"You actually dragged Ayumi along and fell into such a dangerous situation. If I had gone a few steps later, you might have been knocked out and sold by the old curator. I don't know if you were arrested by those rich people Plaything."

"This is not allowed in the future, do you understand?"

San Xiaopi nodded obediently, and replied feebly: "Hi!" X3

"Ayumi did a good job this time, and I couldn't save you without her telling me, so why don't you thank Ayumi!"

"Thank you Ayumi!" X3

And Ayumi in the passenger seat accepted the thanks from Conan and others with a smile, looking very happy.

"Okay, I'm tired after fighting for so long, go home and try the cakes made by Xiaolan and the others, and then go home after dinner."

Hearing that there was something to eat, Genta cheered again as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, but Conan and Mitsuhiko looked at this scene speechlessly.

Soon, everyone arrived at Mori's house, and Mori Kogoro entered the door with Ayumi in his arms.

As soon as you enter the door, you can smell the scent of baking cakes, which are slightly sweet. It seems that the two women finally made it successfully.

Xiaolan came up to greet her: "Father, why have you been away for so long?"

"I ran into another case in the library, so I wasted a little time."

Ayumi explained: "The librarian smuggled drugs and was a murderer. Fortunately, uncle came to save us, otherwise we would all be killed by that curator."

"It's so serious!"

After hearing this, Yuanzi couldn't help but said: "Uncle, you can get involved in cases no matter where you go. Could it be that there is something unclean on your body? Do you want to ask some shrine to pray for you and get rid of bad luck?" .”

But Kogoro Mori said, "This god of plague should be Conan. If I didn't go to the library, it would be Conan who was involved in this murder case."

He picked up Conan with one hand: "In fact, I always feel that we always encounter cases as soon as Conan moves in. Maybe this child is the reincarnation of a disaster star!"

Conan rubbed his head and laughed dryly: "Uncle, you're kidding again. What era is this? How can you believe in these superstitions? It's all a coincidence! Haha!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He had just conquered a witch heir this afternoon, and the girl Shikigami Fuso was quietly attached to the miko costume in the bedroom, saying that these are superstitions, knock you of!

Mori Kogoro shot without hesitation, knocked on Conan's forehead, directly knocked a big red envelope, and then threw Conan away.

Conan then rubbed his head with tears in his eyes again, he was used to being knocked, and he didn't even want to find out the reason.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, is the cake ready? These little guys are all hungry!"

Yuanzi smiled confidently: "Miss Yuanzi goes out in person, there is nothing that can't be done, little ones, go eat cake with me."

Genta and Mitsuhiko flocked to the dining table.

Mori Kogoro put down Ayumi in his arms.

Ayumi who was standing on the ground seemed to feel some pain as soon as she stepped her leg, Xiao Cang frowned, and turned her head pitifully to look at Mori Kogoro.

It was only then that Mori Kogoro realized that the little girl was too delicate, and he had gone too far with the attack just now, so he stroked Ayumi's head with his big hand, and the healing technique was displayed.

Ayumi's body was warmed, and her big eyes lit up.

Then she heard Mori Kogoro say 'Go! 'He happily ran towards the dining table.

And Mori Kogoro went to the kitchen, put on an apron and started cooking, of course he must do what he promised Ayumi!

Soon, Mori Kogoro came out with a pot of delicate dishes.

It is the sukiyaki that I made for Fei Yingli before. It is very rich and fragrant, and everyone's mouth is drooling!

Yuantai soon rebelled, leaving the cake made by Yuanzi and eating the dishes of Kogoro Mouri.

In addition, Mori Kogoro brought out a special plate and placed it in front of Ayumi.

"This is specially awarded to Ayumi, and no one else has it. There is mango pudding, blueberry mousse next to it, and uncle's secret 'super delicious' milk tea drink!"

Seeing these desserts, Xiaolan and Yuanzi showed envious expressions, while the snack shop Yuanta's eyes turned red.

Ayumi's face was slightly red, showing a sweet smile, and the cute loli voice came out: "Uncle, you squat down a little!"

Mori Kogoro squatted down obediently.

The little loli held Kogoro Moori's head in her hands and said 'mua! ' took a sip, then lowered his head shyly.

In an instant, someone at the dining table burst into a state of mind! ! !

Mitsuhiko was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames, biting Sonoko's cake, his cheeks twitched and his lips trembled.

At this moment, Yuanzi is jealous of Qi Qimei: I have never kissed my uncle's cheek, why am I not a child, it is convenient to do everything like this!

Conan couldn't help but roll his eyes, but he silently called out to Huiyuan in his heart: Little girl with a black belly, if you don't come back, your status at home will be lost.

Xiaolan didn't feel anything unusual, instead she chuckled lightly: "Dad, it seems that Ayumi likes you very much!"

Mori Kogoro also smiled, touched Ayumi's little head, and said, "Yes, I like Ayumi too!"

After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed Ayumi on the cheek.

Kissed by her uncle in public, the blush on Ayumi's face instantly spread to her ears, and Xiaomeng blushed almost to the point of bleeding, she didn't dare to lift her head down.


Mitsuhiko gasped, leaned back, and covered his chest with his hands, as if he had a heart attack.

He didn't want to believe the scene in front of him, his pupils kept shrinking, his mouth opened wide, and the cake in his mouth fell down.

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