With one punch, the ant-man robots attached to his right fist also punched at the same time,

These dozens of forces hit the head of the mermaid at the same time, and the two-meter-long mermaid flew upside down, hit the far wall, and then fell heavily into the bottom of the water.

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, this result was not to his liking, dozens of forces hit at the same time, in his mind it would be no problem to blow up this mermaid, he did not expect this result in the end.

The bones of this mermaid are really hard.

Hongzi from behind flew over, trying to throw him down to avoid the attack of the mermaid.

But even if Hongzi flew towards him, Kogoro Mori's body was as motionless as a mountain, so Hongzi couldn't shake it easily.

Chapter 0022 Welfare Delivery Unprepared

Hongzi opened his small mouth very wide, with an extremely surprised expression on his face.

She never expected that Kogoro Moori could beat back the legendary mermaid with one punch, so she couldn't help saying happily: "That's great, Kogoro, kill this mermaid quickly, and we'll go get the treasure."

Mori Kogoro's face was still very solemn, he kept retreating with his arms around Hongzi's body.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. I used all my strength in that punch just now, but the mermaid wasn't injured at all,..."

Mori Kogoro watched the shadow swimming continuously under the pitch-black water, staring at him with scarlet eyes.

He provoked it a few more times, but the mermaid was very sophisticated, so he just didn't come up.

Mori Kogoro's face became even more ugly: "I'm afraid it won't attack easily anymore, and now it is waiting for the water level to rise."

Once the water level rises and submerges the passageway, Mori Kogoro and Hongzi must fight the mermaid in the water.

One goes up and down the other, even Kogoro Mori is not sure he can win.

As soon as he tested it, he knew that the mermaid had rough skin and thick flesh, and was full of aggression. Although he didn't have a high IQ, he was very cunning and a qualified predator.

Now that the only way out is guarded by it, it is really difficult for Mori Kogoro to break through the mermaid's defense with a Hongzi who can't swim.

If you don't act, you will end up in the same way when the water level rises.

Soon, Mori Kogoro thought of something, and ran away along the passageway where Hongzi came and went.

Seeing the two disappear from sight, the merman's scarlet eyes were full of anger, and he kept flicking his tail and lashing at the cave wall, sending stones flying and sand flying, or swimming directly into the passage, trying to hunt them down.

Unfortunately, the water level was not high enough for the mermaid to swim.

But the mermaid obviously won't give up, after all, this is the first food it has seen in several years!

Mori Kogoro ran in the same direction as he pulled Hongzi back and forth.

Water splashed, Hongzi's face was sweating continuously, his face became paler, and the cold became more and more serious, but all of this was not obvious in the darkness.

Hongzi said: "Xiao Wulang, it's useless for us to escape back, the water will rise later, and all places will be submerged. We're just wasting our energy, it's better to win the mermaid and find the exit directly! "

"No, the risk is too high. After all, this is its home field, and I'm not sure about winning."

"But I don't want to go back, you just come with me."

After about three or four minutes, Mori Kogoro stopped, at this moment Hongzi had difficulty breathing.

"Stop, why stop?"

Mori Kogoro pointed up: "Look!"

There is a karst cave above the passage, it is really hard to find if you don't pay attention.

"We don't need to fight that mermaid. We'll hide here later. The mermaid is so aggressive and will definitely come after it. After it swims past, we'll come down and swim to the other side. It'll be fine."

"To be honest, that mermaid looks disgusting, especially those blue and purple pustules, I'm afraid that the whole water will be polluted, don't we all be poisoned by then, then That’s what makes it uncomfortable.”

Hearing this, Hongzi also shook her body with aversion to cold, but before she could react, she was lifted up by Mori Kogoro.

Hongzi sat on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, feeling the familiar head in her lower abdomen, her little face blushed again.

A urging voice came from below: "Climb up quickly."

Hongzi tried her best to hold on to the protrusions on both sides of the cave entrance, and with the help of Kogoro Mouri, she managed to climb up into the cave.

She was a little confused, but she still didn't forget to say: "Big pervert, you touched my ass again, taking advantage of me!"

Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes, good conscience, just now he just helped her push up, he really didn't intend to take advantage of her, even though it felt pretty good.

Soon he also climbed up the cave.

The cave is not big, it is more than enough to hide one person, but it is a little bit reluctant to hide two people.

The two couldn't sit side by side, so they had to sit down, and Hongzi sat on Mori Kogoro's body.

Only then did Kogoro Mori realize the abnormality of Hongzi, her body was shivering, and her face was also very pale.

With his big hand covering Hongzi's forehead, he felt an astonishing heat.

He suddenly looked anxious: "Hongzi, do you have a fever? You, a witch, can also catch a cold?"

Seeing Moori Kogoro's anxious expression, Hongzi was secretly happy, and said proudly, "Hmph, the water is so cold, it's normal for me to catch a cold!"

"It's all because of the wet clothes. If I didn't wear them, I wouldn't have a fever so quickly."

"Big pervert, quickly take off your clothes, otherwise what will you do if you catch a cold and can't swim with me?"

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