Mori Kogoro didn't expect this situation either, he was completely pushed up by Yoko.

As soon as he stepped onto the stage, he heard Yoko Okino and Rina Mizuna, who were standing behind the central kitchen, sing along.

Rena Mizumu spoke first: "Hey, does this audience look familiar? It looks like a celebrity I interviewed."

Yoko interjected: "Yes, I heard that according to surveys, he is the person all Japanese women want to marry the most."

Shui Wurenai nodded: "You are so handsome, no wonder there are so many women who want to marry. They are obviously not in the entertainment industry, but they have more fans than the entertainment industry."

Yoko Okino cheered: "Let's welcome Japan's god of detectives - Mori Kogoro!"

Immediately, thunderous cheers and applause broke out in the entire live broadcast hall.

This is a big surprise for the audience in the live broadcast hall!

Facing the camera, Mori Kogoro tensed up slightly, his handsome face made people unable to move their eyes away.

Full of demeanor, every step is extremely chic, and the charm of the uncle is constantly exuding.

The smiles are just right for Mystery, and the deep eyes seem to have light, as if they can suck people's souls into them.

He kept waving his hands to greet the audience below, and many fans screamed, and the scene couldn't calm down for a long time.

Chapter 0060 Yoko asking for trouble

Seriously, Kogoro Mori is extremely charming, his face is very strong, and he is perfect under the camera, without any dead spots.

Hearing the female audience talking about Mori Kogoro constantly, Judy, who disguised herself as a staff member again, was very proud, and couldn't help but smile on her face.

Little bitches, this is my man, the man you can't sleep with but I can easily sleep with!

Judy couldn't help rubbing her lower abdomen, and couldn't help but recall the scene in the toilet just now.

That storm-like combo attack is so hot!So stalwart!So domineering!It's fascinating!

She couldn't help muttering: "This guy is really getting better and better."

But seeing Kogoro Mori getting closer to Rena Minzumu on the stage, Judy sighed.

The more you don't want something to happen, the more likely it is to happen.

When the two got together, Judy could only secretly pray that the people in the dark organization would not shift their attention to Mori Kogoro.

Kogoro Mori stood between the two women after he took the stage, and the three of them faced the camera together and stood in the middle of the kitchen aisle.

The cameras are all in the front, and the back is a warm beige set.

Moreover, the lower bodies of the three of them were all blocked by the cabinet, and only the upper bodies appeared in the camera.

Mori Kogoro joked: "I thought I was just hungry and was looking for something to eat, but unexpectedly I was invited by Yoko, it seems like I was lucky."

Rena Mizumu wondered, "Is Detective Mori familiar with Yoko?"

Yoko Okino chuckled: "We are good friends. He came to watch my show today, so I recruited him as a young man. Now the ratings will definitely skyrocket!"

"The national male god was invited to the show by me, the director will add an announcement fee to me later."

The director below immediately responded with an ok gesture.

But Mori Kogoro said self-effacingly: "How can I affect the ratings, I'm just a detective, not a celebrity."

He continued to explain to Rena Mizumu: "Being friends with Yoko is also because I have accepted a few commissions from her. She invited me to the concert, and I became friends after many times."

"But Yoko, after talking for so long, I still don't know what that four-minute dish you made is?"

Yoko turned sideways, blinked at Mori Kogoro with her beautiful big eyes, and quietly released the discharge: "Mori-kun, you have to be mentally prepared!"

After saying this, Yoko lifted the lid of the plate with a smirk, and a lump of black, black, yellow and yellow things appeared in front of the camera, exuding a strong atmosphere of dark cooking.

The audience immediately exclaimed, and the female audience exclaimed one by one, no, no.

"Hey, don't let my little Goro eat such a strange thing."

"What are those yellow strips? It feels very dirty!"

"The Māori detective's mouth can only be used for reasoning and kissing me, not for eating."

Xiaolan in front of the TV also exclaimed, and her little face approached the TV to observe carefully.

Just looking at the quality, this dish is almost as good as that made by my mother, Eri.

Yoko said, "Sauce sauce, Yoko's four-minute cooking, mango with oyster sauce."

"You only need to buy mangoes, slice them, pour oyster sauce on them and put them in the refrigerator to freeze, then you can take them out and eat them. It will definitely not take more than four minutes."

Shui Wulianai's mouth was dry, and asked weakly, "Yozi, can you really eat this?"

"Of course!" Yoko patted her chest confidently.

And Mori Kogoro next to him laughed softly: "It's pretty good summer food, Yoko really has a heart."

Yoko wondered, "Hey, Maori-kun, you know the origin of this dessert."

"As a detective, you have to dabble in various aspects."

"Although this dish looks like a dark dish, it is a very authentic Thai dessert."

"It is very popular in Thailand. Mango is a very sweet fruit, and usually only very sweet fruits can be combined with other flavors, such as polo and jackfruit, etc."

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