"More importantly, in the police testimony, all the three murders I did before were identified on Fukuyama Rokuro, and here is the scene of the crime that you helped to design, so I suspect that Fukuyama Roro's death was also caused by Mouri-kun. You designed it, so that there can be no evidence of death, and nothing will go wrong."

What a wonderful reasoning. Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but applaud him in his heart. His laughter stopped and his expression became serious.

"Is this all that important? You must know?"

Jun Hui nodded: "Well, I must know."

Mori Kogoro nodded, and said, "You are right, Fukuyama Rokuro's death was designed by me."

"I deliberately led him to the edge of the cliff, and waited until witnesses appeared before pushing you away."

"There was talcum powder that I arranged where he stepped on, so he lost his center of gravity and fell to his death. This was all done on purpose by me, and then I took advantage of your panic to deal with the talcum powder."

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Mori Kogoro admitted it openly, but Junhui Shimabukuro was stunned.

Her lavender eyes narrowed, and her complexion was very complicated.

She thought that Kogoro Mori would bite his tongue and refuse to admit it. After all, it was a crime of murder. Who would hand over the handle to others!

But I didn't expect Kogoro Mori to admit it like this, he actually trusted himself so much, this person he has only known for two days.

The hesitation and distrust on Jun Hui's face all disappeared, turning into a touch of gratitude.

"Thank you, Maori Detective, you're such a nice guy."

Tears flashed in her lavender eyes, and she looked at Kogoro Mori with a touch of warmth in her eyes.

This is an emotion she couldn't feel in this cold island. She has no relatives on the island. Longevity Po is her fictional great-grandmother, and her parents have long since died.

What's even more exasperating is that the islanders knew that they were pretending to be longevity women, but in order to continue pretending to attract tourists, they kept hiding it from her. It was a complete deception.

Such a mermaid island is cold and has no feelings at all!

Inexplicably, Kogoro Mori rolled his eyes when he was issued a good person card. He doesn't need this thing.

He glanced at Junhui Shimabukuro's favorability in the system space, and leaped forward like a roller coaster.

From forty-six before entering the shrine, to saying that he was the one who designed the scene of the crime, the favorability became sixty-three, and finally admitted that Fukuyama Rokuro was also designed to kill him, and the favorability jumped to eighty-six , the heat is almost there!

Jun Hui asked again: "But, Detective Maori, why did you do this, why did you help me avenge and kill someone?"

Why is it the same as the hundred thousand whys, Mori Kogoro is a little impatient.

His big hand directly supported Jun Hui's chin, Jun Hui's cheeks flushed and her body tensed up.

A wicked smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face: "There are so many reasons, maybe I don't like that guy who eats human bones, and he just acts for the heavens."

"It may also be that I just fell in love with you, and helping you and saving you is just to see if I can embrace the beautiful woman at that time."

Jun Hui couldn't help but feel agitated when he heard this, and looked at Kogoro Mori in a daze.

"You can choose one of the reasons to believe, or you can believe both."

"However, you are wrong about one thing, that is, I am really not a good person."

After saying this, Mori Kogoro kissed Jun Hui's pink lips, and Jun Hui's pupils shrank sharply.

It was too fast, the first kiss disappeared like this.

Being a priestess is to serve the gods, so it is natural to maintain a pure body.

Even though Jun Hui is already twenty-five years old, she is still a virgin girl, not to mention her first experience, she has always kept her first kiss.

After she wanted to take revenge, she turned into a long-lived woman and became a priestess on the island. She never married and spent her life in the shrine with the green lantern.

How could he know that Kogoro Moori popped up during the revenge period, not only helped her get rid of the crime, but also found the murderer who killed her father and ate her mother's bones, and avenged her.

Jun Hui is naturally extremely grateful for such a great kindness.

But now that her benefactor did such an unreasonable thing to her, she didn't know what to do for a while.

Jun Hui's little hands grabbed the cushion underneath, grabbed and let go, looking tangled.

She wanted to push Kogoro Mori's body away, but she didn't dare. In this way, time passed slowly while hesitating.

Soon, masculinity continued to flow from his mouth, Jun Hui's eyes gradually became misty, his heartbeat continued to speed up,

Her little face was flushed, and she even tried to respond after being kissed.

It has always been Kogoro Mori's style to push forward. Facing this young boy who did not resist at all, Kogoro Mori attacked with both hands.

One big hand covered Jun Hui's soft back, and the other covered her slender waist.

Jun Hui's body trembled, and she quickly stretched out her soft hands to resist Mouri Kogoro's hands.

It's just that this kind of strength can't be more appropriate to describe it as wanting to refuse but also welcoming.

Maoli Kogoro naturally ignored Jun Hui's weak resistance, and he didn't let go of Jun Hui's small mouth. Instead, he grabbed Jun Hui's soft hand and interlocked his fingers, which made Jun Hui's heart flutter even more. .

As a veteran driver, he is well versed in tactics and uses guerrilla tactics superbly.

Soon, kissing and kissing, Jun Hui's body was laid down on the mat, and Mori Kogoro was on top of her.

Mori Kogoro's right hand was covering his lower abdomen, while his left hand grabbed Jun Hui's beautiful little feet at some point.

He let go of Jun Hui's mouth, and Jun Hui's long hair was a little messy, just like her messy heart.

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