But Jun Hui covered her mouth and laughed lightly: "Xiao Wulang, you are so funny, it's been so old, you still believe in such things."

Mori Kogoro continued to ask: "I mean, if, if there is a chance to become that kind of miko, would you like it?"

Jun Hui immediately nodded and said: "Of course I am willing. In fact, our shrine has always passed down that kind of practice. My grandmother taught me when I was a child. Unfortunately, it seems that the practice is useless. No one has cultivated spiritual power for hundreds of years. strength."

"If I'm a real witch, then I can protect my parents when something happens to them."

"Unfortunately, that kind of thing is fake, now we have to talk about science."

Hearing Jun Hui's answer, Kogoro Mouri put on an inscrutable smile on his face: "Maybe I have a chance to make Jun Hui a real witch!"

Jun Hui didn't believe it at all: "Hmph, liar, braggart."

"I see, you were just bragging when you said you could buy the shrine, right?"

"I'm telling the truth, okay, okay, you'll know when you arrive in Tokyo, go to sleep first!" Mori Kogoro closed his eyes.

"Are you really going to buy me a shrine in Tokyo, Kogoro, please explain clearly!" Junhui was tickled by Mori Kogoro, and it would be great if she could continue to be a shrine maiden in Tokyo .

"Looking at your appearance, it seems that you still have some strength. If you don't sleep, let's do it a few more times."

"Daba, you will die that way, beep, beep, I'm already asleep."

Only then did Jun Hui calm down, she put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, closed her eyes, and began to rest.

Chapter 0031 let me suck

The next morning, Mori Kogoro was woken up by the chirping birds outside the shrine. The sky was slightly bright, and it was just after six o'clock.

He sensed that the things he grasped with both hands were soft, and looked at the witch who was still sleeping soundly beside him.

Her pretty face was lovable, her white skin was as white as snow and as silky as satin, and she had a beautiful leg hanging on her body.

It is definitely inappropriate to leave quietly, girls are very sensitive at this time.

But I have to go back, otherwise Xiaolan and Hongzi in the hotel may see that they are not there, and something may happen again.

Mori Kogoro's movements became bigger, and his big hands began to walk up and down Jun Hui's body, over mountains and mountains.

Soon, Jun Hui was awakened, and she opened her sleepy eyes: "Mr. Mao Li, what are you doing again?"

Kogoro Maoli pecked Junhui's lips with a smirk: "Of course I told you to get up for morning exercises."

Jun Hui reacted in an instant, and quickly exclaimed: "Dabaa, why are you still here, you will die!"

The little hand hurriedly tried to stop Kogoro Mori's hands, his body struggled, his pretty face flushed quickly.

Last night, Mao Li Xiaogoro, who was as strong as a bull, made Jun Hui think that he was about to die, and he only slept for three or four hours before starting again. It was completely an animal.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle this time."

Mori Kogoro didn't care about Jun Hui's refusal, and directly pushed Jun Hui's body over. Not long after, a stirring movement resounded in the room.

An hour later, Kogoro Mori, who was refreshed, walked on the road leading to the hotel. The air in the early morning of Miguo Island was very fresh, which made people feel very invigorated.

Not long after, he returned to his room, and saw the TV in the room was on again, a maiden costume was floating again, and a ghost-like fusang was floating above the sofa.

Kogoro Mori was a little frightened by this scene: "Hey, Fusang, didn't you say that you don't show up easily? Why did you run out again?"

Fusang turned around: "Isn't there no one in this room? Besides, these things are very beautiful!"

What was shown on the TV screen was Japan's unique prank awards, various prank shows, and the girl shikigami was very interested in watching it, and she wanted to try it.

But I dare not let her learn these things, what if I go out and scare people to death.

Mori Kogoro quickly turned off the TV, and Fusang looked unhappy.

"Didn't you say that if you show your body, you will consume your spiritual power? If you consume all of your spiritual power, you will be dissipated? This is too dangerous. You should stay in the Taoist uniform!"

Fusang immediately laughed loudly: "How could it be possible to lose your soul and fall into a deep sleep after exhausting your spiritual power, and you will appear when you accumulate spiritual power again."

"I am Master Fusang who has practiced for thousands of years. I am not the kind of Shikigami who will perish easily."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro suddenly realized that Fusang seems to be quite powerful.

"Unfortunately, I don't know what has changed in the outside world. The aura is so exhausted. If I can find a place full of aura, maybe I can continue to practice and transform into a human form!"

The more you talk about it, the more fantastical it is, and it can also transform into a human form. Could it be possible to transform into a flying fairy in the future?

Immediately after, Fusang floated in front of Mori Kogoro, his eyes sparkled and he said, "You have so much spiritual power, if you let me inhale it, maybe I can maintain this state forever."

"Suck it, how do you suck it, it won't be the way a female ghost sucks Yang Qi?" He glanced at the magic weapon under his pants.

Hearing this, Fusang immediately floated over, and the hand of the spirit body kept patting Mouri Kogoro's head, which was really painful.

Fusang's embarrassing words kept coming over: "Big pervert, how could it be that way of sucking? I am the almost god-like Master Fusang, how could I use that method."

Although the spiritual power sucked by this method would be more pure, how could Fusang accept it.

"Kill you big pervert."

Mori Kogoro hurriedly fled to the sofa: "Just kidding, I don't quite understand these things."

"But there is one thing I don't understand. You said that my daughter and I are full of spiritual power. What is this spiritual power?"

"Could it be this?"

Mori Kogoro raised his hand, and condensed the power of the stars cultivated in the internal guidance technique in his right hand.

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