The two women frowned at the same time when they saw the two tightly hugging each other, but it was obvious that something serious had happened here, so the two women didn't have an attack.

Hattori Heiji said with lingering fear: "It was really dangerous just now. He was stabbed to death without hiding. I didn't expect this guy to be so mad that he even wanted to kill his uncle."

Kogoro Maoli said, "Fortunately, I followed, otherwise Jun Hui would be dead."

"This Fukuyama Rokuro is really crazy. It's not enough to kill Junhui's father, Shoumei, Naoko, and Saori. It's really insane to want to kill Junhui."

Conan wondered, "Well, was Miss Saori also killed? What happened to Miss Junhui's father?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Well, just now Rokuro Fukuyama said that he killed Miss Saori and threw her in the warehouse of the shrine to set fire to destroy the corpse."

Then Mori Kogoro glanced at Jun Hui in his arms, and said, "Let's talk about it when we go down the mountain. She seems to have been greatly frightened. I hope she doesn't leave any psychological shadow."

The Mediterranean police officer on the side naturally had no objection. He didn't dare to offend Mori Kogoro, so he ordered his subordinates to go to the bottom of the cliff to collect Fukuyama Rokuro's bones.

Chapter 0018

Along the way, Shimabukuro Junhui still hugged Mori Kogoro's body tightly, looking frightened.

Even when Xiaolan and Hongzi stepped forward, she refused to let go, and the two girls couldn't help frowning.

But Conan asked suspiciously: "Uncle Maori, what about the longevity woman, we didn't see her in the shrine just now?"

Mori Kogoro said: "Changshou Po is fine, let's talk about the specific situation when we go down the mountain."

When everyone returned to the shrine, they saw that the firefighters were already surrounded outside the shrine, the fire had been extinguished, and countless blue smoke billowed from the warehouse.

Some firefighters covered a charred black corpse with a white cloth and pulled it out.

Mori Kogoro led the crowd back to the main hall of the shrine and sat down. The residents of the island followed one by one, even the relatives of Sumi and Naoko.

Mori Kogoro began to tell his modified reasoning.

"The incident on Mermaid Island this time was not caused by the so-called mermaids. The real murderer was Rokuro Fukuyama. However, he just accidentally slipped when trying to kill us and fell off the cliff. He was already dead. Bar!"

The islanders exclaimed one by one.

"how could be?"

"That guy looks like a nice guy!"

"It's really knowing people's faces but not their hearts."

Mori Kogoro continued: "The root of all this is the legend of immortality in Mermaid Island. Fukuyama Rokuro especially believed in this legend, so he turned into an executioner holding a butcher knife for the dream of immortality."

"The fact that Miss Junhui's father Shimabukuro Kyohei was buried in the sea five years ago was actually not a shipwreck, but Fukuyama Rokuro attacked him, because he believed that the Shimabukuro family was guarding the secret of Mermaid Island, so he held him hostage and wanted to question him. Come out, and in the end, if you don’t get a satisfactory answer, you will kill him.”

Hearing this, the islanders were all amazed and began to discuss, buzzing.

The Mediterranean police officer frowned and said, "Detective Maori, do you have evidence? This happened five years ago!"

Mori Kogoro said: "In the small room of Fukuyama's warehouse, there is an entrance to the basement when the carpet is lifted. The video CD of Mr. Fukuyama's murder of Jun Hui's father was buried under the third brick on the right side of the basement. You can send someone to look at it now."

"Besides, the bone powder on the table in the basement and the bones on the bone sack in the cabinet, please be careful and collect them. After all, these are the bones of Jun Hui's mother."

Hearing these words, Jun Hui couldn't help but tremble.

Xiaolan frowned: "Father, didn't Miss Junhui say that her mother died in a shipwreck five years ago? Was it also killed by Fukuyama Rokuro?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "No, Miss Junhui's mother didn't die in the shipwreck that year, she didn't go to sea at that time."

"Just because I was too sad, and it was too much effort to play the longevity woman, I simply told the outside world that she also died in the shipwreck, and then lived as a longevity woman."

Mori Kogoro glanced at the group of elderly islanders: "I believe all the elderly people on the island know about this. The longevity woman who died in the shrine warehouse fire three years ago was Jun Hui's mother." Bar!"

What? ? ?

Shimabukuro Kimie's pupils continued to shrink.

Isn't this a secret?Why did the Maori detective say that?

Junhui Shimabukuro raised his eyes to look at the islanders in the hall, but those people did not dare to look at him.

However, Mori Kogoro's eyes became more and more fierce, and his aura continued to rise, so that all the islanders could hardly breathe.

An uncle said: "Actually, everyone on the island knows that the old lady of longevity was played by Jun Hui's mother."

"After the fire broke out three years ago, we thought about not holding any more 'Dugong Conference'. We wanted to tell Jun Hui about this, but when we came to your house, we saw you dressed up as a long-lived lady. Makeup, those words can’t be said at all.”

"I'm sorry, Junhui!"

"I'm sorry, Junhui!"

One by one, the islanders kowtowed to Junhui, begging for his forgiveness.

Junhui Shimabukuro was completely stunned, she couldn't believe it was true.

She struggled to maintain her mother's last wish, and carefully dressed up as a long-lived woman, for fear of being recognized by others.

But now someone tells me that this is actually not a secret at all, others are cooperating with me in acting.

This kind of psychological gap is almost driving people crazy.

Jun Hui looked at Kogoro Mori with tears in his eyes, and Kogoro Mori patted his back lightly, and Jun Hui's tears couldn't stop streaming down, and finally he slumped on the mat weakly.

Mori Kogoro continued, "But the young people on the island, such as Junhui, Naoko, Saori, Sumi, and Fukuyama Rokuro, don't know about this."

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