Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "How could I catch a cold?"


Hearing Hongzi's insistence, Mori Kogoro could only take off the only shirt on his upper body and put it aside.

Mori Kogoro, who was naked from the upper body, frowned and said, "Really, why don't you take off your clothes if you have nothing to do?"

Touching Moori Kogoro's sculpture-like upper body, Hongzi blushed, and continued to speak: "Hurry up and turn off the flashlight of your mobile phone, and let that mermaid know we are here, then all our hard work will be lost." In vain."

Kogoro Mori politely turned off the light on his mobile phone, and the cave was suddenly dark.

However, Mori Kogoro, who has excellent night vision skills, can still see the scene inside the cave.

Soon, Kogoro Moori was stunned. He saw Hongzi take off the whole black dress in front of him, wring out the water inside, and threw it on Kogoro Moori's shirt.

Then Hongzi also took off her underwear, her upper body was also naked, it was heavy, and the scene was very grand.

This girl, could it be that she wants to...

Sure enough, the shy Hongzi threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and said, "Don't think too much, I just don't want to get worse and be your burden!"

"This is the method I learned from TV series and movies. It's just to keep each other warm. Hold me tight!"

Naturally, Kogoro Mori hugged Hongzi's soft back with both hands without hesitation.

At this moment, he is very grateful to the directors who filmed these brain-dead plots, they are really great.

I didn't expect Hongzi to believe it so simply, and the benefits were really unprepared.

Of course Kogoro Mori would not tell Hongzi that he was planning to give her a healing spell to help her get rid of the wind and cold directly.

Yes, warming each other is the only solution to this situation.

Chapter 0023 Charming Cave

In the dark cave, a charming atmosphere slowly rises.

Mori Kogoro hugged Hongzi's body tightly, feeling the elasticity and softness of the squeezed chest, and covered Hongzi's soft back with his big hands, feeling extremely satisfied.

Hongzi was so dizzy from a cold that her face was flushed, and after she threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, she realized belatedly: her behavior was too extreme.

At this moment, Hongzi was pretending to be a quail and dared not speak.

Smelling the masculinity of Mori Kogoro's body and feeling the firm muscles, Hongzi's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up, and it was very loud in this cave.

Mori Kogoro's hands whirled behind Hongzi, the touch was as smooth as silk, which made Hongzi tremble slightly: "You big pervert, what are you doing with your hands, we are just keeping each other warm!"

Mori Kogoro nodded and said with a smirk: "That's right, friction generates heat! I'm not helping you get rid of the cold, so don't thank me too much."

Hearing such sophistry, Hongzi blushed even more, and directly bit Moori Kogoro's shoulder.

"Ah! You are really a dog, you bit me again!"

Hearing Kogoro Mori's cry of pain, Hongzi felt proud, and the corners of her mouth curled up. She slowly reduced the force of her bite, but she didn't let go.

In retaliation, Mori Kogoro's hands moved more and more excessively, and from time to time he would follow Hongzi's bow down.

Neither of them spoke anymore, but their body temperature kept rising.

Hongzi, who was suffering from a cold, only felt warmed by the heat radiated from Mori Kogoro's body, which made her feel extremely comfortable.

Although it was an extremely harsh environment, and there was a mermaid watching outside, she felt extremely at ease. This was a sense of security that she had never had before.

Hongzi felt comfortable, but it felt uncomfortable to hold such a domineering figure of Kogoro Mori. He was not Liu Xiahui, so naturally it was a bit hard.

He raised Hongzi's head, and Hongzi's small mouth left Kogoro Mori's shoulder, leaving a puddle of saliva.

Even in the dark, Mori Kogoro could still see Hongzi's blushing pretty face, which was unparalleled in beauty, and her wine-red eyes were full of water, which was very beautiful.

Hongzi asked in a little panic, "What do you want?"

Moori Kogoro held Hongzi's small head, wanting to go down with one breath.

But Hongzi quickly struggled away, and said shyly, "No, what should I do if my cold infects you later?"

"Stop kissing!" Hongzi twisted her head again and struggled: "The worst thing is to go back and wait for my cold to recover before kissing."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled, and then said domineeringly: "I don't mind!" He kissed Hongzi's pink lips in one breath, and it was really sweet.

Under Mori Kogoro's passionate kiss, Hongzi soon began to respond.

It's a pity that the environment is too bad, the cave is too small, and it is difficult for Mori Kogoro to do anything.

On the contrary, he is very self-aware of his fighting power. If it really starts, maybe the cave will be collapsed by him, and then both of them will be in danger. Wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss.

However, it’s not impossible to do anything!

Mori Kogoro turned his right hand lightly, as if he was doing some preparatory activities.

Not long after, in the darkness, this guy known as the 'Hand of God' started to move.

At the exit of the passage, the mermaid guarding the entrance of the passage kept struggling to get into the passage, and then struggled to get back into the water, ups and downs, so anxious that a few scales slipped off.

The mermaid kept roaring, afraid that the only prey he had seen for so many years would escape like this.

This mermaid's daily food is to lick the algae attached to the rock wall at the bottom of the water. Now that it sees a large prey, it is determined to hunt it down.

Finally, when the water level rose to a high enough level, the mermaid couldn't wait to get into the channel and chase it inside.

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