Mori Kogoro was rather surprised: "Suspect?"

Xiaolan explained angrily from the side: "Because of the police investigation, one of the tourists who attended the shrine last night testified that the dead Miss Shoumei got the wooden sign for [-], which is the wooden sign you picked up, Dad. So this group of policemen came to ask questions early in the morning."

The Mediterranean police officer quickly explained: "It's all the people below who made a mistake, Maori detectives must not take it to heart, go, go, go, we went to investigate elsewhere."

This guy pushed the two subordinates on the left and right, and then walked out of the hotel.

Conan and Hattori Heiji couldn't help but roll their eyes, this kind of police is too irresponsible!

Mori Kogoro sat down and began to enjoy breakfast, while Hattori Heiji said, "Uncle, we are mourning Sumi at Ebihara's house today, let's go and have a look later."

"Uncle, I always feel that this case is not an accident. What do you think of this case?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "It's not like an accident, but it was too dark last night to find any clues. It's raining again today. I'm afraid the traces on the mountain have been washed away. It's quite difficult to investigate."

He glanced at Conan and Hattori Heiji who were in a fit state. It seemed that it would be very difficult for these two people to accept that the case was an accident, and they had to find someone to take the blame.

Soon, Mori Kogoro had an idea.

The group changed into plain black clothes and went to Ebihara's house to express their condolences.

Chapter 0013 Molesting Hongzi

Fortunately, Xiaolan and Hongzi also have black clothes, otherwise they would have to buy them on the island.

Both women are wearing plain black dresses and black stockings, making their skin look fairer, especially the absolute area between the stockings and dresses is even more white and shiny.

When the two women came together, it was completely the focus of everyone's attention.

However, Hongzi glared at Kogoro Mori from time to time, as if complaining about what happened to him last night, but Kogoro Mori just responded with a smug smile.

Soon, everyone came to Hai Laoyuan's house and registered at the entrance.

There, they also saw Junhui Shimabukuro and Rokuro Fukuyama, who were in constant conversation.

Jun Hui changed into a black suit and skirt, and she looked more gentle. It was very different from the image of the fierce witch who shot with her bow last night.

"Lu Lang, did you see Mr. Menxie just now? His face was bruised and purple, and he kept rubbing his stomach. I don't know what happened, so I didn't tell him when I asked him."

Seeing the appearance of Menxie Benzang, Jun Hui suspected that he was the intruder last night.

Fukuyama Rokuro didn't care at all, instead he said: "Who knows, I heard that he stayed in the izakaya for a long time last night, maybe he got into a fight with a drinker, he is just an old hooligan."

He continued: "But Jun Hui, how did you think about the thing I told you last time?"

There was warmth in Fukuyama Rokuro's eyes.

But Jun Hui shook his head: "Lu Lang, I'm sorry, I can't agree, I'm sorry for your dead fiancée Shoumei, and I still have a great-grandmother to take care of, so let's forget about what you said."

A stern look flashed across Fukuyama Rokuro's eyes, which happened to be seen by Conan who was looking up.

Only then did Jun Hui see Mao Li and his party, and greeted them with a smile: "Detective Mao Li, are you also here to express condolences?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Come here uninvited, I won't disturb you."

"Of course not. If Shoumei sees so many people coming to see her, she should be very happy." A look of loneliness flashed in Junhui's eyes.

And at this moment, Conan the Little Ghost-head spoke up, with a nasty Zhengtai sound: "Brother Fukuyama, I seem to see that your house is next door, can we go to your house to see before expressing our condolences?"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he saw the cute little ghost, and Xiaolan scolded: "Conan, don't be naughty, this is a very serious place."

"But I really want to see it. I saw a lot of surfboards on the way here."

Fukuyama Rokuro looked at his watch, nodded and said, "That's fine, anyway, there is still some time, it's only two or three steps away, let's go."

After that, he led the way and brought everyone to Fukuyama's house next door. There were indeed many surfboards in the courtyard, and Conan immediately ran up pretending to be excited.

Seeing this, Hattori Heiji quickly chased after him: "Hey, Kudo, what are you doing here?"

Conan said in a low voice: "Just now I saw that guy's expression was a bit weird, and the deceased Sumi was his fiancee, and he was not sad at all. Don't you find it strange? I think it is necessary to investigate."

Conan shouted Zhengtaiyin again: "Hey, what is this warehouse, it looks amazing!"

The little ghost directly opened the warehouse door and broke in.

Mao Li and his group also followed, and saw that the warehouse was full of movie props, damaged ships, gorgeous mermaid props, and various photographic equipment...

Jun Hui couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow, I didn't expect you to keep it."

Fukuyama Rokuro introduced: "This is a prop we used when we filmed "The Story of Bikkhuni". I was reluctant to throw it away, so I kept it here."

Xiaolan asked suspiciously, ""Bhikkhuni Story"? Is it a Japanese film that won a gold award at an international film festival?"

Junhui nodded: "Yes, I, Naoko, Shoumei, Saori, and Lulang grew up together and were admitted to the same university. In the university, we joined the film club and worked together to make a movie. The movie "Bhikkhuni Story" won the gold award at that time, and everyone was very happy, thinking that it was going to enter Hollywood."

Fukuyama Rokuro also laughed: "That's right, I was able to win the award that time thanks to Shoumei as the heroine and Junhui's special effects makeup. Both of them won the award."

"Then why don't you continue to develop in the entertainment industry?" Xiaolan asked.

Jun Hui explained: "Because everyone is nostalgic for the life on the island, so they came back from the mainland, but they didn't expect such a thing to happen to Shoumei now, and Saori disappeared again."

Soon, a bright smile appeared on Jun Hui's face: "However, it's really good to recall the time we worked hard together."

Just never go back!

At this time, Fukuyama Rokuro saw that Conan was about to open the small room in the warehouse, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately went forward and grabbed the back of Conan's suit.

"Hey, brat, this is not where you should go!"

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