Little Lolita's pupils kept shrinking, she looked terrified, her little hands and feet danced wildly, and she kept struggling.

But how can a child resist the strength of an adult!

Ayumi struggled feebly, and was soon carried into the darkness.

Halfway through the run, Conan realized that Ayumi had fallen, and turned back quickly, but only saw Ayumi's small shoe on the floor, and his heart sank.

He heard the sound of iron bars rubbing against the wall again, so he quickly grabbed Bumei's little shoes and ran away immediately.

In the central control room with the lights on on the eighth floor, Kogoro Mori walked in holding Ayumi who had calmed down.

Little Lolita thought she was going to die at first, but when she smelled the familiar smell and those two familiar big hands, she quickly recognized who was behind her, and she couldn't help being overjoyed.

Ayumi looked at Uncle Maoli in a daze, and soon, she was hugged and sat on the chair.

"Uncle Maori, why are you here? What are we doing here?"

"That curator Jinchuan is a big villain. He killed people and hid things. Uncle, you save Conan and the others. The curator is chasing and killing Conan and the others."

Mori Kogoro had a slight smile on his face, and he stroked little Lolita's head with his big hand.

"Ayumi, don't worry about them. Since I'm here, Conan and the others will be fine."

"However, girls and boys are different. A cute girl like Ayumi needs protection, but a boy needs some tempering."

Hearing the praise, Ayumi's little face turned red.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the surveillance screen on the opposite side: "They are so courageous, they dare to come forward for anything."

"It's so bold, but you have to have the strength to match it. Let me see their performance now!"

"Don't worry, if there is a problem, I will solve it."

A few Ant-Man robots have been attached to Director Tsugawa's clothes, and everything is under the control of Mori Kogoro.

Chapter 0042 I'm not a lolicon? !

Hearing what Uncle Mao Li said, Little Lolita also nodded,

She obediently sat on Mori Kogoro's lap, and began to watch the surveillance screen.

Mori Kogoro grabbed Ayumi's right foot with a big hand. It was only covered with a layer of white socks, but the shoes were missing.

"Ayumi, did you lose your shoes just now? I'm sorry, it seems that I can only look for you later."

Sensing Kogoro Mori's fiery hands, Ayumi's cute face blushed slightly, and a cute loli voice appeared: "It's okay, uncle."

Little Lolita only felt that Moori Kogoro's embrace was extremely warm, so she rubbed her body back and sat down.

Directly let her back touch Kogoro Mori's chest and abdomen, and then the little loli showed a satisfied smile: Uncle smells so good!

But Mori Kogoro couldn't help gasping, this little lolita's unconscious movements are really killing people.

Looking at the cute little loli in his arms, Mori Kogoro hugged Ayumi tightly, but he could only tell himself over and over in his heart: I am not a lolicon!

At this time, Ayumi exclaimed: "Uncle, look quickly, that bad curator met Conan and the others!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro came back to his senses and looked at the surveillance camera screen.

At the corner of the third floor, Mitsuhiko draws attention from the front.

And Conan was lying in ambush, his elastic shoes were ready to go, and a football was placed in front of him.

When Director Jinchuan saw Mitsuhiko, he grinned grinningly and rushed towards Mitsuhiko holding an iron bar. Mitsuhiko's pale face was covered with cold sweat.

Conan saw the old curator showing his face, his eyes fixed, and he volleyed directly.

The powerful football blasted towards Director Jinchuan's head.

Curator Jin Chuan's eyes shrank, and there was no time to react.

But suddenly his right foot went numb, and he staggered as if he lost his center of gravity, just passing the football.

Conan couldn't help thinking that it was bad, and frowned.

The football passed over Director Jin Chuan's head, hit the glass window, and shattered all of the glass window.

Seeing the power of this ball, Director Jinchuan seemed to be irritated, with a ferocious expression on his face, he was about to slam the iron rod at the head of the nearest Mitsuhiko.

Mitsuhiko scrambled and fled, and Conan took his hand and rushed towards the stairs.

A wooden board was prepared at the edge of the stairs, and Conan and Mitsuhiko stood on it.

"Yuantai, hurry up!"

Yuantai at the bottom immediately pulled the body tied to the wooden plank, and the skateboard fell sideways on the stairs, and the two pissed and slid down the stairwell like skis.

Thanks to Conan usually skateboarding, his excellent balance allows him to slide down the stairwell without losing control.

As soon as the hand pushed against the wall, the turn was easily passed.

The two fell to the second floor extremely quickly, and curator Nazugawa couldn't catch up at all.

"Okay, Conan and the others escaped!"

When Ayumi saw this scene, she danced and danced, her small body swayed in Mouri Kogoro's arms, as if she had won a battle.

Mori Kogoro gasped again, and silently recited the Diamond Sutra, Lotus Sutra and other Buddhist works.

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