After saying that, she quickly hung up the phone.

Ayumi pursed her lips, and said dissatisfiedly: "Damn it, sister Yukiko won't let me hear uncle's voice."

Conan immediately turned his dead fish eyes: My mother actually tricked these children into calling her sister, this shameless ability is also extremely strong.

But why was she calling Uncle Maori?Is Uncle Molly back?No, the two of them are not so close, are they?

Conan frowned and asked, "Aunt Yukiko, why are you calling Uncle Maori?"

Hearing the word 'big aunt', Yukiko's aura became extremely terrifying, and she stared sideways at Conan, which was completely the gaze of a great demon king.

Conan's heart trembled suddenly, and Yukiko's small hand slammed directly on Conan's forehead, causing him to stagger a few steps forward.

Genta, who came out of the convenience store with snacks behind, said, "Conan, you are too rude, you Xizi sister is so young, how can you call her auntie!"

Mitsuhiko also echoed: "Conan, please apologize to Sister Yukiko!"

Conan was about to cry, he didn't expect that one day he would be threatened by everyone to call his mother his sister.

Chapter 0055 The Mysterious Huiyuan - Conan Conan

Seeing Conan being bullied by the gangsters, Yukiko's mood improved a lot, and she gloated at this scene.

Conan saw Yuantai who was already a little inclined to roll up his sleeves, so he obediently admitted that he was going to be grabbed and beaten by the fat little Yuantai, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing.

He gave You Xizi a blank look, and could only swallow his breath and say, "I'm sorry, You Xizi, sister, sister!"

Yuxiko immediately laughed contentedly: "That's right, Brother Conan!"

Then everyone got into the car, the car started, and it continued to gallop.

Even though the speed easily reached a hundred miles, Mitsuhiko and Genta in the back seat were still yawning.

Seeing this scene, You Xizi asked, "Why are you all yawning? Didn't you get enough sleep? Did I bring you out too early?"

Mitsuhiko rubbed his eyes and explained: "It's okay, it's actually because a murder happened in the villa where we camped last night."

Yuan Tai interjected: "Although Dr. A Li helped solve the case, but it was very late, so I didn't get enough sleep."

Ayumi next to her looked full of energy, and asked, "Sister Yukiko, what do you want to take us to Nikmai TV?"

You Xizi laughed softly: "It's a secret!"

Ayumi Xiaomeng's face immediately puffed up: "You are so stingy, what will happen if you tell us?"

At this time, Conan in the passenger seat broke the stage and said, "Of course I'm watching her latest movie starring her!"

Yuan Tai immediately asked in surprise: "Conan, how did you know?"

Conan rolled his eyes: "Isn't that what she said when she invited Uncle Maori just now? You didn't listen carefully!"

"However, as a married woman, I actually invite an uncle of the same age to watch my movie. No matter how I think about it, I feel suspicious!"

Conan stabbed Yukiko silently.

The little loli Huiyuan in the back seat couldn't help but chuckled: Poor elementary school student detective, he doesn't even know that his mother is having an affair with his uncle.

Huiyuan remembered Xizi's reaction when he mentioned [-] centimeters last time, but when he pressed his uncle for questioning, he was suppressed by his uncle with a magic weapon.

Thinking of that scene, Hui Yuan blushed a little on his face looking out of the window.

On the other hand, Yukiko glanced at Conan angrily, and casually gave Conan a chestnut, which instantly swelled his head into a red envelope.

"You little ghost, what are you thinking? It's just because Eri has an urgent case to deal with today, and I can't find anyone to share the work with me, so I thought of Kogoro!"

"You know, Kogoro and I have been friends for twenty years, and we are very good friends."

Yukiko's Oscar-level acting skills were displayed, and her face was so normal that even Conan couldn't see any flaws.

Conan, who was in the passenger seat, withdrew the suspicious look on his face, but he was still muttering in his heart.

Conan didn't want a piece of Hulunbeier prairie to appear on his father who was far away in the country of America, but he didn't know that his father didn't mind such a thing at all.

Yukiko then said, "But Conan, you still guessed wrong, I didn't take you to the TV station to watch my movie, but a trial screening of another movie!"

"You can guess, you will definitely like this movie."

All the pisses in the back seat turned their heads sideways to guess, but no matter how hard they thought, they couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, Hui Yuan said, "It's the movie "Kamen Rider Sword"!"

"Bingo, Xiao Ai is really smart!"

Hearing that it was this movie, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi were all overjoyed. They all lost sleepiness and looked extremely excited.

Ayumi immediately asked, "Xiao Ai, how did you know it was this movie?" Haibara said, "There are promotions for the movies that were released recently, and I happened to see them on the way when I passed by the doctor this morning Those posters, if there's anything a kid would love, it's the movie."

At this time, Mitsuhiko asked: "But Huiyuan, what are you doing at the doctor's house so early in the morning?"

Yuan Tai also asked: "That's right, and you didn't go to the camp organized by the doctor these days."

Naturally, it was impossible for Huiyuan to tell the kids that he went to the doctor's basement to do experiments on mice, so he casually said: "My detective badge is broken, I just want the doctor to help fix it, but I don't know that you are all in the doctor's house." overnight."

Conan in the front passenger seat had a gloomy expression on his face. He frowned and thought: Huiyuan seems to have a lot of hidden secrets, and she is so close to Uncle Maori, so I can't guarantee to tell him all about the dark organization. .

It seems that it is necessary to have another serious meeting with Haibara!

If Haibara told Mori Kogoro everything about the organization, wouldn't his uncle know his identity as well?

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