"Thus, when Jun Hui's mother died in a fire three years ago, she dressed up as a long-lived woman, that is, tied her thighs and calves and walked on her knees."

"It just happened that the bones of the lower body were smashed into pieces by the smashed pillars, and only the upper body bones were created. Therefore, the legend of the mermaid's skeleton spread, and was heard by Fukuyama Rokuro."

"After that, Fukuyama Rokuro sneaked into the shrine and stole the bones. The bones and bone powder in the basement I just mentioned were stolen by him, the bones of Miss Junhui's mother."

Hongzi frowned: "This guy won't really believe those rumors that are passed around. He really thinks that bone meal has the effect of immortality, so go eat bone meal!"

Hongzi saw Mori Kogoro nodded and Shimabukuro Junhui's crying became louder, and then realized that what she said casually was true, and quickly apologized to Junhui.

Xiao Lan looked at Jun Hui sympathetically. Her father was killed, and her mother died and her bones were eaten. It was really tragic.

Conan and Hattori Heiji both listened to Mori Kogoro's reasoning with blank expressions.

These were the contents that the two of them hadn't found at all. Kogoro Mori had found out all the things that happened three to five years ago, and both of them looked at Kogoro Mori with admiration.

Wait until a panting policeman brought over a sack of bones and a CD: "Mao, Maori detectives are right, they really found these things in the basement."

Everyone no longer had doubts, they all looked at Kogoro Mori with admiration.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Because of the fire case three years ago, which attracted the attention of the police, Fukuyama Rokuro has been lurking for a long time and did not dare to commit another murder."

"But by chance, Shoumei and Saori found out about stealing Junhui's mother's bones. Saori didn't dare to say anything, so she secretly ran away from home and went to the home of her good friend Junhui, but Shoumei thought she was Fukuyama Rokuro's fiancée. Nothing will happen, so I have never been defensive.”

"During the 'Dugong Conference' last night, Fukuyama Rokuro invited the unsuspecting Sumi to the mountain, killed her and threw her body in the mermaid waterfall."

"Fukuyama Rokuro, who wanted to kill, thought about doing nothing. He planned to escape from Mermaid Island after this incident, but before he escaped, he also wanted to get the 'Dugong Arrow' and the remaining mermaid bones."

"Because Hongzi and I drew two dugong arrows in this 'Dugong Conference', he was not sure that he could snatch the arrow from me, and he was not sure that he could make a date with Hongzi, so he decided to grow up together on Naoko."

"When we mourned at Ebihara's house in the morning, he went back to his home alone, put on a mermaid costume, waded from the coastline to the side yard of Ebihara's house, and wanted to ask Naoko for a dugong arrow."

"Naoko refused to give it, and the two had a dispute. In the end, Fukuyama Rokuro killed Naoko with a rope and tied it to a fishing net. There should be some traces of the costumes in his warehouse, and it should be able to be inside Find the missing Dugong Arrow!"

"Afterwards, Fukuyama Rokuro waited until the memorial service was over, and before Jun Hui returned, he went to the shrine alone, trying to kidnap the longevity woman to find the location of the 'mermaid's tomb', but found that there was no longevity woman in the shrine, only one hiding for a long time Saori."

"After he killed Sazhi, he destroyed his body and wiped out all traces. The fire at the warehouse was used for this purpose. The charred body was undoubtedly Sazhi."

"The only person who knows about the 'Tomb of the Mermaid' is Jun Hui. Fukuyama Rokuro led Jun Hui to the mountain and repeated his tricks. He wanted to hold Jun Hui to ask about the whereabouts of the 'Tomb of the Mermaid', but I bumped into him." broke, and finally accidentally fell off the cliff, this is the whole story of this incident."

After listening to Mori Kogoro's reasoning, everyone couldn't help sighing.

This Fukuyama Rokuro is a completely demonic figure!

But Jun Hui couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Mori Kogoro, his tearful eyes were full of puzzlement.

It seems that a smart person like Mori Kogoro didn't know that the other three women were killed by himself, and why did he say that!

Chapter 0019 The Big Satyr

Outside the shrine, Conan and Hattori Heiji stood in front of the charred corpse, watching the forensic personnel continue to collect evidence.

Hattori Heiji said, "I didn't expect the client to die before we even saw her."

"Hey! This time I went to the island and couldn't save him."

Conan, on the other hand, rested his chin and was thinking. Just now, when he heard Kogoro Mori's reasoning, he felt a little strange, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't think of anything strange, so he couldn't help frowning.

"Kudou, what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing, I just think that Fukuyama Rokuro is too insane, and he would be so cruel to his playmates who grew up together. I didn't expect immortality to be so attractive to a person."

Hattori Heiji nodded: "There is no immortality in this world, only a limited life. The brain circuit of this kind of person is completely incomprehensible."

Conan shook his head, and turned to look at the room where Junhui Shimabukuro was resting: "Miss Junhui was greatly stimulated this time, not only the tragic truth of the death of her parents was revealed, but also all her good friends died. And the people on the island have been lying to her, trying to make her pretend to be a longevity woman to attract tourists."

"It's true that there is no one around who is sincerely kind to her. I only hope that Miss Junhui can survive this incident."

Hattori Heiji nodded: "Yes, such a beautiful miko, I still hope she can live better."

"But it's really amazing. Her ability to transform into a longevity woman is also too strong. I didn't notice the difference at all."

"Yeah, I was shocked when Uncle Maori said this!"

Hattori Heiji turned his head to look for it: "However, where did Uncle Mori go?"

Conan's eyes appeared on Conan's face again: "I think he went out with that Koizumi Hongzi just now, and he probably went to hook up with girls again. Uncle is good at everything, but he likes picking up girls too much."

Hattori Heiji suddenly looked jealous: "Is that the female high school student with long legs and big breasts? Hey, why is this!"

Seeing Hattori Heiji's expression, Conan clearly coveted Hongzi, so he was relieved.

This guy was able to transfer his love so quickly, and he didn't think he had a lot of affection for He Ye. Even if he didn't tell him about Ye and his uncle, it didn't matter!

And Kogoro Mori and Hongko Koizumi, who they were discussing, were walking in the dense forest on the mountain at the moment.

At the place where Mori Kogoro asked Junhui where the real "Dugong Arrow" was, Junhui naturally knew everything.

She informed that the last 'Dugong Arrow' left in the original box moved up the mountain when it moved the mother's skeleton.

It is under the third tree on the right side of the burial place of his mother's bones.

Mori Kogoro and Koizumi Hongzi went up the mountain together to look for it.

Hongzi and Mori Kogoro walked alone in the mountains and forests, looking very happy, and their steps were very brisk.

"I didn't expect that you, a big detective, are quite capable. You seem to be doing nothing all day, but you can dig out the truth of the matter at once. It's amazing, amazing!"

"No, you should not be that powerful. It must be magic. Do you still have some magic that confuses others and makes people tell the truth, just like my magic chain."

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