Another thunderbolt fell, reflecting the cheeks of Fukuyama Rokuro and Shimabukuro Junhui extremely pale.

Chapter 0017

This was a shipwreck incident five years ago. Jun Hui always thought that her father was buried in the sea with no bones left. How could she know that it was Fukuyama Rokuro who killed her father.

Vengeance sparked in her lavender eyes.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Mr. Fukuyama, you're pretty good as a director, but it's not so good to get into the habit of filming everything. The CD hidden under the slate in the basement was accidentally caught. I found it."

"It's stupid enough to kill someone and take a picture of yourself as a souvenir."

Hearing this, Fukuyama Rokuro's eyes were only gloomy and cold.

If it was just exposing that he had stolen the bones, eating bone meal would not be a big deal.

But now that the detective has found out about his murder, it must be silenced.

Fukuyama Rokuro chuckled and said: "As expected, you are a detective from Tokyo. You really have two brushes. It's only been so long, and you have dug so deep. Heh, if I knew I shouldn't have taken you to my house."

"However, no one else should know about this matter!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and shook his head: "No, I went into the basement by myself to search."

"Oh, so that's the case!" Fukuyama Rokuro showed a strange smile on his face: "Then please, all of you, please die obediently!"

After finishing speaking, Fukuyama Rokuro rushed up with a dagger in his hand and stabbed the two of them.

Junhui next to him suffered a shoulder injury and was unable to move, so Mori Kogoro put his arms around Junhui to dodge.

How fast his reaction speed is far beyond ordinary people!

It was completely like a cat playing with a mouse, playing with Fushan Roro, he hugged Jun Hui and slowly led Fushan Roro to the direction of the cliff.

But when Fukuyama Rokuro saw the two dodging in embarrassment, he thought he had the upper hand, and laughed triumphantly from time to time: "Don't run away, just stop for me obediently, maybe I can give you two a good time."

"Don't be like that old guy Shimabukuro Kyohei, who refuses to say anything, and finally gets killed by me, that would be a waste of time."

Jun Hui stopped and cursed angrily: "You bastard, he's my father, you've been calling him uncle, are you treating my father like this?"

Fukuyama Rokuro's eyes were red: "Who told you that bitch is like your father, you don't say anything, I know that your family has been guarding the mermaid's secret, just want to monopolize the method of immortality, your Shimabukuro family, Damn it all!"

Jun Hui didn't want to run away anymore, her chest was heaving with anger, her eyes were full of hatred, and she couldn't stop struggling: "Detective Maori, let me go and run away by myself, I'm injured, I'm already a burden, anyway I have lived enough, let me die with this guy!"

Mori Kogoro stopped him resolutely: "What are you talking about, I won't let you die so easily."

Hearing this, Jun Hui's eyes trembled slightly.

On the other hand, Kogoro Moori pulled Jun Hui to dodge again, while several surveillance images were playing in his mind.

He was waiting for the police who searched the mountains, or Conan, or Heiji to find this place, and then his pre-designed ones would come in handy.

During this period, the two of them could only be dragged along.

Not long after, Hattori Heiji and the Mediterranean police officer who were searching followed the sound of fighting and pushed aside the leaves, and saw Fukuyama Rokuro on the edge of the cliff holding a knife.

The two shouted repeatedly: "Stop!"

But the distance was too far, Fukuyama Rokuro, who was bent on killing people, didn't notice at all.

Kogoro Mori saw someone finally appear, and a sneer twitched at the corner of his mouth.

He watched Fukuyama Rokuro rushing over again holding a dagger, and pretended to be out of breath, pushed Shimabukuro Junhui away, and fell backward by himself.

After the two separated, Fukuyama Rokuro couldn't stop for a while, so he rushed over.

At this moment, his shoes seemed to be stepping on a smooth rolling stone, and he lost his balance instantly.

And the Ant-Man robot on the heel gave him a boost, and his body ran forward uncontrollably, unable to stop at all.

With his last foot in the air, Fukuyama Rokuro realized that he was suspended in the air, and immediately let out an extremely shrill scream.


His whole body fell from the cliff and fell into a puddle of flesh.

The Mediterranean police officer and Hattori Heiji opened their mouths wide when they saw this scene. The situation changed so quickly that the assailant with the knife fell off the cliff and died, and the two ran over quickly.

Junhui Shimabukuro still couldn't believe it. She crawled to the edge of the cliff and poked her head out.

Seeing the bloody and bloody Fukuyama Rokuro below, she finally couldn't help but shed tears.

She buried her forehead on the ground and kept calling her parents.

Mori Kogoro came to his side, gently stroked his soft back, and comforted him in a warm voice: "It's okay, the enemy is already dead, Junhui, don't be sad anymore."

June Shimabukuro stood up and threw herself into Kogoro Mori's arms, crying until the pear blossoms rained down, and wet the lapel of his suit.

Soon after, Hattori Heiji and Mediterranean police officers rushed over.

Mori Kogoro lowered his head, approached Junhui's ear, and said in a low voice, "Junhui, later you just need to say that you were invited here by Fukuyama Rokuro, and leave the rest to me to answer. gone."

Hearing this, Jun Hui's body trembled: Could it be that the person who asked me to come is a Maori detective!

Mori Kogoro continued to whisper: "Don't worry, I will let you be fine, but wait for me at the shrine at twelve o'clock tonight, I have something to tell you."

Jun Hui nodded silently.

Hattori Heiji and the Mediterranean police rushed over, and Conan and another policeman also rushed over, and finally Xiaolan and Hongzi also appeared.

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