He didn't expect to be exposed at all, he was always used to being alone.

He didn't tell anyone about spying on Mizuru Renai, not even Judy and Smith.

But this was still exposed, and was still discovered by Mori Kogoro.

Faced with such a provocation by Mori Kogoro, Akai Shuichi, who had already suffocated in his heart, did not hesitate for a moment, and immediately chose to fight.

His blue eyes flashed coldly, and he stepped on the accelerator with his left foot without hesitation, chasing the Lexus ahead.

The two black cars just entered the traffic flow directly, passing through the gap between the vehicles. The speed of the car was extremely fast, which formed a great contrast with the surrounding traffic flow.

The two ignored the traffic lights along the way, and chased from Cupo City to Mihua City in more than ten minutes.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but smile when he saw Chevrolet following him in the rearview mirror.

Not bad, I have only used the fifth level of driving skills, so it is very good for him to be able to catch up, but then I will not let the water go.

Seeing two large trucks running side by side on the road in front of him, there was no way to speed up and overtake them.

Mori Kogoro fixed his eyes, pressed the tire lock switch, and at the same time the steering wheel reversed rapidly.

In an instant, the whole car seemed to be out of control, and the right tire was suspended in the air.

Faced with such a crisis, Haibara couldn't help screaming, but at this moment Kogoro Mori put his big hand on Little Lolita's shoulders to help her stabilize her body.

Mori Kogoro still had time to comfort him in a gentle voice: "It's okay, Xiao Ai!"

Only then did Haibara manage to calm down.

From the perspective of the outside world, this Lexus first turned a large circle out of control, and then under the action of centrifugal force, the whole car stood upright, and the right double wheel was raised high.

And Mori Kogoro and Haibara in the car were both leaning, looking like they might crash at any moment.

But it is this trend of falling, but it can't fall.

The tilted Lexus was controlled steadily by Mori Kogoro with one hand. With only two tires, it was still able to accelerate continuously and drove through the gap between the two large trucks.

Akai Hideichi in the Chevrolet saw this scene, his pupils contracted continuously.

Such a car skill, he can't do it no matter what.

Soon, the Lexus passed both vans.

When the drivers of the two trucks saw a sideways car suddenly appearing in front of them, they all had the same reaction, that is, they stepped on the accelerator, for fear of hitting them and causing a car accident.

The two large trucks slowed down at the same time and stopped, ignoring the sound of Chevrolet's horn behind them.

In desperation, Akai Hideichi could only step on the brakes.

The car drifted past and eventually stopped, narrowly missing the rear end.

He honked his horn frantically, and when the large truck in front gave way to him, the Lexus in front had already disappeared.

Akai Hideichi punched the steering wheel hard, and the horn sounded again.

Panting for breath, he suddenly remembered where this road led to, his eyes lit up, and he chased after him.

Five minutes later, Akai Shuichi was about to arrive at his guessed destination.

Sure enough, he saw Lexus in the distance.

This is the apartment where Miyano Akemi lives.

But soon, Akai Shuichi's pupils shrank, and he saw a beautiful girl in a white dress standing beside the Lexus, who was his ex-girlfriend Akemi Miyano.

Akemi Miyano had a bright smile on her face, holding a white handbag in her hand, as if she was about to go on a date, she squatted down shyly, and kissed Kogoro Mouri who poked her head out of the car window go up.

Seeing this scene, Akai Shuichi seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.

His vision became loose, and everything around him blurred, only the shy Akemi kissing Mori Kogoro.

At this moment, Akai Hideo's heart is cut like a knife! ! !

After Miyano Akemi kissed Mori Kogoro, she walked briskly past the front of the car and came to the passenger seat. She hugged Haibara, and the two sat in the passenger seat together, wearing the same seat belt.

Mori Kogoro has excellent eyesight, and he can also see Akai Hideo's concubine-like expression behind him.

He stretched out his left hand, stretched out his index finger to hook Akai behind him again, and the car started galloping again.

Seeing the reappearance of the provocative index finger, Akai Hideichi, who was originally ashamed, was filled with endless anger in his chest.

He roared, and the black Chevrolet rushed after him.

During the constant acceleration, the car also brushed against other vehicles on the road.

But Akai Shuichi didn't care, his green eyes just stared at the Lexus in front of him.

Chapter 0070: Hard-pressed Shuichi Akai

Mingmei's little face in the passenger seat showed a little panic: "Xiao Wulang, why are you driving so fast?"

Hui Principle explained: "Sister, someone is chasing us from behind."

Mingmei's face changed suddenly: "Who is it, it can't be someone from the organization!"

She turned her head immediately, and saw a black Chevrolet behind her like a dark phantom.

Kogoro Maoli gently grabbed Mingmei's soft hand with his big hand, and said in relief, "Don't guess, it's not the group of mice, but both of you and your sisters know this person."

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