The pretty witch shook her head quickly, with a tone of crying: "Daba, Maori-kun, this is too fast."

"And we can't be here, it's disrespectful to be here."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "God is very busy and has no time to take care of our trivial matters. It's okay, Junhui, relax!"

After he finished speaking, he kissed Jun Hui's pink lips again, and flexibly pulled the two fingers of his right hand, and the white hemp rope tied with the white robe and scarlet hakama was loosened.

Chapter 0030 Shrine Miko p2

In the hall of the shrine, the light and darkness of the flames intersected, reflecting the two people's bodies a little mottled.

At this moment, Junhui exuded an amazing sense of beauty, and the disheveled priestess was so harmonious in this solemn shrine, which gave Mori Kogoro a different kind of stimulation.

Jun Hui's face was full of panic, and her small hands were pushing Kogoro Mori's body uneasily.

Mori Kogoro was still kissing her small mouth, countless flames burst into his eyes, almost burning Junhui.

The pretty Miko blushed, and countless goosebumps arose. She had never encountered such a fiery attack.

Mori Kogoro's right hand climbed up without hesitation, and he couldn't help being amazed when he climbed to the top of the peak. Good guy, it's hidden quite deep, it's so big, it must be D!

And his left hand is also constantly climbing, and everything it touches is smooth.

Facing the old driver's offensive, Jun Hui was already distraught, her body tensed into a bow.

She looked at the handsome Mori Kogoro in front of her, the great detective who killed people for herself, gently stroking his face with his soft hands.

In the end, Jun Hui resigned to his fate and gave up resisting: Anyway, he has done so much for himself, so what does it matter! ! !

The pair of lavender eyes became softer, and his hands didn't resist anymore, instead they hugged Kogoro Mori's neck.

Seeing the transformation of this pretty shrine maiden, Mori Kogoro naturally seized the opportunity and pursued the victory.

Not long after, a familiar and exciting movement sounded in the hall of the shrine. At that scene, even the gods had to turn their heads, not daring to look closely.

Under the bright and dark flames, the battle in the shrine lasted for three hours before it came to an end.

Above the hall, on the red scarlet hakama, Mori Kogoro and Shimabukuro Junhui hugged each other tightly.

Shimabukuro put her head on Kogoro Mori's chest, listening to the heartbeat like a heavy drum, although she was weak all over, she felt very at ease.

Mori Kogoro caressed Junhui's long straight black hair, and said domineeringly, "Pack up your things tomorrow morning and come back to Tokyo with me!"

When Jun Hui heard this, she was overjoyed and her eyes became softer.

But she hesitated for a moment, then shook her head: "No, Maori-kun, there must be a long-lived lady on the island, and this is my mother's favorite island, I must continue to be a maiden in this shrine. "

Mori Kogoro said: "Don't you know that the residents on the island are deceiving you? They only want you to continue to pretend to be a longevity woman and attract tourists to the island, but they can't understand your hard work at all."

"This island that your mother loved the most has changed. If your mother knew it, she wouldn't want you to waste your life in prison for a virtual identity."

Mao Li Kogoro hugged Jun Hui's delicate body tightly: "Besides, I don't want you to continue walking on your knees, so I will feel bad."

It was the last sentence that hit the softest part of Jun Hui's heart, and a smile appeared on her soft little face.

She tried her best to raise her head and pecked Mori Kogoro, then shyly hid in his arms again.

A buzzing voice came from his arms: "Maoli-san, I will listen to you."

"In the future, please take care of me!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "You should take care of me too!"

The two stayed together for a long time, the night gradually deepened, and the cold air appeared.

Mori Kogoro picked up Junhui, who had no strength, and walked to her room in the side hall.

After entering the room, Mori Kogoro lay down on the same futon with Junhui in his arms, and began to rest.

Perhaps because she knew that a new life was about to start, Jun Hui couldn't fall asleep easily, and kept talking while holding Kogoro Mouri in her arms.

"Mori-kun, if I go to Tokyo, I don't know anything. Apart from going to school, I have always been a shrine maiden. Will it put a lot of pressure on you?"

This girl has already started to worry about Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled. With his financial resources, it would be no problem to support thousands of people. These are unnecessary concerns.

However, he remembered the girl Shikigami Fusang who was looking for inheritance, so he asked, "Jun Hui, do you like being a witch very much?"

Jun Hui nodded: "Yes, it is actually a very good thing to be able to help people pray for blessings and eliminate disasters, and to see pilgrims feel at ease again."

"Well, when you return to Tokyo, I'll help you buy a new shrine, and then you can continue to do what you like, how about it?"

Hearing this, Junhui's small face was a little dazed: "Maori-kun, are you rich? Buy a shrine, why does the shrine say that you can buy it if you buy it?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and he patted Jun Hui's buttocks: "Don't underestimate me!"

"One more thing, Jun Hui, do you want to be a real witch?"

Jun Hui was dumbfounded again: "A real witch, am I not now!"

"It's not this kind, it's the kind of witch who can cultivate, has mana, can exorcise evil spirits, can channel spirits, and can set up barriers!"

It is natural to ask Junhui for his opinion on this matter, although Kogoro Mori thinks she is a very suitable candidate.

But she is already her own woman after all, if she is unwilling, Kogoro Mori will naturally not force her, and will look for a more suitable candidate.

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