"Miwako, speed up and get closer to that ship." Mori patted Sato's buttocks.

Sato immediately reacted: "Are you crazy? At such a fast speed, you wanted to jump over, hit it and fell into the sea. No one can save you."

"Don't worry, I'm sure, this old guy dares to hurt my family, I will never let him go." Maori said this with a confident face, and this emotion also infected Sato, and she didn't say it again. Say something more.

The motorboat continued to accelerate, and soon approached the medium-sized speedboat. Mori Kogoro and Sato signaled, kicked their legs, jumped up from the motorboat, grabbed the fence on the speedboat with both hands, and turned over again. After boarding the speedboat, no one was alarmed.

Then there is the wolf among the sheep.


Miwako Sato drove the motorboat and kept chasing the speedboat. It didn't take long before she saw the speedboat stop.

All the lights on the speedboat were turned on, and the figure of Mori Kogoro appeared on the deck. Sato couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

The motorboat kept approaching, and Kogoro Mori picked up Sato. At this time, under the light, Mouri found that Sato's clothes were all wet by sea water, revealing a graceful figure, and Mouri couldn't help swallowing.

Sato didn't care. When he boarded the boat, he saw unconscious strong men in black tied together on the deck, and an old man with a bruised nose and a swollen face tied to the mast.

If Sato hadn't looked carefully, she wouldn't have recognized that this was Masaki Nishimoto, who was scheming in the public hall, and she couldn't help giving Kogoro Mori a thumbs up.

As soon as the sea breeze blew, the adrenaline in her body gradually subsided, and Miwako Sato, who was drenched all over, only felt a little cold all over her body.

Mori Kogoro pulled her into the cabin and put a towel on her. The cabin was heated, which made her feel more comfortable.

Mori Kogoro skillfully fiddled with the buttons on the speedboat, and the speedboat started quickly and headed towards Moon Shadow Island.

This guy can really do anything!Sato wiped the short hair on his head, and stared at Kogoro Mori with purple eyes in a daze. He didn't help at all in the arrest at sea this time. On the contrary, this Maori detective was better at fighting than the police. The boatmen have all been taken down, which is really a bit powerful!

"How is it? Does it still hurt?" Maori asked.


"Does your chest still hurt from scratching just now? I'm so sorry, I'm a bit strong. If you need a massage, just say so, and I'll be there for you at any time." Mao Li laughed, scumbag.

The veins on Miwako Sato's head kept jumping up: I take back the evaluation just now, this guy is so amazing, he is a perverted sex maniac, to say such rude things to a woman!

The speedboat kept breaking through the waves, and a man on board laughed triumphantly.


The lights on the pier were bright, and reinforcements from the Metropolitan Police Department finally arrived. Police officer Megure, wearing a windbreaker and hat, was standing next to Xiaolan. Anxiously waiting.

Police officer Mu Mu said: "Xiao Lan, why don't you go back to rest first, Brother Mao Li is so powerful, he will definitely be fine, I will let you know when there is news."

Suddenly, the voice of the chief officer came out: "The boat is coming, everyone is on guard." Dozens of policemen surrounded them with their hands on their backs and the butts of their guns.

It was Takagi who had sharp eyes, and seeing Miwako Sato waving to everyone on the deck, he couldn't help shouting excitedly: "It's Officer Sato! It's Officer Sato!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she immediately ran up to Huiyuan with her arms in her arms.


Mori Kogoro was hugged tightly as soon as he got off the boat. Looking down, it turned out to be Xiaolan and Haibara. Haibara's light blue eyes gradually regained calm, while Xiaolan's big eyes still showed fear. , with a red nose, as if she had just cried.

"Lan, don't cry, don't cry, didn't I come back safely? These guys are like weak chickens, they are no match for me." Mao Li looked at Xiao Lan who was about to cry and couldn't help but panic.

Xiaolan raised her head: "Dad, promise me that you won't do such dangerous things in the future, can you?"

Looking at Xiao Lan who looked expectant, Mao Li naturally nodded with a wry smile.

Only then did Xiao Lan happily bury her head on Mao Li's shoulder.

Maori hugged Xiaolan and Huiyuan at the same time, feeling like he owned the whole world at once.


"Cough, cough, cough..." The big fat police officer at the side had no eyesight at all, so he insisted on disturbing this warm moment.

Xiaolan left Mouri Kogoro's arms reluctantly.

Mouri looked at Police Officer Mumu with a bit of unkind eyes, but Police Officer Mugure didn't notice it at all, and came forward to hold Kogoro Maoli's hands: "Brother Maoli, I really want to thank you this time, this time the drug case If it wasn't for Brother Maori, Sato and the others don't know how heavy the casualties are. These children don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and eight people dare to handle such a big case. Fortunately, they encountered infighting among drug dealers, otherwise, the consequences would be serious."

"Officer Megure, you're welcome. This is the right thing to do. Officer Sato and I hit it off right away. I'm happy to help her."

Maoli turned his head and saw Huibara's drowsy appearance, so he couldn't help but said: "Officer Megure, let's do the transcript tomorrow. It's already very late now, and the children are going to bed."

Police Officer Mu Mu hurriedly stepped aside: "Oh, no problem, just come to the public hall tomorrow, ah..." Officer Mu Mu also yawned, "Actually, I am also sleepy, but tonight There is no way to sleep, nearly a hundred people died, and this time we have to stay overnight again."

Chapter 0073 Angel Xiaolan

Mao Li and his party walked honestly with Aso on the path on Moon Shadow Island, listening to Mori Kogoro explaining the whole story.

Xiaolan's expression was still a bit shocked.

Conan then exclaimed: "So Dr. Asai, you are the daughter of Keiji Aso, and you are the one who issued the commission. Everyone on this island is a drug dealer."

Aso's honest tone was very relaxed: "Yeah, I thought about revenge myself, thanks to the Maori detective who stopped me, and let these villains be punished one by one. Mr. Maori, thank you so much."

In the achievement of favorability, Makoto Aso's affection for Kogoro Mori has soared to 81. Kogoro Mori glanced at Makoto Aso who was wearing stockings, and couldn't help saying: "There are many ways to thank you, it's better to show your body." Let's do it!"

Aso honestly blushed when he heard this.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "Dad!"

There was a cold look in the eyes of the sleepy loli in Xiaolan's arms.

Mao Li touched his head and laughed twice: "I'm just kidding, but Dr. Aso, your father's matter is settled, what's your plan for the future?"

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