At this moment, he wanted to shout: "Let go of that girl, let me do it!"

But when he saw Uncle Maoli's deep eyes glanced at him, Mitsuhiko faltered back in an instant, turned his gaze away and didn't dare to look again, picked up the cake that fell on his pants again, and stuffed it into his mouth.

It's just that at this moment, the cake that was incomparably sweet just now tastes incomparably bitter.

Looking at the carefree Yuantai beside him who was eating happily, he even had the urge to cry.

My first love that has not yet begun has withered!Let this bread pay homage to my dead love!

Chapter 0047 Xiao Ai is not at home today


After dinner, Xiaolan immediately sensed Sonoko's wolfish ambitions, and categorically rejected the idea of ​​letting Sonoko stay here, and handed over Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi to Sonoko and sent them back.

Seeing Xiaolan with a determined face, Yuanzi could only nod her head in agreement.

At the stairs, Mori Kogoro waved goodbye to everyone.

Although Ayumi had a look of reluctance on her face, she obediently followed Sonoko and left.

But when she left, she said: "Uncle, I will come to play games with you again!"

Hearing this, Mitsuhiko was stabbed in the heart again, and his little face wrinkled.

Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face.

Just now in the central control room of the library, the environment is too bad, and there are no suitable props. Mori Kogoro is just addicted to his hands, just tested the depth, and did not do anything too extreme.

But next time, it might not be so!

Looking at Ayumi who hopped away, the smile on the corner of Mouri Kogoro's mouth looked extremely evil at this moment.


On the way home, Mitsuhiko looked at Ayumi, who was in a good mood, and suddenly looked dejected.

Even in the summer night, he still felt cold in his heart.

Seeing this, Sonoko couldn't help but said, "Mitsuhiko, why are you pretending to be so melancholy? Could it be that the cake I made tonight didn't suit your taste."

Mitsuhiko shook his head lowly, but did not answer the question.

At this time, a beautiful song sounded from the Chinese restaurant next to the road.

"Snowflakes are fluttering, and the north wind is howling.

The world, one piece, boundless.

A cut plum, standing proudly in the snow.

Just for, Yiren, fragrance.

Love what I love, no regrets.

This love, long stay, in the heart.


Although I don't understand the meaning of the lyrics, the melody of this "Yijianmei" fits Mitsuhiko's mood very well at the moment.

In an instant, Mitsuhiko burst into tears!

At this moment, Mitsuhiko just wants to kneel on the ground, look up to the sky, and shout "No!" "No!" "No!"

Fortunately, he was pulled over by Yuan Tai before he shouted, and Yuan Tai said with a strange face: "Guangyan, why are you crying?"

Yuanzi suddenly looked at the pockmarked kid with tears streaming down his face, he would cry when he heard a melody of Huaguo, this kid's brain must be broken, right?

Mitsuhiko saw that Ayumi was also paying attention to him, his self-esteem exploded, he broke away from Kai Yuanta's hand, covered his face and ran away crying.

Sonoko, Genta, and Ayumi immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling countless crows flying over their heads.

Ayumi couldn't help but said: "Could it be that what happened in the library tonight scared him, he has been holding back until now to cry."

But Yuan Tai hesitated and said: "Could it be because he ate my fart?" After saying this, Yuan Tai immediately covered her mouth.

But Yuanzi's eyes lit up, looking excited and gossiping: "Oh, little devil, you have such a heavy taste and play so much, tell my sister!"

Ayumi immediately moved away from Genta, and said disgustedly: "Genta, Mitsuhiko, you guys are so dirty to play such a disgusting game."

The little fat man Yuantai immediately waved his hands in panic, and explained repeatedly: "We didn't play, we just couldn't help it all of a sudden, why did he just lie on my buttocks, with his face facing him!"

"Oh~~~~~~" Hearing such explosive information, Sonoko's reaction was very violent. Amber's big eyes lit up, her brows raised, and she seemed to want to ask more questions.

The chubby Dunyuan blushed too: "I won't tell you, I'm going home by myself!"

After saying that, he moved his fat legs and ran towards his home.

But while running, Yuan Taixin thought that he would find time tomorrow to apologize to Mitsuhiko, after all, he was the one who caused him to fart!

Seeing that Yuantai also ran away, Sonoko muttered in vain, and held Amy's little hand: "Let's go, Ayumi, my sister will take you home!"

A large and a small figure walked towards Ayumi's house.

On the third floor of Maori's house, Conan was sent down to prove the 'Riemann Conjecture', and only Kogoro Maori and Xiaolan were left in the house.

After Xiaolan cleared the dining table, she went to the sofa to find Kogoro Mori who was drinking tea.

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