She looked up at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, the pores of her body were constantly opening, and drops of sweat oozed from her body, crystal clear.

The little angel only felt satisfied, looking at the bright moon with slightly purple eyes, eyes full of confusion: so beautiful!

Her mind had long forgotten everything but this dull wonder.

Not long after, the little angel's body trembled slightly, exuding an astonishing sense of beauty all over her body, and a smile that could charm all living beings appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Such a day is really beautiful! ! !

At the same time, under this room, Conan the Little Devil was also standing by the window looking at the full moon. He also felt that the moon tonight was extremely beautiful.

But Conan didn't find anything. After looking at the moon for a while, he sat down at the desk again, biting a pencil and racking his brains to prove the 'Riemann Hypothesis'!

Not long after, Conan brushed his hair distractedly, lamenting in his heart: When will this be so big?Now my uncle's questions have been raised to the level of a mathematician, and I started to let myself prove various mathematical conjectures, which is really killing me.

Conan is pretty good at finding evidence to solve the case.

He can't prove mathematical conjectures. After a while, his head is getting bigger.

This night is bound to be long.

The next morning, under the sun, Mori Kogoro woke up from his sleep.

The sun was so hot that he couldn't even lie down on the bed.

Kogoro Mori opened his eyes, couldn't help but yawned, and rubbed his temples, he really didn't get enough sleep last night!

He turned over and got up, put on his pajamas, stepped on the floor with bare feet, and opened the door of the bedroom.

In an instant, Kogoro Mori smelled a tangy fragrance, and the light humming sound came from the kitchen, it was Xiaolan's voice!

Kogoro Mori walked towards the kitchen. The baby girl was wearing cool pajamas and an apron, stepping on the floor with bare feet, holding a wooden spatula in her hand, and was cooking constantly. She was a lively little cook!

The smoke of the food continued to rise, and the sound of unknown tunes surrounded the ears.

Such a comfortable day is really not for gods.

When Xiaolan heard the footsteps of Kogoro Mouri, she turned around and gave Kogoro Mouri a sweet smile, which was extremely healing.

"Dad, wait a second, breakfast will be ready soon!"

Mori Kogoro seemed impatient to wait, he walked up quickly and came behind Xiaolan.

He hugged Xiaolan directly from behind, with his arms around her waist and his head resting on her shoulders.

Xiaolan was taken aback by being hugged like this, and then a slight smile appeared on her face, she reduced the firepower, put down the wooden shovel, and grabbed Kogoro Mouri's big hand with a pair of small hands.

The two of them just enjoyed the moment quietly here.

Smelling Xiaolan's scent, Mori Kogoro said: "Lan, let's go after breakfast!" Xiaolan was stunned for a moment: "What are you going to do?"

"Didn't you keep saying that you have a sports car and you want to go on a trip with Dad?"

"We'll set off later, just the two of us traveling, before your vacation is over, no matter what the firm entrusts, no matter what other people do, dad will take you to have fun!"

"Really?" Xiaolan's eyes lit up.

"Of course it is true." Mori Kogoro replied seriously.

"That's great!" Xiao Nizi immediately cheered like a little girl who fulfilled her wish. She turned around and jumped up. Her beautiful legs were directly wrapped around Mori Kogoro's body, and she hugged him tightly. Mori Kogoro kissed him on the cheek.

"Dad, you are so kind!"

Seeing Xiaolan so happy, Mori Kogoro also cheered up.

Soon, Xiaolan jumped off Maori Kogoro, and excitedly ran to the bedroom to pack her luggage: "Dad, you come and prepare breakfast!"

"It's almost summer. I heard that the sea of ​​flowers in Hokkaido is already mature. I really want to go to Hokkaido to see the sea of ​​flowers! If this is the case, you must see the sea of ​​flowers in Miyarano. Then you can go to Otaru Prefecture and Toya by the way. Look at the lake."

"But I really want to go surfing in Okinawa. The water temperature is just right at this time! If you go to Okinawa, you can also go to the Manza Grassland to bask in the sun, and the aquarium. The photos I saw before are super beautiful. "

"It's not bad to go to Nagoya and Kyoto. They both have a lot of delicious food. Oh, it's too close. Don't let my mother find out. Let's forget about these two places!"

Kogoro Maoli listened to Xiaolan's constant rambling, and a play route appeared casually, and he said three or five in a short time.

Thinking about it, Xiaolan had been looking forward to this matter for a long time, otherwise she wouldn't be able to say it casually.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt a little guilty. He should have gone on this trip long ago.

He mentally jotted down the travel itineraries that Xiaolan had mentioned one by one, and planned to spare every one of them if he had time.

The most beautiful scenery, of course, is the most enjoyable to see with my daughter!

After a while, Mori Kogoro prepared the breakfast properly.

At the same time, Xiaolan has already changed her clothes and prepared all the luggage for the two of them to travel.

She said enthusiastically, "Dad, why don't you change your clothes quickly and eat your breakfast quickly, we'll leave before eight o'clock."

Xiaolan kept urging, because she was afraid that if she didn't leave quickly, she would encounter some commissions, cases, etc., and she would be unable to leave even if she wanted to!

In the past few months, there has been no stable day, and cases have occurred every day.

Xiaolan is naturally a little wary of this weird law, so she keeps rushing the process.

His daughter has orders, and Kogoro Mori obeys them naturally.

He finished washing, eating and changing clothes very quickly, and then he carried two backpacks and boarded the red Ford sports car with his daughter.

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