Menxie Bianzang was extremely drunk, and he was not afraid to see a man appearing. Instead, he shouted: "Uh, it's just in time. You two, uh, hand over the 'Dugong Arrow'."

He stole the 'Dugong Arrow' that his daughter Menxie Saori had drawn last year, and sold it to tourists, earning a full one million. Naturally, he was very keen on the 'Dugong Arrow'.

Seeing how lucky Maori and his party were, they drew two 'Dugong Arrows' one after another.

He naturally came up with the idea of ​​arrow feather, so he drank and watched in the izakaya opposite the hotel.

Originally, he wanted to sneak into the hotel to steal it later, but he didn't expect to see Hongzi Koizumi coming out halfway, so he followed him all the way.

Mori Kogoro didn't bother to respond, so the door assistant Benzo rushed up with a wooden stick.

But there is no way for a person who is so drunk to attack, Moori Kogoro kicked his right leg and hit him in the lower abdomen.

Menxie Benzang flew upside down like a bowed prawn, his face was distorted, and his eyeballs were almost protruding.

Flying a full seven or eight meters, the whole person slammed into a big tree by the side of the road, his stomach was overwhelmed, and he immediately vomited.

That appearance is very miserable.

While spitting, he rolled his eyes and passed out unconsciously.

But even though he passed out, he was still vomiting.

Mori Kogoro's kick was limited, and he didn't kick him to death, but at least his internal organs were damaged, which even the hospital couldn't find out.

Hongzi at the side saw Mo Li Kogoro kicking the person so far, his eyes were full of disbelief, his pink mouth was wide open, and his eyes were a little blurred.

Really handsome!

Hongzi's heart couldn't help beating, and when she felt the big hands hugging her hips, she immediately blushed and struggled.

But soon, Hongzi gasped, and accidentally touched the injury on her right leg.

"Hiss! It hurts!"

Mori Kogoro looked around and said, "You can't stay here anymore, this is quite a commotion, and it will be troublesome if someone finds out."

Then he hugged Hongzi like a princess, and Hongzi immediately hugged her neck in panic, her cheeks became more and more bright red.

Mori Kogoro strode away from the street, leaving only a drunken and unconscious man lying on the cold ground.

The two walked on the bluestone road leading to the shrine.

Smelling the palpitating masculinity, Hongzi turned her head to the side, extremely upset, she couldn't help but said, "Hey, how did you just appear there by such a coincidence?"

Mori Kogoro said indifferently: "I don't call you ah!"

"You're such an adult, don't you know a little bit of etiquette? Believe it or not, I'll let you go right now, and let you fall to the ground, with your butt smashed into eight petals."

Scared, Hongzi immediately turned her head, stretched out her other hand in a panic and put it around Mouri Kogoro's neck, and the two became closer.

"Then what shall I call you?"

Kogoro Maoli laughed lightly: "You are in the same grade as Xiaolan, and both are high school students. How much older am I than you? You can call me Uncle Maoli!"

"Maori-uncle--" The inexplicable Hongzi suddenly felt a sense of shame in her heart, and she turned to shout: "You are dreaming, Maori Kogoro!"

Mori Kogoro turned his right hand and patted Hongzi's buttocks: "What a rude guy, you can do whatever you want."

"Hmph, I call you a pervert!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled again. After several trials, he finally realized that Hongzi didn't have so many magic spells at the moment, so he naturally relaxed.

Originally, he was quite jealous of Koizumi Hongzi. When they met for the first time, the mysterious Hongzi took the chain to confuse the great magician Ninety-Nine Yuankang and made him confess his guilt.

The second time we met, in the mountain peak above the Shanni Temple, Hongzi swimming in the lake even set up a magic circle, but luckily he broke it.

The previous two encounters left him with the impression of a witch.

But this time Hongzi on Mermaid Island gave him a different feeling.

Whether it was the failure to use the magic mirror above, or the muttering to herself in the shrine, they were all noticed by Mori Kogoro, who was secretly paying attention to her.

He naturally knew that Hongzi was not working now, at least she had no magic power now.

A witch without magic fell into the hands of Mouri Kogoro, and the result...

Mori Kogoro explained: "You girl, you can show all your emotions on your face."

"You kept staring at the shrine at night, and you took the opportunity to meet Longevity Po, and took the opportunity to provoke her. You cooperated with me and said that you would collect three 'Dugong Arrows'."

"With so many signs, I still can't see that you want to sneak into the shrine tonight, so this detective will be in vain."

Hongzi turned her head, her wine-red eyes lit up: "So, you've been secretly watching me?"

The narcissistic Hongzi laughed triumphantly: "Sure enough, for a beautiful woman like me, no one in the world can resist my charm."

This off-line appearance made Mori Kogoro roll his eyes again.

He directly put Hongzi on the stone chair by the side of the road, then reached out and patted Hongzi's head: "Okay, stop laughing, I'm going to sneak into the shrine later, are you trying to lure others over?"

Mori Kogoro also sat on the right side of Hongzi, and reached out to pick up Hongzi's injured right leg.

Hongzi suddenly panicked and put his small hand on Mouri Kogoro's shoulder: "Big pervert, what do you want to do?"

"Fuck you, you can't even see it, help you deal with the wound."

Hearing this, Hongzi no longer struggled, but whispered: "How vulgar!"

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