Chapter 0016 extremely sick

As soon as Jun Hui rushed to the shrine, she saw that the fire in the warehouse was raging, and there was no way to extinguish it.

At the same time, a note wrapped with stones fell in front of him. The note only said: "If you don't want to expose what you have done, then come and meet at the cliff behind the dense forest on the mountain peak."

Jun Hui frowned when she saw the note, but the handle was in the hands of others, and she had no choice but to keep the appointment, so she went there with a bow and arrow.

The sky was extremely dark, and Jun Hui was already on high alert, ready to shoot at any time with the arrow feathers on his right hand.

Soon, she was about to cross the dense forest and come to the meeting place.

At this moment, there was a sound from the leaves above, and the sound of breaking wind.

Jun Hui reacted very sensitively, holding a bow to block.

But the longbow couldn't stop the attack from the wooden stick at all, and it broke in two. She was hit hard on the shoulder, and her body rolled to the ground.

Jun Hui, who endured the pain, had time to look up at the person who attacked her, and she couldn't help but be surprised: "Why is it you? Lu Lang."

She never thought that the person who attacked her would be the man who pursued her so hard. Could it be that just because she just rejected him, he became hateful out of love and turned to kill him?

Fukuyama Rokuro, who was wearing a black suit, still had gloves in his hands. He threw away the wooden stick and said with a sneer, "Why do you need to act again, Junhui, you didn't ask me to come here, did you want to tell me the location of the mermaid's tomb?" ?”

This made Shimabukuro Junhui look confused. She was obviously called by someone, so why did Fukuyama Rokuro say that he called him here.

Fukuyama Rokuro continued to speak: "At first, I thought about going step by step, getting you into bed first and then asking about the whereabouts of the Mermaid Tomb, but now I can't. It seems that more people on the island are also planning to attack the Mermaid Tomb. You can only be rough, Jun Hui, you won't blame me!"

A flash of lightning just happened to flash across, reflecting Fukuyama Rokuro's face extremely hideously.

Jun Hui kept moving her body backwards and backed away, as if she was meeting this partner who grew up with her for the first time, with a face full of disbelief.

Normally, Rokuro Fukuyama behaved as an atheist, dismissive of the mermaid legend of Mermaid Island.

But listening to his words now, it is obvious that he also believes in the legend of immortality, and even pursued himself because of the mermaid's tomb, why did he pretend so deeply!

Fukuyama Rokuro took out the dagger from his arms and laughed loudly: "Junhui, you should know that I actually like you very much, you just need to cooperate with me obediently and let me get the remaining half skeleton in the Mermaid Tomb , I will not hurt you."

Hearing that Rokuro Fukuyama was also planning to play on his mother's bones, Jun Hui frowned, and said decisively, "Don't even think about it."

"The mermaid's tomb is totally fake. There are no mermaid bones in it. They are just ordinary human bones."

Hearing this, Fukuyama Rokuro was furious, and rushed forward with a dagger.

Jun Hui's shoulder was injured, and he couldn't use his strength at all. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but despair.

At this moment, a big hand grabbed the nape of Jun Hui's suit and pulled her away.

Fukuyama Rokuro was in vain, he looked up and saw the sudden appearance of Mori Kogoro, his pupils shrank for a while.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Junhui's soft body, stretched out his hand to pat off the dirt on the back of his small suit and skirt, and said, "Are you all right?"

Jun Hui couldn't help wondering: "Detective Maori, why did you appear here?"

Mori Kogoro did not answer, but glanced at Fukuyama Rokuro who was about to escape, and said, "It's no wonder that Mr. Fukuyama got angry when he heard Miss Junhui's words. After all, he has eaten the mermaid bones for two or three years. What do you say?" This is fake, it's no wonder he's not angry!"

"I just entered the small room of the warehouse. It is hard to believe that there is a basement under there. Tsk tsk tsk, Mr. Fukuyama's special hobby is really surprising!"

These words were as shocking as stone breaking, and both of them were stunned.

Fukuyama Rokuro didn't expect that the extremely secretive thing he did was discovered by Mori Kogoro, so he couldn't leave easily.

He gave up the idea of ​​running away, and pointed the dagger faintly at Kogoro Mori, his eyes flashed a gloomy look.

But Jun Hui thought more, the skeleton that was burned to death in the shrine three years ago belonged to her mother, and then her mother's skeleton was stolen.

Is it...

Jun Hui's face changed drastically, and he asked immediately, "Is what Detective Maori said true? You are really eating mermaid bones. Are you the one who stole from the shrine two years ago?"

Is this guy eating his own mother's bones?

Fukuyama Rokuro saw that Mori Kogoro had found them all, so he simply admitted: "That's right, what that bitch Sumi said was true. If she hadn't told me about the fire one time when she was drunk, I wouldn't have known about that bitch. The skeleton is the skeleton of a mermaid."

"The mermaid bones really have magical effects. After grinding them into powder and eating them, I feel much stronger."

"It's hateful that I didn't steal all the bones two years ago, otherwise I would have lived forever."

Fukuyama Rokuro had a strange blush on his face when he said this, and he was extremely sick.

But when Jun Hui saw her admitting it, her mind seemed to be hit hard, her breathing became rapid, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

The body of my mother, whom I deeply respect and love, who dedicated her life to the island, was desecrated in such a way. This kind of evil behavior is completely unforgivable.

Three years ago, three women, Sumi, Saori, and Naoko, got drunk in the middle of the night because they didn't get the dugong's arrow, and then set fire to the warehouse, killing their mother.

She had already killed these three enemies by herself, but now seeing Fukuyama Rokuro, Jun Hui knew that she had another enemy.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Mr. Fukuyama, why is he so convinced of this illusory legend, and no one has actually seen a mermaid?"

"Stupid, you haven't seen it, but I have seen the existence of a mermaid with my own eyes." Fukuyama Rokuro shouted violently, his eyes full of fanaticism.

"Do you still remember the "Bhikkhuni Story" we filmed in college? At that time, we shot the scene in the sea near here, and I saw a real mermaid in the negative."

"I come back to become an eternal existence!"

Kogoro Mouri frowned, and continued to speak: "So you kidnapped Jun Hui's father who hosted the shrine, and wanted to press for the real whereabouts of the mermaid, and finally faked it as a shipwreck!"

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