"It's rubbing the magic mirror, and rubbing the censer. Do you really think you are Aladdin?"

Hearing this, Hongzi couldn't help but feel anxious, but he didn't bother to respond.

But soon Hongzi keenly sensed a strange energy coming from Mouri Kogoro's big hand, and immediately exclaimed.

Hongzi got up from the reclining chair, quickly untied the handkerchief on his knees, and saw with his own eyes that the injuries on his knees and ankles were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and returned to their original state in a short time.

She quickly exclaimed: "What are you, is it magic?"

Hongzi's voice trembled a little, and his expression was very excited, which was the expression of finding the same kind.

Hongzi's mother is a red magician, and after her mother died, she naturally became the heir of the red magician.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, Hongzi is accepting the power inheritance of red magic step by step.

However, in the real world, Hongzi has never met anyone with superpowers.

Even though she claims to be a high-ranking witch, sometimes she feels that she is out of tune with the world and is just a freak.

Now, seeing Mori Kogoro displaying extraordinary power, Hongzi is naturally very excited, as if a gap in her heart has been filled.

"But how can you cast magic, isn't this the forbidden area?"

"Healing injuries, are you using light magic?"

"It's no wonder you can solve so many cases, so you can also use magic!"

"Mori-kun, do you know anyone else who knows magic?"

Hearing Hongzi's repeated questions, Mori Kogoro was a little flustered, he really didn't know anything about magic.

With regard to the healing technique and large teleportation technique drawn from the system in one hand, the rest can only rely on props.

But seeing that he couldn't hide the healing technique, Mori Kogoro simply admitted it, and just took the opportunity to trick Hongzi about magic.

"Yeah, that's right, I can also do magic."

Hearing this, Hongzi threw herself into Moli Kogoro's arms excitedly: "That's great, I'm not alone."

Fierce, too fierce, this dribbling and hitting someone is too brutal.

Mori Kogoro, who was holding Hongzi in his arms, shook his head lightly, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

However, he continued to ask: "Hongzi, what do you mean by the magic-forbidden area?"

"Hey, don't you feel it? I can't use any props when I go to this island. Could it be that your magic power is stronger than mine, so you don't feel it?"

"Oh, it's no wonder. After all, I haven't become a real witch yet, and I still have to pass the trial."

Chapter 0010 The Witch's Trial

Mori Kogoro, who was holding Hongzi in his arms, could be said to be daring, smelling the strange fragrance of Hongzi's body, even if this was a dangerous witch, he couldn't help his restless hands.

His big hands were crawling around on Hongzi's soft back, but he asked in his mouth, "What is that trial you're talking about?"

Hongzi seemed to feel the little movement of the big hand behind her, and her little face blushed, but she didn't respond as if she didn't know it.

She opened her mouth and replied: "Because I am the orthodox heir of Red Magic, but I haven't really inherited Red Magic. I must participate in the trial before I become an adult to become a real magician, that is, a real witch."

"You are looking for this 'Dugong Arrow' to prepare for the trial?"

Hongzi nodded: "That's right, the steward said that the trial will be very dangerous, and if you are not careful, your life will be in danger. Naturally, you need to find more props, so that you have a chance of winning."

Mori Kogoro frowned and said, "Since it's so dangerous, why do you want to inherit it? Can't you just be an ordinary girl?"

"Of course not, this is my mother's last wish. No matter what, the inheritance of red magic must not be broken in my hands."

Hongzi looked determined, but soon his wine red eyes lit up: "But now I'm sure."

"Maori-kun, come and help me when the time comes, with your magic help, I will definitely pass the trial smoothly."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro groaned inwardly, he really doesn't know magic, but his physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people, so it's okay to help out.

But seeing Hongzi's pretty little face full of anticipation, Mori Kogoro, who was hugging the girl's delicate body, couldn't say no.

He looked at his [-] points, three chances to draw a lottery, and a treasure chest full of favorability.

Maybe it can really draw supernatural power.

No matter how bad it was, if he was in danger, he could use the Great Teleportation Technique to rescue Hongzi.

It's done!

Mori Kogoro said, "Okay, I'll help you."

Hongzi immediately cheered, and her pink lips kissed Kogoro Mori's cheek.

Kogoro Mori felt the moisture on his face, he was a little surprised at once, and looked at Hongzi suspiciously, and Kogoro Mori's bright eyes met Kogoro Mori's.

The four eyes met, there was some strange pink in the air, and the faces of the two seemed to be slowly approaching.

However, at this moment, a gleam of coldness flashed in Hongzi's eyes, and her small hand grabbed back the big hand on her buttocks, and held it upside down.

"Hmph, it really is a big pervert, sneaking on my ass again."

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!" Mori Kogoro knew that Hongzi flinched, so he acted in concert.

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