She sat directly next to Mori Kogoro and put her arm around him.

The soft chest wrapped around Moori Kogoro's arm in an instant, Xiaolan didn't mind at all, and looked at Mouri Kogoro's handsome side face with her big bright eyes.

"Father, Xiao Ai is not at home today!"

A strange color flashed in her lavender eyes.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, he had an instant insight into his daughter's mind, but he was still drinking tea calmly: "I know!"

Xiao Lan repeated: "Father, Xiao Ai is not at home, we are the only two left at home."

When she said this, she twisted her body and made a coquettish gesture.

It's so cute, it's lethal!


Mori Kogoro pulled out his right hand, put his arms around Xiaolan's soft shoulders, and said, "Lan, there is still a shikigami in the bedroom. We are not the only two left at home."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face changed instantly, her body became very stiff, and her soft voice just now became stagnant: "Dad, did you bring that ghost home too?"

"Didn't you say you were going to send it to the shrine? I thought you gave it to Miss Jun Hui!"

"Could it be that we have been cooking under the watchful eye of that ghost all this afternoon?"

Xiaolan, who was afraid of ghosts, threw herself directly into Kogoro Mouri's arms, her body still trembling.

Mori Kogoro could only smile wryly and caress Xiaolan's soft back, he would not have told her about it if he had known.

"Don't be afraid, Fusang is not a bad person, even a ghost is a good ghost, and it won't hurt you."

"But it still needs to be dealt with. I will go out later and send the shikigami and the maiden costume she is attached to to Junhui's shrine, and I have to explain something."

Hearing this, Xiaolan was overjoyed immediately: "Dad, hurry up, take her away quickly, don't let her stay at home overnight!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Good! Good! Good! So, Xiaolan, just stay at home and wait for me to come back."

Xiaolan immediately nodded obediently.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro entered the bedroom, took out the maiden costume and the bow and arrow box in the suitcase, and set off.

During this period, Xiaolan didn't dare to get too close to her father who was holding a witch costume.

She waited until Mori Kogoro went out and left, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but after the maiden costume was taken away, Xiaolan suddenly felt that the house became much warmer.

However, thinking that her father would be back later, Xiaolan turned around and went into the bedroom to prepare, intending to surprise her father when she came home.

Chapter 0048 If you want, I will give it to you!

Mori Kogoro had already called Jun Hui to say that he would go there, and Jun Hui on the other side of the phone was naturally waiting happily.

Kogoro Mori was walking on the road with a witch costume, and Fuso's voice kept ringing in his heart.

"Hey, you bastard, do you want to dump me like this?"

"What about my master's inheritance?"

"That short-haired girl just now is very nice, why did you let her go?"

"You don't mean what you say, you want to renege on your debt!"

"I can tell you, Fusang-sama is terrible when he gets angry."

The crisp girlish voice was constantly threatening, Mori Kogoro explained: "Fusang, don't worry, I will definitely give you a suitable heir."

"And didn't you say you wanted to find a shrine to enshrine you? It's not appropriate to stay in my house. I've already found a suitable shrine for you."

When Fusang heard this, he replied with a "Huh!"

Obviously she was sulking, and ignored Kogoro Mori, but silently wrote down the walking route.

Not long after, the Izumo Shrine not far from home arrived.

Mori Kogoro came to the main hall of the Izumo Shrine according to the text message, and saw Shimabukuro Kimie standing alone in the center of the main hall in a gold silk priestess costume.

As the supreme leader of the Izumo Shrine, Lord Kamito, the costume is naturally distinguished from ordinary priestesses, and the edges of priestess clothes are decorated with golden ribbons.

As soon as Shimabukuro Kimie saw Mori Kogoro, she smiled and greeted him happily.

Mori Kogoro naturally opened his arms and embraced Jun Hui, hugged his soft and delicate body tightly, and rubbed his little head.

But Fusang cursed in his mind: "Big pervert, so that villain is you! It really is a big pervert!"

Mori Kogoro ignored Fusang's voice, caressed Jun Hui's soft back, and asked with concern: "How is it? Are you satisfied with living in this shrine? Are the people below obedient? Have you not been bullied?"

Jun Hui smiled shyly: "I'm not a child, how could I be bullied, everything is fine, and my subordinates are very obedient."

"That's right, there's something wrong with it!"

Mori Kogoro frowned: "What's wrong?"

"I miss you!" After saying this softly, Jun Hui shyly buried her head in Kogoro Moori's chest, and Kogoro Moori smiled slightly.

At this time, Fusang's pretentious vomiting sound suddenly came to mind: "Ouch, it's too sour, I can't take it! I can't take it!" Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but twitch his brows.

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