At this moment, the door opened, and Hongzi's voice came over.

"Xiaolan, let's go eat, how about the seafood dinner?"

Hongzi was stunned when he saw the scene in the room. The naked Mouri Kogoro was lying on the bed, while Xiaolan was lying on top of him, trembling.

The scene was so explosive that Hongzi immediately screamed: "Pervert!" and closed the door.

She stood at the door, her chest heaving and falling, her eyes glowed with a strange light, she seemed to feel very excited.

"Hey, Hongzi, it's not what you think!" Mori Kogoro shouted repeatedly, and Xiaolan got up immediately, with a face full of bewilderment.

Mori Kogoro comforted him: "It's okay, just explain to her later, I'll go back to my room and change, and then we'll go have dinner together!"

In the seafood restaurant next door to the hotel, Hongzi looked at Xiaolan with a strange expression, a completely perverted look.

"Xiao Lan, you are not a father-controller, are you?"

Mori Kogoro, who was drinking water, choked when he heard this, and Xiaolan quickly helped to wipe it with a paper towel.

The strangeness in Hongzi's eyes became more and more obvious.

Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "Hongzi, didn't you explain everything clearly just now? I told Xiaolan that we met a mermaid in the underground lake. She was just worried about me and worried that I would get hurt. You Don't get me wrong!"

"Oh~~~" Hongzi looked at the two of them strangely, her face full of disbelief, and Xiaolan's cheeks blushed even more.

At this moment, two friends, Hattori Heiji and Conan, appeared.

Mori Kogoro gave Xiaolan a look, signaling that the things he told her before should not be said.

After the two appeared, the expressions of Hongzi and Xiaolan became normal.

Hattori Heiji sat on the cushion and said, "Uncle, why did you disappear all afternoon? Originally, the case was resolved, but I wanted to leave in the afternoon. Now there is no boat. It seems that I can only wait until tomorrow."

Kogoro Mouri said, "It doesn't matter if we leave tomorrow, just let's try the seafood feast on this island. I heard it's a must in Fukui Prefecture."

At this time, the waiter brought up the dishes. All kinds of shrimp, crab and shellfish were indeed very rich, and Hattori Heiji didn't say any more.

Everyone was very satisfied with this meal, and after eating, everyone went back to rest.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, maybe there were more girlish shikigami in the room, Hongzi and Xiaolan didn't come to disturb, and the night was extraordinarily peaceful.

Mori Kogoro dressed neatly, quietly left the hotel, and set off in the direction of the shrine.

There is also a witch in the shrine waiting for him to solve the puzzle.

Soon, Mori Kogoro came to the shrine. He pushed the open door and went straight in.

It was extremely quiet inside, there was no sound, only the hall was brightly lit.

Kogoro Mori came to the hall, pushed open the sliding door, and saw June Shimabukuro sitting in the middle with a very calm face, and there was a cushion in front of him.

Jun Hui was wearing a maiden costume of white on top and red on the bottom, which looked very bright under the firelight. Her eyes were tightly closed, and she opened them after hearing the sound.

Watching Mori Kogoro walk in and close the sliding door, and then sit in front of him, the two of them are so close that they can be touched with their hands.

Curiosity appeared in Jun Hui's lavender eyes: "Maori-kun, why? Why did you help me?"

Mori Kogoro sat very relaxed: "Isn't it normal to help you? Miss Junhui is so beautiful, I am naturally willing to serve the beauty."

Hearing this, Jun Hui frowned slightly.

"Besides, even if I'm a detective, I don't think you've done anything wrong. It's the so-called enmity between parents, and it's nothing more than that."

"If you don't even want to avenge your own parents, how can you be considered a qualified Son of Man!"

"In fact, I really appreciate Miss Jun Hui."

After hearing this, Jun Hui finally confirmed that it was Mori Kogoro who helped deal with the crime scene.

The mermaid footprints at the scene of Naoko's death, and the inexplicable fire in the shrine warehouse were all written by Mori Kogoro.

"But, Maori-kun, how did you do it? Aren't you obviously by my side at that time?"

Kogoro Maoli blocked Jun Hui's mouth with his finger: "Shh! You don't need to ask these questions, Shanren has his own tricks."

Facing such frivolous actions, Jun Hui's little face blushed slightly.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and retracted his fingers, Junhui's face returned to normal, and his eyes became very serious.

"Mori-kun, the last question, please answer me."

"I want to know whether Fushan Lulang's fall off the cliff was also designed by you?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, and looked at the witch.

The two looked at each other in the hall of the shrine.

Chapter 0029 Shrine Maiden P

Soon, Mori Kogoro laughed softly, and the laughter echoed in the hall of the shrine, and the fire seemed to be a little bright and dark.

"Why do you ask that? Didn't you see him lose his center of gravity and fall off the cliff?"

Jun Hui shook her head, and said softly: "Because I keep replaying the scenes at that time in my mind, I always feel that something is wrong."

"And I also asked Xiaolan later, she said that Mr. Mao Li is very good at karate, and it is impossible for you to be chased away."

"Besides, Fukuyama Rokuro was only holding a dagger in his hand, not a pistol. I thought about it carefully later. At that time, Mao Li-kun pulled me and refused to let me go forward, as if he was delaying time."

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