The four children below also raised their hands and said in unison: "Uncle, I also want to visit classmate Hui Yuan's house."

Conan the Little Devil also tried his best to pretend to be a gentleman, trying to get along with him.

Mori Kogoro flatly refused: "No, Xiao Ai's family has a special nature and cannot be easily visited by outsiders, and uncle has already promised not to take anyone to Xiao Ai's house, so you can't go with him. "

Everyone looked disappointed, but Conan's eyes were fixed.

Mori Kogoro continued: "And you have gone camping with the doctor these days, and you haven't come home for several days. Your family will be worried."

"So, let Xiaolan and Youxizi take you back home!"

"Hi!" The boys nodded dejectedly, and Kogoro Moori walked away quickly holding Huiyuan.

Mori Kogoro would leave with Haibara in his arms, naturally because he saw a car outside the radio station.

It's Shuichi Akai's favorite car, Chevrolet.

In fact, last Saturday, when he returned to the apartment with the Huiyuan sisters, he already knew about Akai's existence.

I wanted to solve him quickly, but encountered the mermaid case in Miguo Island, and then Xiaolan's wish to travel, so I postponed it again and again.

Now that he saw Akai as soon as he came back, Moori Kogoro naturally didn't allow this guy to spy on his woman in secret.

Neither Miyano Akemi nor Mizumu Rena could be monitored by Akai Shuichi, so he thought about solving it all in one go today.

In fact, Rena Mizumu, who is being monitored by the FBI at this moment, is not a member of the organization in the true sense, and is completely in the wrong direction.

But Kogoro Mori is not easy to point out this point, because there is Judy, who is eager for revenge, in the middle.

Besides, if Mori Kogoro's guess is correct, it is best to settle these matters in private, otherwise there may be big troubles again.

Mori Kogoro let the little Lolita Haihara's head be buried in his arms, and walked quickly to the parking lot.

Huiyuan is unknown, so she is still sulking at Miwako's attitude just now!

His little hands kept twisting Kogoro Mori's nipples, it was so sour, it was so cool!

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "Xiao Ai, why are you getting worse and worse, let go, you can't pinch there!"

Little Lolita smiled triumphantly, and showed her small silver teeth: "Hum, I am willing to let you hook up with Miwako, and let you leave me for a week. Anyway, I learned from you when I learned to be bad, a little bit .”

Haibara even made a face at Kogoro Mori.

Maori Kogoro laughed softly: "It seems that Xiao Ai is not good again. After I go home tonight, my uncle will sacrifice the family law. At that time, my uncle will give you a double reward. How about it?"

Upon hearing this, little Lolita's face turned red, and she let go of her little hand.

Mori Kogoro smiled triumphantly, drove the car, and put Little Loli in the passenger seat.

Then the Lexus started and drove out of the parking lot.

Chapter 0069 Xiao Ai's thoughts are too impure

As soon as the Lexus drove out of the parking lot, it stopped under the Nikmai TV station.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and the car window rolled down.

He stretched out his left hand out of the car window, hooked his index finger in one direction, but opened his mouth: "Xiao Ai, uncle will take you to play something exciting today!"

Hearing this, little Lolita's cheeks blushed, and the word 'car shock' flashed across her head.

Huiyuan looked around, seeing that there was traffic, he couldn't help hesitating and said: "Uncle, it's not good to be in the car, there are too many people here, why don't we change places!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help twitching his eyes, and lightly flicked his fingers on Huiyuan's forehead: "Hey~~~ Xiao Ai's thoughts are so impure now, I mean let you fasten your seat belt, I'm starting to ask Drag racing!"

Huiyuan suddenly rushed forward full of resentment and wanted to bite Kogoro, dancing with arms and legs: "You big pervert, you are not pure in thinking, you were talking about that before getting in the car, but now you are slandering me and killing you! Killing you !"

Little Lolita was naturally easily suppressed by Mori Kogoro.

He pushed Huiyuan back to its original position, helped her fasten her seat belt, and then smiled lightly: "Okay, okay, it's uncle's fault, Xiao Ai misunderstood."

"Uncle will definitely fulfill Xiao Ai's wish of 'being in the car' next time, but not now."

Hui Yuan suddenly became anxious, his face flushed red: "I never said such a wish!"

Mori Kogoro stretched out his big hand to comfort the little loli: "Xiao Ai, don't make trouble, just sit down obediently, now we have business to do!"

Mori Kogoro cocked his head and gestured to the black Chevrolet that started behind him.

Huiyuan also realized that something was wrong, and his face quickly recovered his composure.

Little Loli frowned: "Uncle, who is this?"

Mori Kogoro smiled, his teeth were dazzlingly white: "You know it, and your sister knows it too, but today we have to make a break, Xiao Ai, sit down."

As soon as the words fell, the black Lexus roared and started.

Mori Kogoro stepped on the gas pedal hard, not relaxing for a moment.

The steel monster continued to accelerate regardless of the traffic around it.

The sound of the engine makes the heart beat faster and the blood spurt.

The recoil caused little Loli to lean against the back of the car. Huiyuan was always calm, with excellent psychological quality, and he trusted Mori Kogoro very much. Although he was a little nervous, he was not out of his composure.

And in the Chevrolet behind, Akai Shuichi's eyes froze.

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