The loud bang kept ringing.

The smoke dissipated, all the stones in front of him were burned, and the tunnel was extremely smooth.

Both of them also saw the light from the outside world. This is the reef area next to the beach.

The power of Hongzi's spell was not much different from that of a Molotov cocktail, and Kogoro Moori's brows kept twitching when he saw it.

And Hongzi let out a long sigh of relief: "Great, my guess is right, the formation is destroyed, and all my magic props can be used."

"Okay, we're finally out, I'm going back to the hotel to take a good shower and rest!"

Hongzi then put his arm around Mori Kogoro, and pulled him out.

When the two crossed the reef area, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang, and it was Xiao Ai's call.

"Uncle, I just saw your message, did you go to Miguo Island?"

"Yeah, we're in Miguo Island now."

Little Lolita's voice became furious in an instant: "Damn it, you didn't take me with you after running so far, and you didn't tell me!"

Mori Kogoro quickly laughed dryly: "Xiao Ai, you and your sister just met each other, I just want you two sisters to get along for a few more days!"

"Hmph!" Little Lolita still had an angry tone.

Maori Kogoro quickly changed the subject: "Xiao Ai, we found a mermaid on Miguo Island this time, and saw your name in the island's roster, thinking you should know something, wait a minute , I'll send you the photo."

When Xiao Ai saw the photos uploaded from her mobile phone, she suddenly realized.

"Oh, you are talking about this, this is not a mermaid."

"Uncle, do you still remember the nuclear leak that happened in Fukui County thirteen years ago? The site of the nuclear leak happened to be not far from Mermaid Island."

"I remember that people in the organization heard the legend of immortality and mermaids on the island, so they sent people to the island to study. I went to the island to study later."

"The story of immortality is fake. The longevity lady was pretended by her great-granddaughter."

"As for the legend of the mermaid, we have also captured similar species, but after research, we found that they are actually the product of the nuclear radiation mutation of the dugong population in Fukui Prefecture, and they are not the so-called mermaids at all."

"Because the government blocked the relevant information, the outside world didn't even know about it."

"However, I remember that the lifespan of these dugongs after the radiation mutation will be very short. I didn't expect that there was one that survived for so long."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro also understood.

"Zhibao, it's time to eat, who are you calling?" Minmei's voice rang from the phone.

Little Lolita immediately hung up the phone in panic: "No, I'm not talking to anyone, this is Ayumi's call."

Chapter 0027 Frightened Xiaolan

"It can't be Kogoro, the big pervert, Shiho, if that guy forces you to do those things again, tell my sister, and see how she will teach him a lesson!"

Haibara opened his mouth, and was about to say that there was no coercion, but seeing his sister's still indignant expression, he turned around and said, "It's really Ayumi's call, she asked me to hang out."

Mingmei frowned, and chuckled lightly: "I never thought that Zhibao, who is such an adult, can play so well with children, tsk tsk tsk!"

"Is there any boy in that class who likes you? Tell my sister!"

Hearing this, Little Loli rolled her eyes speechlessly, and went straight to the restaurant.

On the beach of Miguo Island, Hongzi lost interest when he heard Kogoro Mouri say that the mermaid was actually a creature produced by nuclear radiation mutation.

But that mermaid was too dangerous and too aggressive, and it would easily hurt people if it wasn't dealt with.

Mori Kogoro made a phone call and directly informed the senior officials of the Fukui County government about the matter, and then he didn't care about it anymore.

Anyway, the high-level government officials in Fukui County know how to deal with these mutated creatures.

Mori Kogoro took Hongzi back to the hotel, and the two went back to their rooms.

Hongzi immediately went into the bathroom. After coming out of the cave, she felt sticky all the time, so she naturally wanted to take a bath.

Mori Kogoro returned to the room, put the maiden costume and the treasure box on the table, then entered the bathroom, took off his clothes and began to take a shower.

And next door, Xiaolan came over angrily when she heard the noise, wanting to ask the teacher for a crime.

The door was not locked either, so she entered the room as soon as she unscrewed it, and knew that her father was taking a bath when she heard the sound of running water.

Soon, Xiaolan saw something quite old on the table, opened the box curiously, and picked up the bow and arrow inside.

"Isn't this the 'Dugong Arrow'? But why is this one so long?"

Just as Xiaolan was carefully observing the arrow of the dugong, the maiden costume began to act spontaneously again.

The maiden costume floated behind Xiaolan, slowly unfolded, and then the light blue spirit body slowly emerged, and the girl shikigami reappeared.

The girl shikigami patted Xiaolan's shoulder with joy, and a clear female voice rang out: "A girl full of aura, do you want to become a real witch?"

Xiaolan turned her head, saw the priestess costume hanging in front of her, and the light blue somewhat illusory spirit body, her little face turned pale in an instant! ! !

Her pupils kept shrinking, her whole body trembled, and then she screamed: "Dad, there is a ghost!"

Xiaolan's speed exploded completely, she rushed directly to the bathroom, pushed the bathroom away, and saw the naked Mori Kogoro.

She rushed over immediately as if seeing a savior, and hid directly behind Kogoro Mouri, hugging Kogoro Moori tightly with both hands.

A small head poked out from his side, looking like he was about to cry: "Dad, let's not stay here, this hotel will be haunted."

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