Hearing this, Hongzi's face instantly turned red, and he softly shouted: "Shameless, big pervert."

Mori Kogoro showed no shame on his face, instead he took Hongzi's little hand and walked towards the warehouse.

The two came to the warehouse, looked at the big lock on the door, Hongzi frowned: "How should we get in?"

Kogoro Moori picked another weed from the ground, weaved it slightly, and stuck it into the keyhole.

The lockpicking technique was used, and within a few clicks, the iron lock was picked open by him.

The warehouse door was opened immediately, and the two immediately entered the warehouse and began to search for it.

Relying on the weak sense of witchcraft, Hongzi found the treasure box where three 'Dugong Arrows' were stored, and a strange ancient jade.

Mori Kogoro doesn't understand magic, and he can't sense witchcraft, so naturally he can't find anything special.

However, his Ant-Man robot did find a long cloth bag under the debris.

Hongzi took the treasure box and ancient jade, but before she continued to search, the sound of breaking wind sounded again.

It's Arrow Feather!

Standing at the door, Junhui Shimabukuro's eyes showed a cold light, holding a bow in his hand, and shooting at the dark figure in the warehouse.

Kogoro Mori reacted, and immediately stretched out his hand to pull Hongzi over, just avoiding the arrow feather.

Then the two immediately ran towards the depths of the warehouse.

Miko Junhui shot again with the bow, but the speed of the arrow branch naturally couldn't hit Moori Kogoro who was running at full speed.

Kogoro Mori saw a window next to him, so he pulled Hongzi and turned over.

The arrow feathers were nailed to the window frame.

Seeing Jun Hui who was constantly chasing after him, Mori Kogoro immediately picked up Hong Zi's legs, picked them up, hung them on his shoulders, and instantly hit his back hard with two soft balls.

His speed exploded and he rushed towards the wall.

Near the wall, its amazing jumping ability was displayed.

Even with a person on his back, he jumped over the two-meter-high wall.

Jun Hui chased it out, looking at the empty courtyard, the intruder had disappeared, she couldn't help frowning.

It was too dark just now, and she couldn't see the faces of those two people clearly.

Soon, she turned around and went into the warehouse, turned on the flashlight, and headed towards the long cloth bag.

Jun Hui breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the sundries on the cloth bag hadn't been touched: in that case, it's those thieves who want to steal the dugong's arrow again.

Looking at the cloth bag underneath, Jun Hui's eyes flashed with unbearable color, but soon his expression kept changing, and finally became firm.

"Mom, I will definitely avenge you."

She closed the knocked-out window, locked it again, walked out of the warehouse, locked it again, and then turned and went to her room.

The shrine was once again silent.

In the hotel, in Hongzi's room, Kogoro Mori looked at the ancient jade and the treasure box on the bed, and said suspiciously: "This is the prop you think is useful, I don't see what it is for!"

"Wu Li, Wu Li, don't you feel a faint sense of witch power lingering in it?" Hongzi turned and looked over with a strange expression.

"Aren't you a more powerful magician than me?"

Mori Kogoro's heart tightened, and he immediately pretended to be knowledgeable: "Of course I also feel the witch power, but these two things don't seem to be useful!"

Hongzi nodded, and said: "This box really doesn't look useful, the witch power on it is very weak, as if it was stained, but that's why I'm sure that there really is a 'Breaking the Forbidden' on this island. arrow'."

"The size of this box should be used to store the 'Broken Arrow'."

"But I can't see this piece of ancient jade, Mr. Mao Li, what do you think it is?"

Mori Kogoro picked up this strange piece of jade, and it seemed that there was water lingering in it, which was unreal.

Undecided about foreign affairs, he asked Xiao V, so he asked in his heart: "Little V, what is this?"

In the system space, Little V looked at Mori Kogoro with tears in his eyes, and the pitiful female voice echoed in his mind: "I am so touched, Master Host, you finally remembered me, I thought you forgot about my system It's over!"

Mori Kogoro coughed twice in embarrassment: "How could I forget you, it's just that there are too many women to accompany you, so I can only neglect you a little bit. Little V, you are just an artificial intelligence. Stop being jealous."

Little V seemed to have lost his temper, and said directly: "[-] points will be deducted from the scan, and the scan results are as follows: [-]-year-old ancient jade, with a mysterious power sealed inside, which seems to be incomplete. It is deduced to be the key to open a certain realm."

Hearing this, Moli Kogoro couldn't help vomiting blood: "Little V, get out of here, just a few words, you cheated me of [-] points, and exchanged my points."

This is naturally impossible, and only Xiao V's mischievous voice sounded in Mori Kogoro's mind: "Slightly slightly slightly slightly!"

No matter how much he yelled at Xiao V after that, this guy never said a word again.

"Hey, hey, pervert, do you know what this thing is?"

Mori Kogoro slapped Hongzi's little hand away, and said, "This thing is useless, it should be the key to unlock some mystery."

Hongzi pouted immediately: "What are you doing? I've been busy all night, and I haven't gained anything."

"It's not a waste of time, at least we know that Jun Hui's archery skills are superb."

Hongzi nodded: "Yeah, if this guy is a real witch, he's really a difficult character to deal with."

"Okay, I've been crazy with you for most of the night, and it's time for me to go back and rest."

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