Mao Li stared at Xiao Lan, and said solemnly: "Xiao Lan can be Dad's good daughter, Dad is already very happy, Lan, Dad loves you."

When Xiaolan heard such words, her whole face was red with steam, her head was buzzing, and she couldn't help but shyly buried her head in Mao Li's shoulder, coquettishly like a kitten.

The two hug each other very close, and they both enjoy the warmth of the moment very much.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling: Sure enough, the daughter is a completely different existence, and Xiaolan is the only person in Maori's world who cannot be separated.

Just when Maori was very excited, Xiaolan's blush subsided a little, but she seemed to think of something, raised her head slightly, pursed her mouth slightly, and said, "I don't believe it, Dad, you are biased, you seem to like Xiaolan more. Alas!"

"What's the matter?" Maori shook his head naturally.

"But Dad obviously likes Xiao Ai better. He hugs her, plays with her, and kisses her every day. It feels like she is more like Dad's daughter. Dad, you didn't treat me like this when I was young." Xiaolan Speaking of this, there seems to be some resentment in the words.

After hearing this, Mao Li couldn't help laughing, turned his head to look at Xiao Lan, touched Xiao Lan's head, leaned forward and kissed her pure white cheek, Mua.

"Hehe, it turns out that Xiaolan is jealous, but in fact, Dad's favorite is Xiaolan's. It's just that Xiaolan has grown up, and Dad can no longer treat you like he did when he was a child. Moreover, Huiyuan is different from you. exist!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she couldn't help getting up, and she looked very angry: "Dad, how did I grow up? I am only 16 years old. I will not be an adult until I am 18 years old. I will be considered an adult at that time."

"Okay, okay, Xiaolan hasn't grown up yet, in the future, Dad will spend more time with Xiaolan and accompany you more." Mao Li stretched out his hand and pulled Xiaolan down, feeling two soft balls hitting him heavily, it was really a little bit Didn't 'grow up' either!Xiaolan, how embarrassing are you for other women!

Xiaolan was still angry, and continued to say: "Father, don't do such dangerous things again, I am really worried about you, you are not a policeman anymore, leave these things to the police!"

Mao Li looked at Xiaolan's worried look, and couldn't help being moved. This is really his own caring little padded jacket: "Lan, I promise you, but Dad also wants to tell you, Dad will definitely protect you, whoever wants to hurt you, I am It will definitely not make him feel better."

"Dad!" The two hugged each other tightly again.

After a while, Mao Li let go of Xiaolan, lying on the bed, and said, "Okay, Xiaolan, it's late, go to bed."

He stretched out his hand as Xiaolan's pillow, and then closed his eyes.

The treasure that Maori wants to protect the most in this world is by his side, so this is the moment when Mori Kogoro feels at ease.

In the darkness, Xiaolan blinked her big eyes. She looked at the profile of Mori Kogoro's profile, which was undulating like a mountain, and she felt very at ease.Half lying on Kogoro Mori's body, with her arms tightly around Kogoro Mori's waist, smelling the smell of Kogoro Mori, she also fell asleep slowly.


The next morning, Mori Kogoro woke up first again. He was still a little dazed. He felt the softness in his hands. He started to use Chabo's ability to know women again, and he couldn't help rubbing his hands. It felt very good.

It’s not Yuko Ikezawa’s, it’s not Akemi Miyano’s, and it’s not like Princess Kako’s. It’s impossible for Kazuha to be so big, and Takakazu Toda is not so small. The ones are smaller.

As soon as Mao Li thought of this, he immediately woke up. He slept with Xiao Lan last night. He lowered his head and saw that his hands were completely submerged in Xiao Lan's pajamas. Mao Li's expression changed drastically.

He made the same mistake in Blizzard Villa again, and couldn't help slapping himself countless times in his mind.

Mao Li couldn't help but began to pray, Xiao Lan, please don't wake up!

With a glance, Xiaolan on her shoulder is still sleeping soundly, her white face is beautiful, her eyelashes are curled, and her eyes are tightly closed.

