"It can subtly blend with the freshness and saltiness of oyster sauce to form a strange taste of freshness and sweetness, which is especially suitable for eating when cooling off the heat."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro took a piece with his chopsticks and ate it, it was really sweet and delicious.

He couldn't help but nodded and gave Yoko a thumbs up.

"That's enough!" The two girls couldn't help admiring Moori Kogoro's commentary.

When the audience below heard these words, they also looked at Mori Kogoro on the stage with admiration.

This is too powerful!As expected of a great detective, such unorthodox food can speak clearly and logically, making people want to try it.

Shui Wulianai, who was on the side, also took a pair of chopsticks, and dipped the mango into the oyster sauce and tried it. Suddenly, the cat's eyes lit up: "Yoko, this dessert is really good."

Yoko pouted and looked unhappy.

She originally wanted to cheat, but Kogoro Moori gave it to her in a few words, it was boring.

Yoko rolled her eyes wide and seemed to think of something again, so she said, "Didn't Mr. Mo Li dabble in everything just now? So how is your cooking skill?"

In front of the camera, Mori Kogoro is still self-effacing as usual: "I understand a little, I understand a little."

At this time, Ayumi ran to the front of the stage and said righteously: "That's not true, Uncle Mao Li's cooking skills are the best in the world. It's so delicious that it can eat your tongue."

Hearing this cute little female voice complaining about injustices, all the audience present laughed.

Yoko Okino chuckled: "Even the little fans of Detective Mori have said so. It seems that Detective Mori is a good cook. Would you like to show off here?"

Ayumi then said loudly again: "Come on, Uncle, you are the best Uncle."

The audience laughed again, Yukiko hurried up and carried Ayumi back to the sofa seat.

Seeing Ayumi's expectant gaze, Kogoro Mori nodded: "That's not a problem."

"However, it's not good for me to cook alone. This is your show. Let's have a PK with the three of us. Each cooks our own favorite dishes, and then let the audience judge who is the best."

Kogoro Mori dragged both girls into the water with a single sentence.

Yoko Okino and Rena Mizumu are doing food shows, so naturally they are worthy of this challenge, so they both agreed.

Yoko has been doing food shows for more than half a year, but she is very confident, and when she turns her eyes, she opens her mouth and says, "Is it interesting to have some luck in pk? Otherwise, the one with the lowest votes will be negotiated by the winner. What's the punishment like?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed even more happily.

Yoko really asked for a dead end.

He naturally agreed.

Chapter 0061 God's Hand in the Public

The audience below saw the three people on the stage wanting to PK, and each of them became interested.

Both Yukiko and Haibara had smiles at the corners of their mouths, obviously they had already anticipated the outcome.

Kogoro Mori opened the refrigerator and asked the two ladies to choose the ingredients first.

With the belief of winning, Yoko chose most of the ingredients in the refrigerator.

And Mizuna Rina held her head and looked at the ingredients above, and after thinking about the recipe, she also chose a few.

The rest were small bits and pieces of ingredients, and Mori Kogoro didn't hesitate. He opened the rice cooker on the side and took a look, then decided what to do.

He took out the ingredients he needed and put them on the counter, the quantity was pitifully small.

There are a few peas, three carrots, two corns in the bowl, and the rest can be ignored.

The audience below thought that he was doomed, and what was even worse was that there were only two stoves on the stage, which were occupied by two women who took the lead.

Yoko was still proudly speaking: "Hoho, Kogoro, it looks like you'll have to wait a while before cooking."

As she spoke, she cut the ingredients with a knife, but she was quite skilled.

Kogoro Moori could see that she couldn't be proud of her, so he said with a smirk: "The rules probably don't say that I'm not allowed to interfere."

"No, this is a competition, it must be fair." Yoko said angrily.

"If it's fair, then you can interfere with me when I start cooking!" Maori Kogoro argued sophistry.

After saying this, Mori Kogoro started to act, but instead of walking to Yoko on the left, he walked to Reina on the right.

Seeing Kogoro Mori approaching, Rena Mizumus panicked and almost knocked the egg out of the bowl.

Yoko frowned slightly when she saw this, but soon she began to concentrate on cooking.

Kogoro Mori walked to Rena Mizumusa's side, and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I'm not here to disturb you, I just came to see what you cook."

He glanced at all the ingredients and said, "You're making a potato pan!"

Rena Mizumu was quite surprised, being able to tell what she was cooking at a glance was enough to prove Kogoro Mori's good cooking skills.

However, soon, the surprise in Reina Mizumu's heart turned into embarrassment.

A faint pink appeared on her pretty face, she turned her head sideways, and glared at Mouri Kogoro with her blue cat eyes.

This daring guy, unexpectedly, actually pressed his hand on his ass during the live broadcast in front of so many viewers.

How could he do this, why is he so courageous, isn't he afraid of being discovered?

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