After finally sensing the presence of a new spirit body, how could the girl shikigami give up and quickly chase after her.

But when she saw Kogoro Mori facing her frankly in the bathroom, her eyes were fixed, and she suddenly became dazed.

She immediately picked up her cuffs to cover her sight, and said shyly, "How can you not wear clothes?"

Mori Kogoro suddenly had a headache: "How can I get dressed in the shower, Xiaolan, this is not a ghost, don't be afraid! Hey, why are you still peeking, can I trouble you to go out first, you are scared It's my daughter."

"Oh!" The girl shikigami obediently floated out in response, and closed the door by the way.

Mori Kogoro turned off the water, and turned to comfort Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, don't be afraid, this is not a ghost. It's like a shikigami summoned by an onmyoji or a wizard, and it won't hurt you."

"Isn't that still a ghost?"

"No, no, no, she has practiced for thousands of years, she is considered a god."

"Is it a thousand-year-old ghost?"

Xiaolan still looked like she was about to cry, and she couldn't explain it no matter how she explained it, she still hugged Kogoro Mori tightly, not daring to relax for a moment.

This was really inconvenient, so Mori Kogoro turned off the faucet, and then wrapped himself in a towel: "Xiao Lan, you stay here, I'll go out and talk to her first."

Hearing this, Xiaolan shook her head in fear, and could only follow Mori Kogoro out of the bathroom step by step.

As soon as the two of them came out, they saw that the girl shikigami had learned to watch TV without a teacher, and she was sitting on the sofa watching it with gusto.

Mori Kogoro quickly said, "Hey, do you know that your sudden appearance will scare people to death?"

The girl shikigami was a bit arrogant: "Hmph, I don't call you eh, you can call me Master Fusang."

Fusang turned around, and Xiaolan was so frightened that she pulled Mori Kogoro back.

"And I didn't appear suddenly. I fell asleep all the way. I sensed that a qualified witch heir would come out. If she didn't come out, what should I do if she ran away?"

"You don't know. I just walked all the way, and the aura of the outside world is more exhausted than I imagined. I thought there would be no spirit body. I finally met a good seedling who can become a witch. Why? I can let it go."

Hearing Fusang's words, Xiaolan's body trembled again, not daring to meet her eyes.

Mori Kogoro is getting more and more headaches. Is this Fuso relying on his father and daughter? He has been lobbying him in the cave just now, and now he has his eyes on his daughter.

"But even if this is the case, you can't show your appearance at will. You should also know that you are a very rare existence. If you are seen by others, you may provoke eminent monks to do tricks."

"Hey, I'm not afraid of the monk!" Fusang looked confident.

Mori Kogoro yelled immediately: "But you will cause me trouble if you do this. I promise to help you find a suitable heir, but you have to cooperate with me."

"Otherwise, I will throw away your Taoist uniform, and you can find an heir yourself."

Hearing Kogoro Mori's stern voice, Fuso seemed to be overwhelmed.

Naturally, it is impossible for her to leave the Maori father and daughter, two people so full of aura, any one of them can help her complete the master's commission.

Fusang's momentum weakened, and he curled up on the sofa, and said aggrievedly: "Didn't you say that before! Then how can I cooperate?"

Seeing that Fusang was still easy to talk to, Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief.

"First, you must not be visible in places where other people are present, especially public places."

"Second, when you meet a suitable successor, you must tell me first, and I will come forward to lobby."

Chapter 0028

Fuso is quite reasonable, and Mori Kogoro's request is not too much.

She nodded: "I can agree to your request, not to show myself in front of your daughter, but in exchange, you must also promise me a few things."

"I must fulfill the orders given by the master. If you fail to help me find a qualified candidate in the end, then you father and daughter must choose someone to inherit my master's inheritance."

"What's more, my own aura in the outside world will continue to collapse and cannot exist for a long time. If possible, help me find a shrine to support me. In exchange, I will help you do what I can!"

It was a simple matter, and Mori Kogoro agreed.

Fusang glanced at Xiaolan with a pale face, and said, "Okay! Alright! Then I won't bother you two."

After all, Fusang's blue spirit body slowly dissipated and attached back to the priestess clothes.

The miko clothes were folded neatly by themselves again and returned to the table.

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, but she still felt very uncomfortable in the same room with the weird clothes, so she dragged Mori Kogoro out the door and went to the next room.

They sat on the bed, and Xiao Lan wrapped the two of them in a quilt, which gave them a sense of security.

"Dad, what happened to that female ghost?"

Mori Kogoro caressed Xiaolan's long hair, comforted Xiaolan, and told her about going out with Hongzi today.

Being a witch, a mermaid, and a witch, such a bizarre thing completely broke Xiaolan's cognition.

His small mouth was wide open, and he looked like he couldn't believe it but had to believe it. From time to time, he was worried about the dangers that Mori Kogoro encountered.

As for Xingshi's questioning before, Xiaolan has long forgotten it completely.

After Mori Kogoro finished talking, Xiaolan lifted the quilt, immediately tore off Mori Kogoro's bathrobe, and rubbed his body: "Dad, that mermaid and that shikigami didn't hurt you, didn't you?" let me see."

"I'm fine. Didn't I tell you everything just now? Dad knocked that mermaid away with one punch."

Mori Kogoro still lost to his daughter's strange strength, the bathrobe came loose, and Xiaolan was lying on top of it and carefully inspecting his father's body.

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