Mao Li relaxed slightly. At this moment, Mao Li felt that the heartbeat from the soft hands was abnormal. Xiao Lan's heartbeat changed, and it was no longer smooth. Stormy.

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear Xiaolan's harsh voice. He opened his eyes again and found that Xiaolan was still sleeping soundly.

Mao Li couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, he let go of the two balls in his hands, and pulled out his palms one by one from the collar of Xiaolan's pajamas, moving very slowly, for fear of waking Xiaolan up.

One hand came out smoothly, and the other hand came out smoothly, and Mao Li let out a long and silent breath, which almost scared half his life away. I didn't expect Xiao Lan to have such a small problem as arrhythmia. , Maori almost thought he was going to die.

Maori didn't dare to stay on the bed anymore, and was about to get up, but suddenly found that history was always surprisingly similar.Not only did he have Xiaolan's head on his shoulder, but he also had Xiaolan's thighs around his waist. The slender thighs were elastic, but they also locked Maoli tightly.

Mao Li couldn't help but looked up at the ceiling, lost in thought. With his intelligence as high as 39 points, he couldn't think of any way to escape easily without alarming Xiao Lan. He couldn't help sighing.

Mao Li turned his head slightly, but suddenly found a golden light on the collar where his hands had been taken off just now, the gold medal for avoiding death, the golden light formed peaks left and right, the spring is infinitely good.

Mao Li fell into deep thought again. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to do a good job of dealing with the aftermath so that people will not notice it at all, so Mao Li slowly stretched out his hand, intending to straighten Xiao Lan's collar.

But he didn't notice at all that there was a blush on Xiaolan's white face, her ears were completely red, and there was a slight slit under her eyelashes. Seeing Mao Li's evil big hand attacking his chest again, Xiaolan couldn't bear it any longer. Can't stop.

With a "hmm" sound in his mouth, he put his hands up, made a stretching posture, and woke up.

Mori Kogoro's soul and gallbladder were all scattered, and he used the speed of 38. His hand came back like lightning, his eyes were closed tightly, and he pretended to be still sleeping.

Chapter 0075 Angel Xiaolan 3

Xiaolan stretched her waist, opened her eyes, and her eyes seemed to contain water mist. She turned her head to look at Kogoro Mouri, and saw that Kogoro Mouri was pretending to sleep, she couldn't help snorting, big pervert! ! !

Just now Xiaolan woke up when Mao Li rubbed his hands, but she just pretended to be asleep, but when Xiaolan found that Mao Li's hand was retracted and wanted to come back again, it was completely unbearable He pretended to wake up suddenly.

Looking at the loose collar, Xiaolan blushed a little, and hurriedly tidied up her pajamas. She turned her head to look at Kogoro Mouri, seeing that Kogoro Mouri was still pretending to be asleep, her big eyes rolled, and a smile appeared on her small face. There was a mischievous smile.

Xiaolan's eyes were shining brightly. She stretched out two fingers and pinched Kogoro Mouri's nose to prevent him from breathing.

Mao Li was still pretending to be asleep, so he could only open his mouth to exhale. When Xiaolan saw Mao Li open his mouth, his face was even more malicious.

At this time, Xiaolan is not like an angel, but a little devil with horns on her head.

She stretched out her other hand, put her middle finger into Mouri's mouth, and flicked Mori Kogoro's tongue.

Being attacked again, Mao Li was completely unexpected, turned his head involuntarily, and broke free, but still pretended not to wake up.

Xiaolan laughed triumphantly, and then she retracted her thigh wrapped around Maoli's waist. When she called back, she suddenly felt a hot iron rod. Xiaolan immediately realized what it was, and couldn't help but blush , and glanced at Maori with winking eyes: What a pervert! !

Xiaolan raised her thigh and finally retracted it, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on her forehead.

Xiaolan didn't dare to continue to sleep in the room, she opened the quilt with minimal movements, and got up.


At this moment, the doors of the other two rooms have already been opened, and Conan and Haibara both woke up. After washing up, they walked out of the room, and when they met each other in the corridor, they sneered.

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