No, maybe with a brain as clever as my uncle's, he has already understood all of this.

But if this is the case, will Xiaolan know about it?

But looking at his usual behavior, it doesn't look like he knows about this matter. Could it be that he knows but pretends not to know, and doesn't want to get involved.

Thinking of the many possibilities, Conan's head became dizzy again.

All this can only be concluded after talking with Hui Yuan!

In the Mori Detective Agency, Mori Kogoro frowned when he heard the place of Nikmai TV, it was a difficult place.

There is a female agent named Rena Mizumu in Nimi TV.

And according to the information given by Judy, the FBI has already set its sights on Rena Minzumu, and now Judy is monitoring her.

In addition, according to Mori Kogoro's speculation.

On the surface, Judy is watching, but behind the scenes, Shuichi Akai, the guy who has been pried into two girlfriends by himself, is probably also secretly watching Rena Mizumu.

Obviously, the second wave of attacks from the dark organization is not far away.

At that time, people like Belmode, Gin, Chianti and Rum, who were brainwashed and put back by themselves, will appear on the stage one by one.

However, no matter what, Rena Mizumu is already her own woman, and Kogoro Mori will naturally not let others hurt her.

Whether it's the FBI or the dark organization, if he dares to stretch out a claw, he will chop it down until they dare not stretch out their hands again.

Xiaolan at the side saw Mouri Kogoro frowning after answering the phone, so she sat down and gently put her arms around his arm.

Kogoro Mori came back to his senses with a relaxed smile on his face. Of course he would not tell Xiaolan about these things related to the dark organization.

My little angel should naturally live under the sun.

Mori Kogoro leaned over his head, kissed Xiaolan's pink lips, then patted her body, and said, "Dad, go out, take care of the housework."

Xiaolan nodded obediently.

Chapter 0056 I bring you, you bring medicine


The black Lexus arrived at Nichimai TV very quickly, and Mori Kogoro got off the car and entered directly through the gate.

With tens of millions of fans like him, there is no one who does not know anyone who works in the TV station.

Although Mori Kogoro didn't have a pass on him, the guard let him through very sensibly.

From time to time along the way, a girl looked at her with the gaze of a little girl, which made Kogoro Mori quite uncomfortable.

At this time, a surprise call sounded.

"Detective Maori, why did you come to the TV station?"

A beautiful woman trotted over, her face full of surprise.

It was Yoko Okino with a ball head. She was wearing a pink top, a white skirt, and white high heels. She looked very bright.

When Yoko Okino came to Mori Kogoro's side, she smiled unconsciously, and her mood suddenly improved.

"Miss Yoko, I was invited by a friend to watch a trial screening of the movie!"

Yoko Okino suddenly held her small head and thought about it: "Let me think about it, the movies produced by the radio station, except for a theatrical version adapted from an anime, are the works of Senior Yukiko."

"However, senior Yukiko rarely comes to the TV station. Eh, no, senior Yukiko graduated from Didan High School just like Detective Mori."

"Could it be that senior Yukiko really invited you here?"

Mori Kogoro nodded involuntarily: "Yoko, that's pretty amazing! I guessed it right away."

Okino Yoko smiled triumphantly: "That's natural, after all, I'm an actor who has appeared in detective TV dramas, so of course I will dabble in something."

"Besides, the person I like is a great detective with an elm-headed head. If I didn't want to guess his mind, I wouldn't be too lazy to learn related things!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro raised his brows, and continued with Yoko's words: "I don't know which stupid detective can get Miss Yoko's heart, I am so lucky!"

"I hate it!" Yoko smiled lightly and hammered Mori Kogoro's shoulder, "Let's go, big detective, I'll take you to the film department."

The staff next to him couldn't help being surprised to see that the famous Japanese detective was so close to the popular actress.

Along the way, Yoko, like a lark, kept talking beside Mori Kogoro.

Gossip about actresses and actors on the TV station from time to time, and share trivial things about my life from time to time, looking like a good talker.

"Mr. Mao Li, you don't know, Xiaoxue has become rich overnight for some reason, living in a villa, driving a luxury car, and even appearing in popular variety shows. The modeling agency she used to work in has become her asset! Now she's a big shot."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "This is very good!"

The changes Yoko mentioned about Yue Yexue were naturally written by Mori Kogoro, and I didn't expect to be ridiculed by Yoko.

"By the way, Mr. Mao Li, there will be my food show at ten o'clock. It's in the recording hall on the [-]st floor. Would you like to watch it?"

Of course Kogoro Mori nodded in agreement: "I will definitely go there when I have time."

Yoko laughed happily: "When the time comes, I will introduce my partner to you. You may have the impression that she is the female anchor of the morning news."

"That guy has a silly personality, and there are a few bangs on his head, but he is a real beauty, but you can't get her idea!"

What Yoko said must be Mizumu Renai, but I didn't expect Mizumu Rennai to hide it so well, and even mixed up a silly, white and sweet persona.

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