Aso smiled honestly: "I plan to go back to Tokyo. I have been here for two years for revenge. To be honest, I have hated this place for a long time. When I return to Tokyo, I should open a private clinic." Bar."

"Private clinic, it's better for Miss Aso to come and be my private doctor." Mao Li invited.

"Of course, Mr. Mori." Aso agreed with an honest smile.

After passing through the clinic, the Maoli family said goodbye to Aso Honestly. On the occasion of parting, Aso sincerely bowed to Maoli Kogoro: "Detective Maoli, thank you again, don't worry, I won't say anything about that out."

Conan followed him with a puzzled look on his face: "What's the matter?"

Having said that, Aso honestly entered the clinic, and Maori and his party returned to the hotel.

At this moment, a fist landed on Conan's head, and a big red envelope immediately appeared on Conan's head.

"You little devil, where did you go just now? Do you know that Xiaolan Huiyuan and the others were just pointed at with a gun and almost died." Mori Kogoro's accusing voice came out.

"What a cowardly brat, he ran away when he encountered danger." Mori Kogoro's words pierced Conan's heart like sharp arrow feathers.

Conan's face immediately changed drastically. He didn't know about Xiaolan and the others being in danger. He just sneaked out alone after Maori left to find out the truth.

Xiaolan reluctantly opened her mouth to comfort her: "Father, Conan is just a child, why are you treating him like this, and in that situation, Conan can't help you at all!"

Although Xiaolan said so verbally, she looked at Conan with a somewhat displeased expression. When she was in the clinic before, she found that Conan had disappeared. When she was looking for him, the voices of Nishimoto Ken and others happened to come from outside. , they took their guns and opened the door.

So Xiaolan vaguely felt that Conan was scared when he saw these bad guys, and then ran away by himself.

As soon as she had this thought, Xiaolan's attitude towards Conan became indifferent.

Conan looked at the crowd accusing himself, unable to explain, he couldn't explain why he ran there, why he appeared again after Officer Mumu appeared, and Conan was extremely guilty of Xiaolan's distress just now, so he couldn't help but bow his head.

Hui Yuan, who was in Xiao Lan's arms, also opened his mouth to make up the knife: "Coward!"

Conan wanted to cry without tears.


They returned to the hotel and walked to the corridor, only to find that the doors of the room they were staying in had been opened, showing signs of being searched, so they quickly called the hotel staff to help tidy up, and then re-entered the room.

It was already past one o'clock in the morning, Kogoro Mori looked at Huiyuan who was carried into the room by Xiaolan, and said, "Xiao Ai, didn't you say you want to sleep with me?"

Huiyuan gave Maori a blank look, and after Xiaolan sacrificed herself to protect herself on the rooftop, her perception of Xiaolan had changed: "No, I'm going to sleep with Xiaolan now."

When Xiaolan heard what Huiyuan said, she opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she stopped.

Maori couldn't help but sighed in disappointment, then turned around and entered the room.

Conan couldn't help but give Kogoro Mori a blank look: It really is Lolicon!

After returning to the room, several people washed up separately, and then went back to bed to sleep. Xiaolan looked at Huiyuan who was already asleep, got up quietly, opened the door, and walked outside.


Mori Kogoro had also fallen asleep, and suddenly heard a knock on the door, he was awakened immediately, and couldn't help wondering, could it be Miwako Sato who came to the door?Thinking of this, Maori couldn't help but feel hot, and quickly got up and opened the door, only to see Xiaolan in pink pajamas standing outside.

Xiaolan stepped into the room one by one.

"Lan, it's so late, didn't you rest with Xiao Ai?" Mao Li couldn't help but wonder, there was no thunder today.

"Dad, I want to sleep with you tonight, is that okay?" Xiao Lan raised her head, looking at Mao Li with fear in her eyes, as if she was afraid that Mao Li would just disappear.

Looking at Xiaolan's trembling body, Mao Li immediately understood what Xiaolan was afraid of, and he stretched out his hand to hold Xiaolan tightly in his arms.

"Lan, don't be afraid, of course."

At this moment, Mao Li realized Xiaolan's deep attachment to him, and he couldn't help being very moved. It turned out that he was so important to Xiaolan. After all, Xiaolan was a sixteen-year-old girl, a little girl who was afraid of losing her father.

Mao Li hugged Xiao Lan, felt her heartbeat gradually became calmer, and her soft body changed from trembling to slack, and the two went to bed.

Xiaolan's head was lying on Kogoro Mouri's arm, her soft body was tightly attached to Kogoro Mouri's body, and she reached out to hug Kogoro Mouri's waist. She blinked her big eyes and looked at the profile of Mouri Kogoro , said: "Dad, am I stupid and useless?"

"Why do you say that?" Maori couldn't help wondering.

Xiao Lan pursed her mouth: "Conan and Xiao Ai are both smart, and they can find a lot of things when they see dead people in the public hall. They only know so much when they are just children, but I didn't find anything. Am I very smart?" Stupid? And this time it’s so dangerous, I can’t help you, I must be useless!”

Mao Li looked at Xiao Lan who felt that she was not as good as the two children, and her little face was full of frustration. This little expression is really cute!

Mao Li couldn't help laughing secretly, he turned his head, put his head on Xiao Lan's smooth forehead, rubbed it lightly, and comforted him: "My Xiao Lan is so cute, how could she be stupid, it's just that Dad, I didn't teach you how to find clues That's all, once Dad teaches you, you will become a famous high school girl detective in Tokyo."

"It's just that I don't want Xiaolan to be a detective. I just hope that Xiaolan can live happily and don't need to be exposed to so many darkness. After all, my Xiaolan is an angel, and angels should be under the light." fly."

Hearing these words, Xiaolan's face turned red when she felt such an intimate gesture from Maori.

Chapter 0074 Angel Xiaolan 2

Xiaolan's face turned red: Dad, I'm not as good as you said!I'm not an angel at all!

She looked at Kogoro Moori who was close at hand, and smelled the smell from Mouri's body. She seemed a little intoxicated, and she couldn't help but hugged Mouri tightly.

Mori Kogoro continued: "It's just a bit useless. Martial art is not as good as Dad's, and he can't reason to solve cases, and he can't find clues. He helps massage and often presses Dad sorely. Hey, so Xiaolan It seems really useless!"

Nani? ?

Xiaolan immediately became dissatisfied when she heard this, and raised her hand to pat Maoli Kogoro's chest muscles: "Father!"

Mori Kogoro immediately struggled with a smile, "Oh, don't hit, don't hit, dad is teasing you."

Mao Li grabbed Xiaolan's left hand, hugged it tightly, pressed his soft body tightly against himself, and said, "How can Xiaolan be useless! In fact, Xiaolan has many advantages, and her homework is very good. He is very virtuous, knows how to cook, and thanks to Xiaolan for taking care of you, Dad can live a good life."

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