Kogoro Mori couldn't help sighing when he saw Junhui Shimabukuro's rough handling of the crime scene, he still had to do the aftermath by himself.

I am afraid no one in the world can see through the traces made by the Ant-Man robot.

Mori Kogoro remotely controlled the little Ant-Man robots and began to act.

Time passed extremely quickly, and Kogoro Mori, who was still concentrating on making troubles, suddenly felt his ears being pinched, and his body was suddenly pulled over.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that Hongzi's brows were constantly beating, and the anger in his eyes could hardly be suppressed.

She gritted her teeth and whispered, "Take your stinky hand away from me."

Without paying attention for a while, the left hand slid and slid under Hongzi's buttocks.

"Sorry, sorry, my hand slipped."

Mori Kogoro, who apologized softly, put his hand back in the crook of his leg.

Hongzi almost went mad with anger, where is there such a vicious person, who is trying every means to take advantage of him.

At this moment, the monk above recited the scriptures, and everyone saluted one after another, including Mori Kogoro and Hongzi.

The memorial service was finally over, Hongzi got up immediately, and dragged Mori Kogoro out of the room, seeing Xiaolan bewildered.

She found an empty room next to her and went in, asking repeatedly: "Big pervert, why did you treat me like this just now?"

"I haven't bothered with you about what happened last night. Today you are like this again. What do you want?"

"Believe it or not, I'll call the police and arrest you?"

Mori Kogoro laughed: "A majestic witch heir has to rely on the help of the police, tsk tsk tsk!"

"As for you asking me what I want to do, it's very simple. You have called me so many big perverts, how can I let you down?"

Seeing Hongzi whose face was still blushing in front of him, Mori Kogoro slammed his wall on the wall, just like last night, and kissed Hongzi's pink lips domineeringly.

Hongzi's body tensed immediately, his five fingers clawed at the wall, making marks one after another.

Mori Kogoro had already seen through Hongzi's intentions, if he really wanted to worry about not looking for this empty room, this was clearly a signal for him to go one step further, of course he took one step without hesitation.

But at this moment, there was a sharp scream in Ebihara's house. It was a female guest who found Naoko's body hanging from a fishing net in the yard.

Conan and Hattori Heiji immediately rushed to the corpse. Hattori Heiji touched Naoko's neck and shook his head: "It's hopeless."

Both Xiaolan and Jun Hui looked at this scene with horror on their faces.

Especially Jun Hui, whose pupils kept shrinking, his face full of disbelief.

The scene she had just arranged by herself was quite different now.

The dugong's arrows scattered on the ground disappeared, and all his footprints disappeared. Instead, there were only fish tail marks left, leading to the bottom of the sea.

This appearance, as if the mermaid really came out of the bottom of the sea to take revenge, and finally returned to the bottom of the sea.

Conan and Hattori Heiji realized the weirdness of this scene and their expressions changed drastically.

And from time to time someone in the crowd of onlookers shouted.

"It's the mermaid's revenge!"

"Is the mermaid back?"

"A dreadful curse!"

Soon, the Mediterranean police officers who were investigating on the island were quickly notified.

As soon as the police officer ran over, he shouted repeatedly: "You two, what are you doing standing at the scene? Are you trying to destroy the traces of the scene?"

Conan and Hattori Heiji obediently stepped aside and let the Mediterranean police officer take pictures to collect evidence.

However, the two looked at each other, with a flash of light in their eyes at the same time, they immediately pushed aside the crowd and ran outside.

Chapter 0015

In the room, Hongzi was almost distraught by the kiss.

Her pretty face was blushing, her right hand hesitated to move forward, and finally hugged Kogoro Mori's waist.

Sure enough, the witch's small mouth was extremely sweet to kiss.

After a long time, Mori Kogoro let go of his mouth, holding his clean chin, and said in a warm voice.

"Okay, don't be petty, it seems that something happened outside, we should go out."

"Yeah!" The confused Hongzi nodded.

But soon she realized, didn't she come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?How did it become like this again?

However, the kiss just now was so comfortable!

Seeing Mori Kogoro turn around and go out, Hongzi also hurriedly followed.

Soon, the two came to the corridor of the side hall of Ebihara's house, crossed the crowd to the front, and saw the dead body of Naoko hanging on a fishing net.

Seeing Mori Kogoro appearing, Xiaolan put her arms around his arm: "Father, where have you been? Miss Naoko is also dead."

An elderly old woman on the side said: "It's a pitiful death, I have turned into a mermaid."

Hongzi frowned suddenly: "Mermaid?"

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