Soon, the two of them came to the film department on the eighteenth floor.

Yukiko, Haibara, and Ayumi rested and waited on chairs not far from the entrance of the film department.

When Kogoro Mori appeared, the three of them had different expressions.

Seeing that there was an outsider, You Xizi withdrew her smile, her acting skills exploded, and she greeted her cordially as if seeing an old friend.

But Ayumi didn't know how to hide her emotions, and immediately rushed over with her short legs, and rushed towards Kogoro Mouri, calling affectionately: "Uncle Mouri!"

And Haibara stood up, and wanted to meet him at first, but thought that he was still angry with Mori Kogoro, so he turned his head arrogantly, put his hands on his chest, and pretended to be indifferent on purpose.

When Yoko saw stars in Youxizi's eyes, she quickly said, "Senior Yuxiko, I didn't expect you to come to the TV station. If the Maori detective told me, I wouldn't even know about it!"

"I'm your loyal fan, can you sign it for me?"

Hearing these words, Yukiko smiled triumphantly at Kogoro Mori.

"Of course there is no problem. You are Yoko Okino. Speaking of which, I also pay attention to you. You have starred in several high-rated movies in the film industry recently. You can see that you are an actor with great potential."

"Where is it, the movie you starred in, senior, can chase Hollywood awards, and you are the real actor, senior."

Seeing that the two fell into the stage of exchanging business, Mori Kogoro left them alone.

He took Ayumi's little hand and walked towards where Haibara was.

He immediately picked up Huiyuan who was deliberately pretending to be indifferent, stretched out his big hand and turned his arrogant and cute little loli's cute face, making him look at him squarely.

His deep eyes met the little loli's ice blue eyes, and he said softly, "Xiao Ai, do you miss Uncle? Uncle misses you very much!"

Haibara's pretendingly cold little face couldn't hold on for long at all, and was soon defeated by Kogoro Mori's scorching gaze.

But she still resisted and turned her head: "Huh, I don't think about it at all. I don't want to talk to you, a heartless guy."

"Hey, Xiao Ai, you are spitting blood, but I call you every day, why have you become ruthless?"

Huiyuan complained: "You went to Hokkaido to play and left me, what is it if you are not heartless?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Xiao Ai, you must be jealous of Xiaolan!"

Hui Yuan's small face flushed red all of a sudden after being upset: "How is it possible, how could I be jealous of that father-controlling pervert?"

Maori Kogoro then said: "Xiao Ai, how about uncle taking you to a place where only the two of us can go next time?"

"Really?" Huiyuan hesitated.

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "Really, when the time comes, I'll bring you and you bring the medicine!"

Hearing this, Hui Yuan blushed even more, and couldn't help cursing: "Pervert!"

And the little loli beside her said cutely: "Xiao Ai, how can you call Uncle and Sister Xiaolan as perverts? It's a very bad word."

"Also, what medicine did uncle ask you to bring, Xiao Ai, are you sick?"

Hearing this innocent words, the two of them didn't know how to answer. They looked at each other and laughed.

Chapter 0057 Yukiko who pretends to be tender

Seeing the tacit smiles of the two, Ayumi couldn't understand again, so she puffed up her face angrily, full of cuteness: "What are you laughing at?"

"Uncle, I haven't asked you yet. You said you missed Xiao Ai, but did you think of me? I miss Uncle very much, and my mother has been talking about you these days!"

Mother? ? ?

There was another cold light in Huiyuan's eyes, his brows were raised, and he sneered: "Ayumi's mother, Uncle Mori, you really have no restrictions."

His little hands twisted around Mori Kogoro's chest, and twisted secretly.

This position hits the nail on the head!

Now the little loli's shots have become more and more fierce!

Mori Kogoro pretended to be in pain, and laughed dryly: "Of course I also think of Ayumi, this time uncle went to the shrine to pray, but he brought you back gifts."

He patted Huibara's little hand away, took out two pink sachets from his pocket, and handed them to Ayumi and Haibara.

The eyes of the two women lit up when they saw the sachet.

After taking the sachet, Ayumi took a deep breath and exclaimed, "It smells like lavender."

And the corner of Xiao Huiyuan's mouth curled up, and his mood suddenly became extremely good.

She said arrogantly: "Hmph, for the sake of preparing gifts for me, I will let you go this time."

Kogoro Mori could not see Huibara's complacent appearance, so he secretly pinched the little loli's buttocks with his big hand, causing her face to turn red, and then he smiled complacently.

The business bragging between Yoko Okino and Yukiko on the side is finally over.

Yoko walked over and said goodbye: "Mori-kun, the recording of my "Morning Girls Cooking Time" program is about to start, and I'm going up to get ready."

"If you are free, you can come and have a look. My partner and I can cook a lot of delicious food, and you can try it then."

"Okay, that's it, I'll go first."

Yoko waved her hand and turned and walked out of the film department.

Yukiko leaned close to Mori Kogoro's side, and pressed her elbow to his chest.

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