Mori Kogoro immediately reached out and pulled out Hongzi's boot, letting his right leg wrapped in stockings rest on his own.

I have to say that Hongzi's long legs are really against the sky. The legs are excellent, slender and slender, like a work of art under the moonlight.

The fly in the ointment was that the skin on the knee was scratched, bloody and bloody, and the ankle was twisted, and it was a little red and swollen.

With the help of moonlight, Kogoro Mori, who has excellent night vision ability, quickly saw Hongzi's injury clearly, and he was reluctant to let Hongzi's leg have any wounds and scars.

Sensing the astonishing heat of Mori Kogoro's big hand, Hongzi's cheeks flushed again.


"what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro said, "Tear up the stockings, how can you deal with the injury if you don't tear them apart."

Soon Hongzi's stockings on the right leg were torn to pieces by Mori Kogoro, quite messy and beautiful.

Chapter 0009 Too Fierce

Under the moonlight, the snow-white skin was exposed to the air, and Hongzi's right leg was stained with a layer of silver light, which made Mori Kogoro's eyes more obsessed.

Hongzi's face was full of embarrassment, seeing Kogoro Mori's expression, but a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and his heart became inexplicably joyful.

"This big pig's trotter looks white and tender, and it will definitely fetch a good price."

Hearing this, Hongzi's smiling face froze, and instantly became expressionless.

She immediately stretched out her right leg and kicked Mori Kogoro in the face.

But Yuzu was bound by a big hand.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Just kidding, don't be so excited!"

"Don't move, or the injury on your right leg will get worse."

But Hongzi didn't care about it at all, and directly took out a thing that looked like a censer from his arms, and Hongzi held the censer and recited a lengthy incantation.

Finally, she softly shouted: "Lucifer, come out at my call, and teach this man a good lesson."

Mori Kogoro's body inevitably tensed up, looking around intently, always vigilant.

However, the moon and stars were sparse, and the surrounding area was very quiet, and nothing happened.

Hongzi slapped the incense burner furiously again, just like before: "Damn it, you actually dropped the chain again."

Kogoro Moori heaved a sigh of relief, this girl, she was so careless, she would blow up her hair whenever she teased her.

This guy also wants to summon the evil god Lucifer, which seems to be a big move, which is really unforgivable.

Mori Kogoro snatched the small incense burner from Hongzi's hand and stuffed it into his arms.

Hongzi was shocked immediately: "Give it back to me!"

This small incense burner is Hongzi's strongest magic item, so naturally there is nothing to lose.

But before she could speak again, an itch came from the bottom of her feet, and Hongzi couldn't help laughing.

Mori Kogoro picked a piece of dogtail grass from the side of the road, and gently scratched the soles of Hongzi's feet.

"Big pervert, let go of me, haha, let go of me, haha! Haha!"

On this Qingshiban road street, under the night, a man scratched the girl's feet with a dog's tail grass. No matter how you look at it, this scene feels weird.

Mori Kogoro didn't expect Hongzi to be so sensitive and ticklish.

In the end, Hongzi laughed so hard that he almost ran out of oxygen, so he threw the dogtail grass away: "How is it? Are you willing to be honest now?"

Hongzi blushed from laughing, glared at Kogoro Mouri with hatred, and was about to struggle again.

But the big hands holding his calf were like iron tongs, and he couldn't break free at all.

Seeing that Kogoro Moori was about to lean over to pick the dog's tail grass again, Hongzi quickly confessed, "Honestly, can't I do it if I'm honest!"

"However, where is my incense burner? Return it to me quickly."

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "I'll keep it for you first, and I'll return it to you when I get back."

Hearing this, Hongzi's little face wrinkled into a bitter gourd look: I didn't find the forbidden arrow, but I lost my summoning censer, what's the matter!

Then, Mori Kogoro put Hongko's right leg on his own, took out a handkerchief, and tore it into strips.

Then he gently bandaged the scratched place on his knee.

After treating the injury of Hongzi's knee, Mori Kogoro's big hand moved along her slender calf to the ankle, and the skin it touched was very soft and smooth.

The struggle just now made the ankle injury more serious, and the redness and swelling became bigger and bigger.

He pinched the calf with one hand and the jade foot with the other, and began to massage it. As a master martial artist, Mori Kogoro is still very good at this.

Hongzi's little face blushed again, and she turned her head to the side, not daring to meet Kogoro Mori's eyes.

As the saying goes, a woman's feet cannot be touched.

Seeing Hongzi's reaction now, Kogoro Mori knew that this saying still made sense.

However, looking at the long legs like a work of art, Mori Kogoro still couldn't bear the injury left on it, so he opened his mouth to attract Hongzi's attention while quietly performing healing techniques.

"Hongzi, I'm not talking about you. You are already a sophomore in high school, not a sophomore in junior high school anymore. Be more mature and don't watch too many unreliable anime."

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