"Dengdeng! This is my collection, a thousand-year-old salted fish, how about exchanging it with you!"

Fusang held a full meter long sardine in his hand, and waved it excitedly, the smell of salted fish came to his nostrils.

Are you meow kidding me?

Countless black lines hung from the heads of Mori Kogoro and Shimabukuro Junhui.

Mori Kogoro suddenly shouted violently: "I want a thousand-year-old salted fish to be useful. What you have is a shikigami, not a cat. Why are you collecting this thousand-year-old salted fish?"

Fusang shrank back, and said aggrievedly: "If you don't want it, then don't! Why are you yelling at me!"

"I've been practicing in the cave, and I don't have anything. This is a thousand-year-old salted fish that I managed to catch!"

Fusang treasured and sent the thousand-year-old salted fish back to the barrier.

Immediately afterwards, Fusang hesitated and hesitated for a long time before speaking again: "I have one more thing to exchange!"

Mori Kogoro slightly raised his interest, and asked, "What is it?"

Fusang stretched out his small hand into the white barrier, threw a piece of white cloth, and threw it directly on Kogoro Mori's face.

Then she turned around shyly, and said in a low voice: "My original fat, you big pervert, will definitely like it, so I'll take it out and exchange it with you!"

Original fat times! ! !This guy has lived for a thousand years!

Could it be the millennium original fat times! ! !

Mori Kogoro almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, I don't know if it was a psychological effect, Mori Kogoro only felt that the cloth on his face was so embarrassing that he almost fainted.

However, the remaining intelligence was running rapidly, and Mori Kogoro remembered it in an instant.

There was no such thing as underwear in Japan a thousand years ago, how could there be a so-called thousand-year-old panties.

He stretched out his hand to take off the fat on his face, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the pattern on it, this is Xiaolan's fat.

But his brows jumped up.

In other words, Fusang stole his daughter's fat times and wanted to exchange them with him, it was simply too despicable.

Chapter 0050 is overflowing!

Fusang also spoke plausibly: "That's what the villains on the square boxes said, big perverts and perverts like Maori-kun will definitely like this kind of original flavor, I only have this one, leave it to me you."

"Give me another ten or eight bottles of spirit power liquid!" Fusang licked his lips greedily.

Yaoshou, letting this girl Fusang watch TV by herself has taught this guy something.

Jun Hui on the side stared at this scene dumbfounded, her sweetheart and Lord Shikigami were trading underwear, how could this style of painting be so inconsistent! ! !

Mori Kogoro frowned, and said in a bad tone: "Fusang, these are my daughter's underwear. As far as I know, you have practiced for thousands of years. There was no such thing as underwear in Japan thousands of years ago!"

"You stole my daughter's panties and want to change them with me, how brave you are!"

Fusang's complexion suddenly changed, and he said in panic: "I am a majestic Master Fusang, how could I steal other people's things, you, you, you slander me!"

This explanation is not strong at all, and Jun Hui next to him also has a face of disbelief.

Fusang quickly remembered something, and spoke first: "As a father, he knows so much about his daughter's underwear, he really is a pervert, hmph!"

Mori Kogoro shouted coldly: "Don't change the subject for me, I'll just ask you if you still want to get the spiritual power liquid from me to practice, and if you want, just tell me honestly!"

Hearing Kogoro Mori threatened with the liquid of spiritual power, Fusang could only lower his head obediently, circling his two little hands in front of him, and spoke aggrievedly.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I don't have anything!"

"The villain on the small box said that girls must wear fat times when they grow up!"

"I saw so many strips in the next bedroom, and I wanted to have one for myself, so I just took the unopened one. That's not considered stealing!"

In the end, Fusang's voice was getting weaker and weaker, and he was so guilty that if it weren't for Mori Kogoro's good hearing, he could hardly hear it.

Hearing such an explanation, Mori Kogoro was really angry and funny, as if seeing a disobedient naughty daughter, he was completely helpless.

He also understood that Fusang treasured that thousand-year-old salted fish, and even regarded a fat one as a treasure.

This guy is really poor, not ordinary poor, but the kind who has nothing!

Inexplicably, Mori Kogoro felt pity for Fusang in his heart.

It's really pitiful to think that she was trapped in a dark cave by herself, locked on the formation map, and waited for thousands of years alone in order to fulfill her master's oath.

He stopped playing tricks on Fusang, and took out another bottle of so-called spirit power liquid from the system space, and handed it to Fusang.

Fusang was stunned for a moment, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his small face.

She immediately reached out her small hand to take the bottle, put it into the maiden costume, and then looked at Kogoro Mori gratefully, this time speaking spontaneously: "Thank you so much, good brother!"

But soon her complexion changed again, and she complained: "Even my daughter's fatness is not spared, she really is a big pervert."

Mouri Kogoro said nothing, reached out and patted Fusang's head, and threw the fat in his hand back.

"Anyway, this one is unopened, so return it to you, it won't be considered stolen by you!"

Hearing this, Fusang's big crimson eyes lit up, happily put the anime underwear back into his barrier, and sent a good friend card to Mori Kogoro.

"You're so kind, Kogoro!"

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