He stretched out his hand to suppress the excited little loli: "Ayumi, calm down, they are just running away temporarily, it's not really over yet!"

Ayumi nodded, and then focused on watching the surveillance screen again. However, the little loli also seemed to feel something strange, her two silkworm-like eyebrows twisted up, her big eyes fluttered, she didn't know what she was thinking what.

On the second floor, curator Jin Chuan chased after him out of breath.

When he turned his body and looked down, he saw that the board was discarded to the bottom of the first floor, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You want to lure me to the first floor, right? It's so naive to deceive me with such a simple trick."

"Children, come out quickly, grandpa will take you to see what you want to see."

"Come out, in fact, grandpa is not a bad person, he was just playing with you just now, you are still young, you don't even understand."

"How about grandpa treating you to dinner and sending you home?"

While speaking, Director Jin Chuan looked for the reading room on the second floor.

At the corner of the stairs on the first floor, Conan, Genta, and Mitsuhiko all breathed a sigh of relief.

Conan immediately said: "Genta, Mitsuhiko, we only bought a little time, we have to hurry up and escape, Ayumi has already been caught."

"Although nine out of ten doors and windows on this floor are locked, if they are unlocked, then we can escape, and one of them can go out first and call the police."

Genta and Mitsuhiko nodded seriously, and separated and ran in various directions to see if there were any doors and windows that had been left open.

It's a pity that curator Jin Chuan is very experienced in doing things. He didn't show up for so long after he came back. Naturally, he closed all the doors, windows, and escape routes on the first floor. Naturally, Sanxiao couldn't find an exit to escape.

At this time, Sanxiao heard the footsteps coming from the stairs and the angry curses, and his face turned ugly.

"Damn brats, let me see where you can go, let me catch you this time, and see if I don't peel you off."

Conan immediately pulled Mitsuhiko and Genta and ran away.

As soon as Curator Jin Chuan walked down the floor, he saw that the elevator was turned on, and the floor displayed on it was 4, and it was still going up.

Curator Jin Chuan became furious instantly: "Damn brat, how dare you play me, and ran up again."

He was about to turn around and climb upstairs, when he stepped on the steps, his movements suddenly stopped.

Curator Jin Chuan turned his head and looked at the dark reading room on the first floor, with an uncertain expression on his face.

After a long time, a terrifying laugh came from his mouth: "Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

"I'm so stupid, what's the use of them going up, and they can't run up there, and I cut the phone line."

"In the end, you still have to come to the first floor to escape. It's another trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain. I won't fall for it again."

Director Tsugawa turned around and walked towards the reading room on the first floor.

Hearing the sound of the leather shoes approaching, Genta and Mitsuhiko in the reading room on the first floor turned extremely pale.

Conan's face was also a bit ugly. He didn't expect that he couldn't lure Director Jin Chuan away this time, so it would be troublesome.

Now the only chance to come back is the anesthesia needle on his wrist.

But Conan hadn't shot for a long time, and he couldn't guarantee the accuracy of this shot.

But in the central control room on the eighth floor, the monitoring screen was so dangerous, but little Lolita didn't pay attention to it at all, instead she lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

Suddenly, Ayumi grabbed down with a pair of small hands, and shouted: "I caught it, I finally caught the big stick that beat my mother."

Chapter 0043 playing games with Ayumi

Mori Kogoro couldn't help snorting, but little Lolita Ayumi was full of excitement.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Kogoro Mori.

Looking at the innocent big eyes of this little lolita, Kogoro Mori seemed to have something cracked in his mind! ! !

His brows raised slightly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help reaching out and touching Ayumi's small head.

Little Loli narrowed her eyes with a helpful expression.

"Ayumi, uncle wants to play a game with you?"

"what game?"

"You will know after playing, but you can't tell your mother!"

Ayumi's eyes lit up: "Is it the games you played with Xiao Ai, Uncle?"

Kogoro Mori caressed Ayumi's soft back with his big hand: "It's very close, but Ayumi can't play those games all at once, she has to take it slowly."

When he said this, Mori Kogoro tapped lightly on Ayumi's nose with his finger.

But soon, Ayumi's cute little silkworm eyebrows frowned: "But Xiao Ai said that only she and uncle can do those games, she won't let us do it!"

"Then just don't tell Xiao Ai. If Ayumi does well, Uncle will reward you with a strawberry-flavored ice cream!"

Mori Kogoro blinked his eyes, and there seemed to be a strange light.

The naive little loli grabbed the things in her hands, and then twisted her waist excitedly: "Yes! Yes! Ice cream, I like ice cream the most, uncle, let's play a game, I will definitely win .”

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro showed a satisfied smile on his face.

In the central control room on the eighth floor, no one paid any attention to what was on the monitoring screen, and they didn't pay any attention to the life and death of the third child, so they started the game.

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