This time it was Xiaolan who drove the car.

With the sound of the Ford Mustang's engine and Xiaolan's cheers, the red sports car disappeared into the street like a flash of lightning.

Chapter 0054 the radiant Xiaolan

On the second floor of the office, Conan just woke up from his sleep when he heard the sound of the engine and the girl's cry.

He opened his sleepy eyes and murmured, "That voice seems to be Xiaolan's."

"I must have heard it wrong, I'd better sleep for a while!"

Conan glanced at a large pile of mathematical materials on the table, his head was dizzy again, and he fell on the pillow and continued to sleep back into the cage.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock that he woke up from his sleep, washed up, and was about to go upstairs for breakfast.

But as soon as he opened the door, he saw a white box with a card on it.

An ominous premonition suddenly arose in Conan's heart.

He picked up the card and saw the beautiful words on it.


This is today's breakfast, enjoy it!

I think what Yuanzi said yesterday was quite right. We have encountered too many cases recently, and there may be something unclean on us.

So my father and I decided to go to the shrine outside to pray for disaster relief. We will go for a few days!

Uncle Anxi took care of you last time, but you didn't want to, so you ran to Dr. Ali, so I have entrusted Dr. Ali to take care of you. Next, you have to live a good life with the doctor!

--Maori Lanliu"

Seeing this card, Conan looked up to the sky and yelled in the corridor: "Damn it, you left me again!"

The voice of grief and indignation echoed in the corridor, Toru Amuro in the Polo Coffee Shop below couldn't help but look sideways when he heard the voice.

Sure enough, Conan, the kid, was extremely hated by the Mori family, so he was left behind again!

Not long after, a yellow Beetle parked under the Maori Detective Agency, and Dr. Ali went up to the second floor and entered the office.

Seeing Conan who was listlessly eating breakfast, he immediately said, "Let's go, Conan, Xiaolan has already told me everything, you can stay with me for the next few days!"

Conan rolled the dead fish's eyes: "Doctor, I'm not a real child, I will take care of myself."

Dr. A Li immediately pulled Conan up: "Don't be so out of gregarious, I just planned a very interesting series of camping activities, I will take you out to play together, let's go!"

Dr. Ali pulled Conan up, and the two walked outside, and soon got into the Beetle and left.

Xiaolan, who was driving a red sports car, saw the text message from Dr. Ali on her mobile phone, and then she felt relieved and began to enjoy the trip.

I don't know what Xiaolan thought of, but she glanced at Kogoro Mori with her big eyes, her face flushed slightly, and a little devilish smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

There are empty fields on the left and right sides of the road, and the red sports car gallops all the way in the direction of Hokkaido.

Three days later, on Friday morning, the red supercar was back under the Mori Detective Agency.

When the two got out of the car, Xiaolan walked upstairs with her arms around Mori Kogoro. She was radiant and exuded happiness, like a newlywed wife returning from a honeymoon, with a smile on her face all the time.

She was extremely beautiful, she seemed to be surrounded by a halo, as beautiful as a goddess.

But Mori Kogoro's complexion was a little pale, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, as if he couldn't sleep well for the past few days, and he still yawned from time to time!

Xiaolan was still talking briskly: "Dad, it's really the right time to go to Hokkaido this time. The sea of ​​flowers there is really beautiful. I took a lot of photos. Let's take a look together when they are developed!"

"Sure enough, I have to leave Xiao Ai and Conan behind to play without any scruples. Dad, let's go to Okinawa together next time!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's heart trembled.

At this moment, he already regretted teaching Xiaolan the channeling technique at the beginning, regretting it! ! !

But seeing his daughter so happy, Mori Kogoro felt that his fatigue was relieved, and he said naturally: "Okay, let's go to Okinawa together when we choose a suitable time. Let's see who has better surfing skills!"

Xiaolan laughed until her eyes were crescent-shaped. She leaned against Mori Kogoro's body and walked home, looking very gentle, as if she was completely separated from that violent female high school student.

As soon as she got home, Xiaolan looked very virtuous, making tea, sorting letters, and cleaning the room, without tiring Kogoro Mori.

And Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa, closed his eyes, and played back the surveillance images of Conan, the kid, in the past few days in his mind.

This little devil is worthy of being a pupil of the God of Death, adhering to the habit of dying wherever he goes, and has encountered a lot of cases.

And Dr. A Li and the Boy Detective Team have been camping outside for the past few days. Basically, there is one murder case at a time while camping, and one murder case at a time while camping.

Mori Kogoro was about to see Conan's surveillance screen at the moment, when Yukiko's phone rang.

"Xiao Goro, I've finished filming the previous movie. Would you like to come to Japan TV station to find me, just so I can let you watch my new movie."

At this time, Ayumi's Xiaomeng rang: "Hey, sister Yukiko, are you talking on the phone with Uncle Mori? Let me listen, let me listen, I haven't heard Uncle's voice for a long time."

A cold voice sounded from the side: "Hmph, what is there to talk about with such a heartless person, Ayumi, don't talk to that big villain."

This is Haibara's voice, Little Lolita is jealous and angry because Mori Kogoro took Xiaolan out on a trip and didn't call her.

Hearing these voices, Mori Kogoro was a little confused, why did Yukiko go with these two little ones.

Yuxiko who was outside the convenience store saw two little lolis coming out with snacks, and Conan's suspicious gaze behind her, so she quickly said, "Okay, okay, let's not talk, we're going to the TV station, do you want to come?" Just tell the staff my name."

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