If I yell, in front of the people of the whole country, his reputation as a great detective will be ruined, and he will be called a pervert in the future.

Damn guy, I'm sure I won't say it, so I just bully people like this?

Rena Minzumu puffed up her cheeks in anger, and glared at Kogoro Mori again.

Just now I said no interference, now it is not interference!

The three of them stood in the middle of the aisle, and there were no people on the left, right, or behind, and there were no seats, so Kogoro Mori naturally had no scruples.

It's so exciting to be able to do this in public!

There was a warm smile on his face all the time, as if he was watching Rena Mizumusa's cooking.

Rena Mizumusa turned her head to stare at him from time to time, wanting him to let go of his hand, but Kogoro Mori not only did not let go of his hand, but intensified it, and Rena Mizumu's pupils kept shrinking.

When the audience below saw this scene, they thought the two of them were flirting with each other!

Looking at the TV screen, the room between the two seemed to be popping pink bubbles, and comments kept popping up in the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room.

"No, it can't be like this. I don't agree with this marriage."

"Is this female anchor trying to seduce my little Goro? If the food isn't cooked well, why is she turning around and winking?"

"Yeah! This female anchor is still blushing, she is too scheming, Maori detective, don't be fooled by her!"

"I feel sorry for Yoko, Yoko looks so lonely cooking alone!"

When Xiaolan at home saw this scene, her big eyes narrowed, and a dangerous light flashed in her eyes.

She moved her whole face to the front of the screen, grasping the sides of the screen with both hands, carefully watching the interaction between the two.

Yukiko and Haibara on the sofa had the same expression, fists clenched, and fireworks were blowing out of their eyes.

Yoko turned around and looked over, but was blocked by Mori Kogoro's body, and she didn't see the big hand that was making trouble.

But seeing the two of them getting so close, she also felt a little bit pissed: what are you doing, obviously Kogoro and I are friends, why did he go to Shui Wumo?

Yoko doesn't know about the relationship between Mori Kogoro and Minzumu Rena.

Because it was in front of the public after all, Kogoro Mori couldn't tell what he and Rena Mizumu had experienced together.

Otherwise, if Belmode or Gin saw it, it would be difficult for Reina Mizumu to live in the organization.

Although he said he was willing and wanted to shelter Mizumu Rena, but he had no reason to ask her to leave the organization.

After all, the reason why Rena Mizumu became Kiel was because she was able to lurk in the organization for so long.

But it was successful at the expense of the life of his father, Ethan Bentang.

If Shui Wuliannai had left the organization after returning without success, then his father's life would have been in vain.

Moreover, Mori Kogoro also vaguely sensed that if this dark organization was not destroyed, Mizuruna would never leave.

Time passed slowly, and Mizuno, who was cooking, was shaking violently. She gritted her teeth, her blue cat eyes were full of water mist, her little face was blushing, and she lowered her head, not daring to let others see her. expression.

Under the watchful eyes of so many people, for an innocent girl, Kogoro Mori's behavior was too exciting.

Seeing Rena Minzuru's posture, Kogoro Mori smirked and pulled his hand back, Rena Mizumu almost lost his footing.

Fortunately, as a senior agent of the CIA, she stabilized herself at the last moment and pretended to be calm.

After that, Rena Mizumu didn't dare to look at Kogoro Mori, and quickly focused on the unfinished cooking.

Mori Kogoro turned around and walked towards Yoko.

Seeing Mori Kogoro approaching, Yoko's mood suddenly improved.

Yoko stewed the cod briskly with a wooden shovel, and said, "Seeing that you are a bit of a gentleman, you didn't bother Reina, I was thinking that waiting would make you unable to cook, now, let you go! "

When Shui Wuliannai heard this, she rolled her eyes speechlessly: This bad guy has already made the biggest disturbance, and he even said that he didn't interfere.

Mori Kogoro smelled it, and there was a hint of alcohol, so he said, "This is cod stewed in sake, it already smells good."

He glanced at the pile of useless ingredients next to him, and said speechlessly: "You only need cod and sake, so what are you doing with so many ingredients!"

Yoko blushed, and said arrogantly, "Hmph, I like it, can't I?"

Chapter 0062 Fatal Charm

Mori Kogoro waved his hands helplessly: "Okay, okay, whatever you want, don't be a rascal when you lose later."

Yoko smiled triumphantly, turned off the stove, put the stewed cod fillet into a plate, covered it, and gave up the stove: "Detective, don't talk big, you will lose it later." damn."

"Dear viewers, if there is anything you want this great detective to do, you can leave a message under the comments in the live broadcast area. I will choose a punishment method after watching it later."

Yoko will win over the audience and hand over the right to punish to the audience.

As soon as this was said, the comments in the comment area surged again.

"If you want to see my little Goro dance, it's best to do a striptease."

"Why are those upstairs talking so reserved? If you want to see Kogoro's figure, just say so, so I agree with striptease."

"Since it's a punishment, you should play a bigger game, or let Kogoro serve as a plate for the banquet of the human body, a variety show for dinner, that's how you can serve dinner, shit, the screen is dirty again!"

"So erotic! So kinky, but I like it! Wait a minute, I'm ready to jump!"

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

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