"Tsk tsk tsk, it looks like you've fallen in love with another girl who doesn't know much about the world!"

"Miss Yoko is so young and beautiful, she can sing and dance well, I'm afraid no one likes an old actor like me."

Kogoro Mori immediately praised him: "How is it possible, Yukiko, you are so cute."

"If she was born in ancient times, she would be the kind of woman who can overwhelm the country and start a war."

"Which man would not like it!"

Ayumi on the side was also very innocent, and echoed: "Sister Yukiko is very young and beautiful, and Ayumi likes it very much." Hearing the title of sister Yukiko, Mori Kogoro twitched: Sure enough, Yukiko still likes to pretend as always tender.

"Really?" Hearing Kogoro's praise, Yukiko immediately laughed out loud with her little face in her hands.

"Thick, thick, thick! Kogoro, you are really, how can I be as beautiful as you said!"

"It's annoying, I'm going to be shy!" Her little hand patted Mori Kogoro's shoulder, completely coquettish.

Hui Principle in Kogoro Mouri's arms looked at Yukiko with dead fish eyes, with a speechless expression on his face: "Can you be more reserved, you are still Conan's mother!"

After reassuring the three girls, Kogoro Mori asked, "But are you two here? Where did Conan go?"

Ayumi replied: "They ran to sleep."

"Sleep, what do you sleep in broad daylight?"

Yukiko held her cheek with her index finger, and explained: "Last night, they encountered a case in the camping villa, and they solved it very late, and then drove back to Tokyo early in the morning. Those children are not in a good mood .”

Ayumi interjected, "But Ayumi can't, because when she heard that uncle was coming, she woke up immediately, and didn't want to sleep at all."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro stretched out his big hand to give Ayumi a pat on the head, and the little Lori narrowed her eyes with a reddish face.

Yukiko continued: "And my friend from the radio station told me that the test screening of the "Kamen Swordsman" animation movie will not be completed until noon, so they couldn't hold on any longer, so they joined the staff here. Go to the special lounge to catch up on sleep."

At this time, a middle-aged man with a bitter gourd face appeared. It was Yuxiko's friend Tangtian Jingshan on the radio.

Tang Tian Jingshan said, "You Xizi, your film may not be finished until the afternoon. There are not enough people in the department now, and there are only a few of us."

"We edited all night last night, but it was too rushed."

Tang Tian Jingshan yawned, and soon he saw Kogoro Mori, and opened his mouth in surprise.

"Hey, aren't you the famous detective Mori Kogoro? How come you also come to the TV station."

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Yukiko invited me to watch the movie, it seems that I have to wait a bit."


At this time, another middle-aged man in uniform, glasses, and a mustache appeared with a reflection tape.

Tang Tian Jingshan, a man with a bitter gourd face, asked suspiciously: "Gen Shang, didn't you go to rest with the children?"

The man named Keihiko Negami, who was wearing glasses, replied: "No, I remember that I still have a lot of editing work in hand. I can't let you work alone, so I came back to help."

"Besides, those children occupied the bed in the room, and there are only two sofas in the living room, which were taken by those two guys, Suidao and Gucun. I can't sleep on the ground!"

The bitter-faced man Tang Tian Jingshan frowned: "That guy from Gucun also went to the rest room to rest, he still has the face to show up."

Qing Yan, the male root of the eyes, comforted: "Don't do this, he has paid the price for this, and he has already been transferred from our film department, so don't be angry with him."

"Besides, we sometimes play mahjong in that lounge. Gucun is also Hoshima's mahjong friend. We can't just let him leave our social circle. It's not appropriate."

Keihiko Negami yawned: "Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going back to the darkroom to continue editing work."

After saying that, the man with eyes left directly.

You Xizi looked at Tangtian Jingshan with an ugly face, and asked, "Mr. Tangtian, Mr. Gucun, what happened before?"

Tang Tian Jingshan obviously didn't want to talk too much, he waved his hand: "It's nothing serious, you Xizi, I have to continue working."

After speaking, the bitter-faced man also left, and You Xizi didn't pay much attention to it.

Kogoro Mouri said, "Now we can't watch the movie anymore, so let's go to the recording room on the [-]st floor to watch Miss Yoko's recording. There should be a lot of delicious food."

Yukiko smiled lightly and said, "Miss Yoko should invite Kogoro to show off, so that it can be regarded as a real gourmet show!"

Ayumi immediately raised her small hand and shouted: "Yes!"

The four of them left the film department directly, and took the elevator to the program recording site on the [-]st floor.

Chapter 0058 Just lick it clean!

The four of them came to the [-]st floor. Yoko had already told the staff at the entrance that Maori and his party would naturally enter the live broadcast hall unimpeded.

As soon as I came to the recording site, I saw two beautiful anchors in the live broadcast hall standing on the stage and performing oral broadcasts. The voices were clear and rhythmic, which was very pleasant.

The stage looks like a warm-toned kitchen, complete with refrigerators, stoves, range hoods, and washbasins.

Sure enough, the other partner that Yoko mentioned was Rena Mizumu.

The Mizuno who was doing the show and the Mizuno who was broadcasting the news were completely different. She was wearing a beige dress, she looked very beautiful, without the rigorous temperament of broadcasting the news in the past, she was doing various reactions in a very relaxed manner.

Rena Minzumu opened her mouth in surprise from time to time, which really surprised Kogoro Mori.

It is really unexpected that a double agent of a dark organization and CIA would behave so stupidly in front of the public.

There were still many fans in the auditorium, holding up the names of the two people and shaking, the atmosphere of the scene was very enthusiastic.

At this time, a middle-aged lady came up to her and said, "Excuse me, Ms. Yukiko and Mr. Mori. I am Ms. Yoko's assistant. Ms. Yoko has told me to take you to the front seat after seeing your words. "

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