.

Then Junhui began to award the three people with arrow feathers. Naoko who got the arrow feathers looked happy, and immediately put on the dugong arrow.

Hongzi frowned slightly, Kogoro Mori flicked the arrow feathers left and right, but didn't find anything special about it.

They took the dugong's arrow and retreated separately.

After returning to the bottom, Conan immediately asked, "Uncle, how did you get this number plate?"

"That, I picked it up at the gate of the shrine. I didn't pay attention at first, but seeing the number on it was the same as the number burned by the longevity woman, I just took it. I didn't expect to earn a dugong arrow for nothing. .”

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji and Conan both looked at Kogoro Mori speechlessly: This uncle must be very lucky.

The little episode didn't affect Jun Hui, she said, "Now please shine the light of bliss to celebrate the successful conclusion of this conference!"

The light of bliss is actually fireworks.

The staff on the side immediately set off fireworks, and dazzling fireworks exploded in the sky, illuminating the entire area.

At this time, Hattori Heiji seemed to see something, and immediately shouted: "Look, there seems to be something in the middle of the waterfall."

Everyone quickly shifted their gazes over, and all of them immediately showed expressions of astonishment.

That shape is clearly a corpse.

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