In the reading room on the first floor, Conan, Genta, and Mitsuhiko are in dire straits.

They heard the footsteps of leather shoes getting closer and closer, and their hearts beat faster and faster.

Curator Jin Chuan held an iron rod in his hand, turned on the light, and continued to inspect the rows of bookshelves.



"still none!"

The curator, who looked like a skeleton, walked to the end of the reading room, but couldn't find where the third child was, and couldn't help being furious.

He immediately roared, his voice was as sharp as a eunuch's: "Damn little brat, you're playing tricks on me again, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

Immediately afterwards, Director Jin Chuan, who was roaring like a ghost, trembled all over his body as if he was sick, and the voice in his mouth became a sharp gasp.

Curator Jin Chuan dropped the iron rod in his hand, and then took out a glass snuff bottle from his arms, which was full of white powder.

He quickly ignited the kindling underneath, then took a sharp sip.

The whole person moaned in a ecstasy, and the wrinkles on his face stretched out.

During the whole process, Conan's third child could only hear voices in the dark, and couldn't tell what was happening outside, with sweat on their faces.

Curator Jin Chuan regained his energy after taking a few sips, put the glass snuff bottle away again, picked up the iron rod, and walked outside.

"It seems that these little ghosts really took the elevator upstairs, and they have to find it again!"

Hearing the sound of footsteps going away, Conan, Genta, and Mitsuhiko breathed a sigh of relief.

According to Conan's strategy, Genta and Mitsuhiko hid in the movable bookshelf attached to the wall.There is a rotating iron handle next to the movable bookshelf, which can be rotated and then manipulated to move the bookshelf back and forth. Conan let the two lie down, and then rotated the iron handle to make the bookshelf stick to the wall.

Director Jinchuan didn't notice the mobile bookshelf attached to the wall, and he didn't notice Genta and Mitsuhiko.

As for Conan, he took advantage of people's psychological blind spots and hid in the drawn iron cabinet.

All four drawers in the iron cabinet were pulled out, and there was a space behind to hide people.

But when ordinary people see this scene, they feel that the drawer is opened so that the things inside can be seen at a glance, so they don't pay attention anymore.

Director Jin Chuan just glanced at it and walked away.

Hearing that there were no more footsteps outside, Yuantai relaxed, and the sphincter couldn't hold it back, and the serial fart came out.

Mitsuhiko, who happened to be lying on top of his buttocks, was very unlucky, and sucked all the serial farts in, and his pockmarked face turned blue instantly.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch Yuantai's butt, and choked out: "Yuantai, take your fart back, it stinks to death."

Under the pain, Yuan Tai couldn't help struggling: "This is out of my control, how can I take it back, hey, don't pinch me, pinching me will make me fart again."

Puff puff puff! ! !

Another extremely vigorous serial fart hit Mitsuhiko's pockmarked face, and Mitsuhiko's pockmarked face turned from blue to purple.

The two immediately began to fight, and the bookshelves against the wall kept arguing and flapping.

"Conan, come and save me!"

Conan, who heard the quarrel, was frightened. He quickly pushed open the iron drawers and ran out of the iron cabinet.

Then he climbed onto the mobile bookshelf, twisting the rotary switch on the mobile bookshelf with difficulty.

The bookshelf retreated step by step, leaving a gap after a while, and a stench rushed towards Conan's face, and Conan's face turned blue.

Then the little chubby Dun Yuantai rolled down from the bookshelf, and Mitsuhiko fell on him behind him, muttering: "I'm finally saved."

The stench finally dissipated, and Conan pinched his nose in disgust: "Yuantai, what did you eat today, it's really disgusting!"

Mrs. Yuan touched her head: "It's nothing. I ate curry bibimbap in the morning, and then I ate a very delicious durian. I'll go eat cake with you at noon."

Hearing the word durian, Mitsuhiko couldn't help but vomited against the wall.

Conan could only cover his face speechlessly: What two pig teammates!

Finally, when Mitsuhiko recovered, Conan began to give orders again: "Now that the old curator has been led upstairs by us, we have a little time to plan."

"Now the first floor is completely locked, we can't get out, the phone line has been cut off, and we have no contact with the outside world."

"In this case, there are only two ways, you can choose?"

"Which two ways?"

"One is to completely defeat the old curator and use his mobile phone to call the police. The other is to continue hiding until tomorrow. When the library opens tomorrow and someone comes in, we will win."

"Which one do you choose?"

Mrs. Yuan frowned, her face full of worry: "But what about Ayumi? Ayumi was taken away by that old curator. If we don't rescue her, Ayumi will definitely be in danger."

Mitsuhiko also nodded: "Yes, we must rescue Ayumi. Let's choose to defeat the old curator together."

Speaking of this, Mitsuhiko's eyes lighted up, and a smile hung on his face: Maybe after saving Ayumi, she will fall in love with me because of it!

Poor Mitsuhiko and Genta, both of them don't know how happy Ayumi is with Mouri Kogoro at the moment they are worried about!

Chapter 0044 Ayumi eats ice cream

In the central control room on the eighth floor, Mori Kogoro stroked Ayumi's little head with a smile on his face.

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