"Oh!" The little ghost nodded obediently, but his eyes were fixed on the small locked room.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri frowned slightly, and ordered secretly, and the Ant-Man robot flew out and began to search Fukuyama's house like a blanket.

Soon, Mori Kogoro discovered some interesting things, and his eyes kept flashing with surprise.

He glanced at Fukuyama Rokuro, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The plan that had been set was overturned in an instant, and it was re-planned.

And Fukuyama Rokuro said: "Let's go, let's go into the living room and have a cup of tea. You can't easily walk out of the mourning room at the beginning of condolences."

Everyone then walked to the living room, and Fukuyama Rokuro was the last one, and he took out a lock and locked it at the warehouse door.

Hattori Heiji and Conan both frowned. They looked at each other, and they also felt that the warehouse was weird, but the two locks inside and outside were already preventing the two from exploring.

Both of them were helpless.

After drinking a few cups of tea at Fukuyama's house, everyone returned to Ebihara's house, and then entered the mourning room one by one, and began to guard Shoumei's spirit.

When that door co-worker Benzou saw Mori Kogoro and Hongko, he hid away like a mouse seeing a cat.

Because of the arrangement, Mori Kogoro and Hongzi happened to be sitting in the corner on the right, with the wall behind them, no one could see them, but they could lean on them and take a rest.

Xiaolan, Conan, Hattori Heiji and others are all on the cushions in front.

Fukuyama Rokuro, Shimabukuro Kimie, and Monsie Benzzo were arranged on cushions near the gate.

The wake time in Japan is extremely long, and there are many rules and very serious. It is a very formal place, so you have to be very serious.

Therefore, this kind of lazy position is not stingy in the eyes of Kogoro Mori, especially if there is a beautiful girl like Hongzi by his side, it will not be too boring after all.

Hongzi glared at Kogoro Mori, then knelt down on the cushion, and Kogoro Mori sat down with a chuckle.

In front of Shoumei's posthumous photo, the invited monk closed his eyes, knocked on the wooden fish and began to read scriptures.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help yawning when he heard the boring scriptures, feeling bored, if he hadn't come to Ebihara's house to do something, he wouldn't be bothered to waste time here.

The bored Kogoro Mori turned his gaze to Akiko beside him.

Hongzi acted very seriously, but after sitting down on her knees, the absolute whiteness just now was covered by the skirt, and she could only see her slender calf wrapped in black knee socks, and the soles of her feet looked very soft .

Kogoro Mori saw that the rest of the people were listening to the chanting very seriously, and no one could see behind him, so a smirk appeared on his face, and he stretched out his big hand without hesitation, and grabbed Hongzi's little black sock. the soles of the feet.

Hongzi trembled suddenly, her cheeks turned red all of a sudden, she turned her head and glared at Kogoro Mori.

Chapter 0014

Because this is a very serious scene, Hongzi didn't dare to get angry, but just warned Mori Kogoro with her eyes.

But this warning had no effect on Mori Kogoro, his big hands started from the small soft soles of his black socks, and slowly climbed along the black knee socks, and he deliberately did not meet Hongzi's eyes.

Hongzi couldn't help panicking, only felt that her right calf was a little itchy, and her little hand greeted Moori Kogoro's mischievous big hand, pinching or pinching, but it didn't hurt at all.

Mori Kogoro's palms and backs were soft, and he felt very satisfied.

As for Hongzi's tickling-like offensive, he didn't take it to heart at all.

His left hand climbed to the bend of Hongzi's leg, and took root there, and he didn't move anymore.

Hongzi blushed with embarrassment, flustered, this was the first time she had seen such a rascal.

But this was Shoumei's memorial service, and everyone else listened to the monk above chanting sutras with solemn faces. No matter what, she didn't dare to explode, so she could only grit her teeth and endure it.

Her burgundy eyes staring at Kogoro Moori were about to kill, but she didn't dare to look at Kogoro Moori all the time, for fear that someone would find out the abnormality between the two of them.

In the end, Hongzi could only clenched his fists on his knees, lowered Qiansou, and endured Kogoro Mori's attack.

Seeing that the little witch gave in, Kogoro Mori was quite proud.

It was exciting to offend Hongzi in such a serious situation, but he didn't take it too far.

Carefully observing Hongzi's expression, this is already the limit she can accept.

It is still necessary to proceed step by step, otherwise the little witch will explode, which is not beautiful.

Anyway, the monks chanting sutras will continue until noon, and there is plenty of time.

At this moment, the door of the mourning room was quietly opened, and Jun Hui who was at the door slowly walked out of the door.

There was no one outside Hai Laoyuan's house, everyone was indoors.

Naturally, this scene did not attract anyone's attention, but it was hard to escape the gaze of Kogoro Mouri who was always watching her.

Kogoro Mouri thought, and several Ant-Man robots followed him out.

Sure enough, Jun Hui went out from the side hall of Hai Laoyuan's house and walked to the yard near the beach.

When this gentle priestess wanted to kill her, she looked like a different person, exuding a fierce aura all over her body.

She took the rope and strangled Naoko who came for the appointment from behind, and directly strangled Naoko to death.

Jun Hui, who had strangled Naoko to death, was also sitting paralyzed on the beach, covering her face and weeping silently, muttering in her mouth, "Mom! Mom! I avenged you!"

She didn't have much time to cry, and immediately tied Naoko's body to the fishing net, and then made footprints from the fishing net to the sea, and then sprinkled fish scales.

She cleared the sand from her body, her complexion returned to normal, and she returned to the mourning room.

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