Conan had two dark circles under his eyes. He still couldn't figure out many things during his trip to Moon Shadow Island. He had been thinking about it last night, but he still didn't understand. He thought he would ask Dr. Aso again today.

Conan saw Huiyuan, and asked, "Where is sister Xiaolan?"

Huiyuan looked indifferent: "I don't know, when I woke up in the morning, there was no one there, so go and help us buy breakfast."

At this moment, the door of Mori Kogoro's room opened, and Xiaolan, who was wearing pink pajamas with a sleepy face, came out.

The expressions of Conan and Haibara suddenly changed drastically.

The veins on Hui Yuan's forehead kept jumping up: You really are a vicious woman, I really misjudged you yesterday!You actually coaxed me to sleep with you, and then ran to Maori's room by myself when I fell asleep. It's too scheming and disgusting.

She completely ignored that it was she who wanted to sleep with Xiaolan last night.

Huiyuan didn't know why she was angry, but she was very angry, her face became as cold as ice, her eyes were full of anger, and she sprayed towards Xiaolan.

As for student Conan, his face is as if a five-color bottle has been knocked over. His small face is very complicated, his mouth is constantly twitching, his hands and feet are swaying uncontrollably, and he is posing in a posture similar to Salted Egg Superman. I can't believe it.

Conan couldn't help asking: "Xiao, sister Xiaolan, did you sleep in here last night?"

Xiaolan's pretty face was slightly red, and Conan couldn't help vomiting blood in his heart when he saw this scene: She, she, she blushed! ! !

Seeing the strange expressions of the two children in front of her, Xiaolan couldn't help explaining: "Last night, I waited for Xiao Ai to fall asleep, and then I talked to my father about some things, and fell asleep while talking, and I slept soundly. It's gone." Naturally, Xiaolan couldn't say that she slept with her father because she was afraid.

Conan couldn't help questioning: "Why do you have to go to Uncle Maori's room to talk at night?"

Huiyuan couldn't help but say, "It's too unseemly to sleep with Dad at such a grown-up person!" There was a coldness in her pale blue eyes.

At this moment, Haibara and Conan are on the same front.

When Xiaolan heard Huiyuan's words, she looked like an irritated female leopard, her eyes were fixed on Huiyuan: "I am my father's daughter. I have a good relationship with my father. Can't we sleep together?"

At this moment, Xiaolan and Haibara are fighting head-to-head, not retreating at all, and she completely ignores Conan's question.

After a while, Xiaolan calmed down and returned to her usual gentle appearance, ignoring the two of them: "I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go back to my room to wash up." walk by.

Huiyuan's light blue eyes were filled with ice, looking at Xiaolan who was going away, he couldn't help but said: This woman is not simple! ! !

And Conan, who was on the side, collapsed on the wall of the corridor, staring at the ceiling blankly, and muttered in his mouth: "How could this be? How could this be?"


At this time, Kogoro Mori's room was opened again, and Kogoro Mori came out fully dressed, and saw Conan and Haibara with strange expressions outside the door.

As soon as Hui Yuan saw Mao Li, he immediately dissipated and felt cold all over. Xiaomeng looked up at Mao Li, showing a cute smile: "Uncle Mao Li!"

As for Conan, when he saw Mori Kogoro, he rushed forward as if seeing his father and enemy killed: "Moori Kogoro, I will fight with you!"

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and grabbed Conan's face, even if he used both hands and feet, he couldn't hit him half a point.

Seeing this inexplicable Conan, Maori was puzzled for a while, and stretched out his other hand to hug Haibara: "Xiao Ai, what happened, how did Conan become like this?"

Haibara put eye drops on Conan mercilessly: "I don't know, it seems that Conan became jealous when he saw Xiaolan sleeping with you, so he became like this."

Conan saw that his enemy was arranging himself with another annoying loli, and couldn't help but dance with his hands and feet, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get Mao Li at all, and in the end he only got three bursting chestnuts.

Mao Li carried Huiyuan and walked to the front desk of the hotel, leaving a little boy in the corridor, holding three big red envelopes on his head, and collapsed on the wall of the corridor with his eyes blank, saying one sentence repeatedly: "Why? Will this happen?"


Mao Li was waiting in the hotel lobby, and after a while Xiaolan appeared in sight after washing. Xiaolan was wearing black jeans and a green jacket, her face was rosy, her complexion was very good, and she was full of youthful breath.

And behind Xiaolan was a dejected little boy, who could be said to have reached the bottom of the valley.

The lady at the front desk couldn't help asking: "Little brother, what's wrong with you, you look so ugly."

Conan didn't pay attention to it at all, and kept saying those words with his head down. "how so?"

Seeing this, Xiaolan smiled softly, and explained to the front desk lady: "He's fine, he'll be fine in a while, don't worry."

Then Xiaolan looked at Huiyuan and smiled softly, Huiyuan looked at Xiaolan with her usual expression, the two looked normal, it seemed that the scene of confrontation just now was an illusion.

Chapter 0076

There is a free breakfast in the hotel. Mori and his party went to the public house after breakfast. Conan on the side was still looking at Mori Kogoro with resentment.

Maori couldn't help but said: "In view of Conan's performance yesterday, I ran away secretly by myself. I feel that Conan still lacks some manly responsibility. The last time the children's Bushido training was far from enough, Conan, go back to Tokyo, uncle, I will continue How about giving you a child samurai way?"

Conan immediately jumped up: "Uncle Maori, please don't, I didn't run away alone last night, I was, I was..." Conan scratched his head and couldn't think of any excuses, and finally he could only choke out a sentence: "Anyway If you kill me, I won't go to children's bushido anymore."

Mori didn't expect this high school student detective to play a rogue like a child, and Haibara beside him couldn't help laughing.

Conan looked at Huiyuan, his small face was full of resentment: Smile, little poisonous snake, compared to me who is playing a rascal, you are no better than me who is cute every day!

Seeing Conan being forced like this, Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "Dad, Conan seems to be very afraid of going to the training, so don't let him go."

Hearing his daughter speak like this, Mori Kogoro naturally wouldn't have any objections.

Xiaolan bent down and looked at Conan with a smile: "Conan-kun, if you are timid, you can continue to practice. You will definitely become a brave person."

"Hi!" The reply was feeble. The matter was that the yellow mud fell into his pants. It was either shit or shit. Conan could only carry on with the title of a coward.

The crowd soon arrived at the public hall, surrounded by a group of villagers on the island. When the villagers saw the corpses of drug dealers moved into the public hall, their faces were full of joy. The three major drug dealer forces were wiped out today, and the villagers couldn't help cheering.

Conan's face immediately became serious.

It's just that as soon as Kogoro Mori and others appeared, the reporters who had been in ambush for a long time swarmed up, the flashes continued to shine, and the reporters kept asking questions.

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