Hongzi immediately ran to Kogoro Mouri, spread his hands to stop him and said, "Don't go back."

Chapter 0012 The little angel in the bed

Li Xiaowulang frivolously inspected Yan Hongzi's body: "Does it mean that if you don't go back, let me sleep here? Hongzi, you are quite bold."

Hongzi's face flushed red with anger, and she stretched out her hand: "Big pervert, give me back my magic furnace before leaving."

This magic stove is Hongzi's strongest prop, and it has already fallen into the hands of Kogoro Mouri, so how can it be returned to her so easily? It would be fine if I didn't study it carefully.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Everyone said that I would pay you back after leaving this small island. It's not okay now, but well, it's embarrassing to leave like this. I have to leave something for you."

Hongzi looked puzzled: "Keep what?"

Mori Kogoro took Hongzi with one hand, and kissed her pink lips directly.

Hongzi's eyes widened, her pupils kept shrinking, and she was completely stunned. Is this a kiss?

She just stood there in a daze to face Mouri Kogoro's aggressive attack, and handed over her first kiss just like that.

By the time she thought about struggling, Mori Kogoro's mouth had already left.

"Okay, you can sleep well with my kiss! What a dream!"

Mori Kogoro waved his back to Hongzi, opened the door and went out.

"Big pervert! Big bastard! I'm going to kill you."

A pillow hit the closed door heavily, Mouri Kogoro shook his head with a chuckle, and went to his room.

And Hongzi in the room was not as angry as he appeared.

Her little face was blushing, and her white fingers lightly tapped her lips, pursing them from time to time.

Immediately afterwards, she flung herself down on the soft bed shyly, and buried her head in the pillow.

The words of Dube came out slowly: "Damn pervert, wait until I become a real witch, and see how I teach you a lesson."

After making a fuss in the middle of the night, it finally stopped. Mori Kogoro went back to his room, changed into his pajamas and climbed into bed.

But just as soon as he got into the bed, his big hands touched countless silky and delicate.

He looked down and saw that the little angel was looking at him with big eyes blinking. His body was completely disfigured, which made me feel pity.

Kogoro Mori's undiminished anger rose instantly, how could this situation be tolerated.

The big quilt was lifted, and there was a poem saying:

The powdery fragrance is wet with sweat and Yaoqin Zhen, and the spring is amused by the crispy melted rain cream.

Di Shen was in a quiet and happy spring night, and all the heart flutters disappeared.

The flowers and leaves once broke the stamens, and the willows shook the willow branches.

It does not hinder the musculoskeletal resistance of the two bodies, and even removes a roll to go to the cloud bridge.

Among them, the love of spring is not enough for outsiders.

The next day, it was cloudy and rainy. Kogoro Mori rubbed his lower back after waking up. The bed was already empty.

It was crazy last night, and it lasted more than three hours.

What does the three or four hours of the little angel represent? It goes without saying that his lower back is still a little sore.

Soon, Mori Kogoro got up and dressed, and took the palm-sized magic stove with him.

It's strange to say that when Mori Kogoro held the magic stove, he faintly felt that someone was calling him, but he listened carefully, but he didn't hear anything.

This thing looks quite evil, Mori Kogoro wrapped it in a handkerchief, put it in his arms and walked out the door.

As soon as I came to the hotel restaurant, I saw other people.

As soon as Xiaolan saw her father, she smiled sweetly, while Hongzi deliberately turned her face away, pretending to be angry.

In addition, there are three other police officers conducting routine inquiries.

This is a police officer from Fukui Prefecture. The one in charge is a Mediterranean police officer. He doesn't even know Kogoro Mori, and his attitude is quite bad.

The Mediterranean police officer looked at Mori Kogoro, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked arrogant: "I heard that you were also at the scene of the crime last night. Tell me what your name is and what you are doing on the island."

Hattori Heiji said, "Officer, I advise you to be more polite to this handsome uncle, he is the most powerful detective in our country."

"Tch, detective, the police handle the case, but they don't care what detectives are." The Mediterranean police officer looked disdainful.

Conan said, "Uncle Mao Li is a big celebrity, with more than [-] million fans alone."

Hearing this, the Mediterranean police officer's perverse expression softened.

And Hongzi clicked on the introduction encyclopedia page of Mori Kogoro that he found on his phone, and slid the phone in front of the police officer.

"In addition, he has a very good friendship with the high-level officials of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. He not only helped solve many cases, but also saved the daughter of the Metropolitan Police Department. I heard that the appointment of these county-level police officers must be approved by the Metropolitan Police Department. I don't know if it's true?"

Flipping through Kogoro Mori's encyclopedia page, the Mediterranean police officer was instantly sweating, and quickly showed a flattering smile.

"I'm sorry, Maori Detective, I was too rude just now, please forgive me."

"Let me just say, a detective like you is a distinguished guest. How could he be a suspect? It's all a mistake made by the subordinates. Don't mind Maori Detective."

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