"Good brother!" This time it was loud.

"Not gentle enough!"

"Good brother! Just give it to me! I want it!" Fusang flew to Kogoro Mouri's side, put his arms around his arm and acted coquettishly.

"Good brother!" "Good brother!" "Good brother!"

The little witch Jun Hui was stunned when she saw this scene, she couldn't believe that a Shikigami was acting like a baby to her sweetheart.

Only then did Kogoro Mori show a happy smile on his face, and handed Fusang the half of the well water left in his hand.

Fusang's eyes lit up, and he didn't mind that it was Kogoro Mori who spoke to him, so he started to drink: "It's so sweet!"


After a while, Fusang drank up the remaining half bottle of liquid.

"Ah!" Fusang burped in satisfaction, with a very relaxed expression.

Sure enough, drinking it would have a miraculous effect. It seemed that there were countless spiritual powers stirring in Fusang's body, and Fusang's momentum continued to rise.

The surging spiritual power dispelled the hazy mist covering his head.

Immediately, Fusang's entire spiritual body became real.

It's a pity that only the small face can be seen clearly.

As for other places, such as the hands exposed from the cuffs, there is still a sense of illusion;

And the legs under the skirt are still covered with mist, it's not clear at all!

But the mist covering his face dissipated, and Kogoro Mori saw Fusang's true face.

He is completely a character who jumped out of the second dimension, with a pretty face full of innocence, big red eyes, skin as white as a freshly peeled egg, a tall Qiong nose, and the most special thing is that the hair is draped to the back of the waist long blue hair.

Moreover, the round face has a natural dull attribute, which makes it look very childlike.

Coupled with the elastic things that Moori Kogoro caught just now, at least it starts with an E cup, and it has a proper child-like big breasts.

Seeing that Fuso is such a cute girl, Mori Kogoro nodded in satisfaction.

This time I went to Miguo Island to abduct Junhui and Fusang, and I really made a lot of money!

The little Shikigami was still holding the empty glass bottle, sticking out his pinkish short tongue, constantly licking the remaining liquid from the bottle mouth.

Xiaofan clicked his tongue, came in and out, Mouri Kogoro immediately thought of something.

I really can't watch this scene for too long!

He stretched out his finger and poked Fusang's most realistic Xiao Yuan's face, and he could feel a little temperature.

Just now, Fusang's body and little hands were completely cold.


As if being disturbed, Fusang patted Kogoro Mori's hand away with an impatient look on his face.

This is the case with crossing rivers and demolishing bridges!

Mori Kogoro was not annoyed at all, he took out another bottle of well water from the [Mysterious Well] from his bosom, fed it to Shimabukuro Junhui and drank it again.

Fusang's crimson eyes straightened instantly, and his gaze was fixed on the bottle of water.

Oh my god, the master's liquid of spiritual power needs several years of material accumulation to be prepared. This guy's liquid of spiritual power seems to be free of money, so he just took it out casually.

Seeing Fusang's straight gaze, Shimabukuro Junhui knew that this bottle of water was a good thing no matter how stupid she was.

The little witch said stupidly: "Mori-kun, why don't you give this bottle of water to Shikigami-sama!"

"Okay, okay, give it to me!" Xiao Shikigami suddenly became excited.

However, Kogoro Maoli ignored him at all, and said domineeringly to Jun Hui: "I gave you this, drink it!"

Jun Hui blushed slightly, but she didn't dare to resist, so she obediently finished the second bottle of liquid.

Fusang on the side was so pouting that she could hang oil bottles on it, and she muttered softly at the side: "Big villain! It's not fair! I want it too!"

Kogoro Moori said, "I don't have many such precious things myself, so naturally I give them to my woman first!"

This is completely nonsense, the [Mysterious Well] can produce [-] bottles of well water every day, which is inexhaustible, otherwise there is no way to dilute the supply to Horikoshi Yumi's beauty company.

Now there are nearly a million bottles of well water accumulated in the system space, and Mori Kogoro is completely fooling this girl shikigami.

But Fusang's eyes lit up when he heard this, as if he was thinking of some crooked idea.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, as if he was calculating something.

"However, Fusang, it's not impossible for me to supply you with this liquid of spiritual power to help you shape your body."

"Just, what can you give me in exchange?"

Fusang was distressed immediately, and she didn't know what to do with her long blue hair, but soon she thought of something.

Rubbing the two small hands together in front of the chest, a layer of white barrier was opened.

Her little hand reached in and pulled out something.

Mori Kogoro and Shimabukuro Kimie looked at this scene expectantly, wondering what treasure Fuso would show.

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