"Drug traffickers?" Xiaolan and Huiyuan looked puzzled.

"Okay, this is just in case, and it probably won't happen anymore. The three drug lord forces on the island are almost exhausted. I'll help to finish it off. Don't run around, do you understand?" Mao Li touched After patting the heads of Xiaolan and Huiyuan, they got off the rooftop and headed towards the pier.

Mori Kogoro ran all the way, and on the way to the pier, he heard continuous gunshots from a distance. Takagi and the others were constantly confronting the Nishimoto family's subordinates behind the bunker. They had already made the Nishimoto family want to escape. All the ships were destroyed, and looking at the situation, Takagi and the others had the upper hand.

Mao Li kept approaching the pier, and unexpectedly found that footballs were being kicked out of the grass behind the men in black. The kicks were very precise, and each football hit the men in black on the foreheads.

Of course, only Conan can do this kind of thing. Unexpectedly, Conan also came to the pier in the end.

Maori didn't care about Conan, he picked up the pistol he had confiscated from Nishimoto Ken, with both guns in hand, and rushed up.

The perfect level of spear skills is used, and the effect is very obvious when you go around and attack the enemy from behind.

However, in front of Takagi, Dazuo and other police officers and Conan, Mori Kogoro did not shoot his head with a gun as fiercely as before. Every shot he hit was very precise on the shoulder of the man in black, seriously injuring him but not As for harming lives.

Within a few seconds, more than [-] men in black fell down, and more than a dozen people in black fell down. The group of men in black reacted and quickly shot in the direction of Maori behind.

However, with the gun feel under the gun fighting technique and the non-human speed of 42 points, none of these bullets hit Mori Kogoro.

He continued to move forward with gunfire, like a god, and he managed to suppress the firepower of more than ten people with two pistols. Conan, who was hiding in the grass beside him, couldn't believe it when he saw this scene, and his mouth was wide open. big.

Officer Takagi, Officer Dazuo and others couldn't believe it when they saw this scene, but they still seized the opportunity and attacked from behind the bunker.

Under the attack of the two sides, the group of men in black were either killed or injured. In the end, they were all frightened and lay on the ground afraid to get up.

Only then did Kogoro Mori pass over the crowd and asked the Colonel, "Have you seen Miwako Sato?"

"Officer Sato is trying to capture Masaki Nishimoto, who has escaped." Takagi replied from the side, and it was only then that Mori knew the old guy's real name.

At this moment, a female voice came from the coast: "Maoli, this way!"

It was the voice of Miwako Sato. She got a sea motorboat from nowhere and was beckoning Maori to get on it.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro didn't hesitate, his speed exploded, he rushed to the dark seaside, and jumped onto the motorboat at once.

Miwako Sato immediately yelled, "You bastard, where are you putting your hands?"

"The motorboat is so slippery that you don't even have a handle. If you don't grab something, what will you do if you fall into the sea? Don't pay attention to these details. Drive fast, or you won't be able to catch them." Mori Kogoro didn't even want to let go .

Miwako Sato gritted her teeth, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed towards the dark sea.

Facing the sea breeze and the splashing cold sea water, there was no light at all on the sea, only two headlights from the motorboat.

The veins on Sato's forehead kept jumping up: "I warn you, it's fine if you catch it, why are you rubbing it?"

Of course Kogoro Mori would not answer such a question with his aggressive character, instead he said: "There is nothing in such a dark sea, how do you chase after it?"

"Isn't there you? Mori Kogoro, just like the last time you caught Kawashima Yuichi, quickly use your detective sense."

Kogoro Mori couldn't help being speechless when he heard this. This Sato regarded himself as a police dog, but he did have a way to hunt down Masayoshi Nishimoto, and he used the tracking charm.

Mori Kogoro would never let that Nishimoto Masaki go. It is absolutely unforgivable to send someone to hurt Xiaolan. Thinking of this, Mori's hands couldn't help but tense up.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, what are you doing with my chest?" Miwako Sato couldn't help being furious, stopped the motorboat, and turned around to wrestle with Kogoro Mori.

But Kogoro Moori suddenly stopped him: "I'm sorry, I was lost in thought just now, I'll rub it for you when I get back."

After finishing speaking, Mouri passed Miwako Sato, took control of the motorboat, and said to Miwako, "Hold me tight."

The speed of the motorboat exploded in an instant, and Sato immediately hugged Mori Kogoro tightly.

The tracking symbol worked wonders again, and a one-to-one map appeared in Mori Kogoro's mind, and the old guy was on a medium-sized speedboat.

The escaped Nishimoto Masaki and his fifteen men were waiting for the round in the speedboat. All the lights on the speedboat were extinguished, and the dark night was the best cover. This speedboat was not obvious in the sea at all, but it was difficult Escape the pursuit of Mori Kogoro.

After using the perfect-level stance skills, the speed of the motorboat quickly increased to [-] miles, and Sato began to scream again and again. The sound was similar to that of a deep-sea witch.

The motorboat quickly approached the pursuing speedboat.

Mori Kogoro had already turned off all the headlights on the motorboat, but the sound of the engine quickly attracted the attention of the people on the speedboat.

Chapter 0072 The Dust Falls

On the speedboat, Changji Nishimoto's subordinates said, "Could it be that Monday and Ah Jian are back, we have been waiting here for a long time."

The old guy listened to the movement outside: "No, there is only one car. It seems that there was an accident. Hurry up and pick them up."

Ren Nishimoto Masaki was as cunning as a ghost, and he would never have expected that someone would catch up in the vast sea. There were only two or three people who knew the route in Nishimoto's house, and they were all extremely loyal people, so they naturally would not doubt it. up the deck to meet.

Changji Nishimoto has decided to set off immediately after the people in the future pick up the ship, smuggle out of the Neon Sea, and board the big ship towards Huaxia.

But when the old guy appeared on the deck, he only heard the sound of the motorboat and vaguely saw the motorboat approaching, but he didn't see any lights, so he immediately noticed something was wrong.

At this time, gunshots rang out, and flames appeared from the assault boat, shooting at everyone on the deck, and two people fell down immediately.

"It's the police. The police are here." Soon someone on the speedboat took out a submachine gun to fight back. The submachine gun sprayed flames into the dark sea, but it couldn't hit the motorboat that Maori was driving at all.

Mori Kogoro fired again from the other side, hitting two more shots in a row.

Miwako Sato looked at the side face of Kogoro Mori in front of her. She was good at marksmanship, could race cars, and drove a motorboat. The most amazing thing was that she actually tracked down Masayoshi Nishimoto in this vast sea. She seemed to be omnipotent. She couldn't help but I think Mori Kogoro is very mysterious.

The gunshots rang out again, and two more assailants with submachine guns were hit and fell down from the deck.

At this time, the speedboat started to move, and the rest of the people did not dare to show their heads anymore. The speedboat just wanted to get rid of the policemen who were chasing them.

Kogoro Mori exerted his strength, and pulled Miwako Sato behind him to the front, asking her to help control the motorboat, while he turned sideways.

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