To be sold!Become a plaything!

This result is terrible!

And Conan also had a cold look on his face.

"But I keep that cute little girl for myself. I have a basement at home where I can keep her in captivity."

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

"Actually, I have long wanted to find a little girl to raise in captivity, but unfortunately I have never had the chance. It is a good thing that you found out today!"

At this time, a masculine male voice full of anger came over.

"is it?"

As soon as the words fell, the door of the reading room was kicked open, and the iron door fell in front of Director Jinchuan. Director Jinchuan couldn't help but be speechless when he saw this scene!

Outside the gate, Mori Kogoro with a stern face appeared with Ayumi in his arms, with high momentum, like a hero coming on stage.

Kogoro Mori happened to hear the last sentence, and he had already sentenced the director Tsugawa to death in his heart.

When Conan's third elementary school saw Mori Kogoro, who had descended from the sky, he immediately shouted in surprise: "Uncle Maoli!"

They felt that Kogoro Mori was so kind and handsome like never before!

Seeing the stranger appearing suddenly, curator Jin Chuan's expression changed drastically, he turned his head sideways to look around, and immediately rushed towards Sanxiao with an iron rod in his hand.

He intends to kidnap San Xiao to force Mao Li Kogoro to submit.

Conan's third child suddenly turned pale with fright!

But now that Mori Kogoro has appeared, what Director Tsugawa did was all in vain!

Even if Mori Kogoro was holding Ayumi, his speed was not slow at all.

The whole body was like a gust of wind, coming first and rushing behind Director Jin Chuan.

Like a thunderbolt on the flat ground, a plan to lift the yin leg hit the curator Jin Chuan.

It is completely unforgivable to want to play Ayumi's idea!

This kick was so powerful that it kicked Director Jin Chuan into the air, and his two eggs and intestines were directly kicked into the abdomen.

The flying old guy's eyes turned white, and he passed out from the pain in mid-air.

He flew three meters high, and then fell heavily in front of Conan's third child, unconscious.

Mitsuhiko and Yuanta let out a long sigh of relief: "Saved!" "Saved!"

Conan couldn't help but asked, "Uncle Mouri, why are you here? And Ayumi, where did you go?"

Ayumi was about to answer, but Mori Kogoro spoke first: "It's so late, I think you haven't come home yet, so I came to the library to look for you."

"I thought the library was closed and the bottom was locked, but when I saw the lights kept turning on and off, I felt something was wrong, so I went in to have a look."

"Then I met Ayumi. Ayumi said that you were in danger, so I came to you."

Ayumi listened to Mori Kogoro's words with a dazed expression.

But thinking of his uncle's instructions when he left the central control room, he nodded obediently and echoed: "That's it."

Conan continued to ask: "So, Ayumi, have you been hiding in the library while you were separated from us?"

Ayumi glanced at Mori Kogoro, then nodded: "Yes, I didn't get caught by hiding everywhere."

Mitsuhiko sighed, "It's a pity we didn't find the body, otherwise we could have convicted the curator."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Is it a corpse? I threw it next to the elevator on the first floor. The original corpse was hidden above the elevator."

It turned out that Mori Kogoro got there first, and Conan immediately asked, "Uncle, how did you find out?"

Mori Kogoro glanced at Conan, and said calmly: "The smell is so strong, I could smell it as soon as I entered the elevator, so I don't even need to talk about how I found it!"

Conan, who was deeply shocked, suddenly heard countless words mmp in his heart!

The police car rang, and the belated police officer Mu Mu finally appeared in the Mi Hua library.

Chapter 0046 Ayumi's Exciting Kiss

Police officer Megure led a team to deal with the scene, the body of the missing Yutian Kazuo was found, the murderer was also subdued, and even the smuggled drugs were all found by Mori Kogoro.

All the police can do is to deal with the aftermath!

Facing Kogoro Mori's contemptuous gaze, Police Officer Megure smiled dryly and apologized to the boys for his dereliction of duty during the afternoon search.

Seeing Director Natsugawa being arrested by Police Officer Megure, Mori Kogoro didn't pay any more attention to him.

As a martial arts master, he was seriously injured by that kick just now.

Moreover, with the collapse of energy into his body, he only has a few months to live at most.

Such a scum and scum, if he had thoughts that he shouldn't have, he should be destroyed humanely.

Mori Kogoro ignored Police Officer Megure and his party, took Si Xiao into the car and drove towards home.

Along the way, he kept reprimanding the three of Conan in the back seat, and the three little boys lowered their heads, obediently admitting their mistakes and being trained.

"Conan, Genta, Mitsuhiko, you guys are too ignorant! How can you investigate such a dangerous matter privately, you should tell the adults."

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