But she couldn't resist Kogoro Mori's strange strength. Seeing this scene, Mori felt even more excited. He grabbed Aso's honest hands, and then said, "Doctor Aso, although you are a doctor, let me let you do it this time." I'll give you an injection!"

A woman's exclamation came from inside the dilapidated building, and then the familiar rhythm and rhythm drifted out.

(A lot of text is omitted here.)


After Conan finished taking notes at the public hall and secretly read the case records, he finally understood what happened this time. It turned out that Uncle Mouri was hired by Police Officer Sato to help, no wonder he knew so much.

Conan's self-confidence immediately returned, Uncle Mao Li, you are a good-for-nothing uncle who is a dead daughter, it's up to me to reason and solve the case, his little gentleman's face is full of conceit.

Conan immediately thought of what Aso said honestly last night, which was both entrustment and revenge, so many mysteries filled his mind, so he left Xiaolan and Huiyuan secretly, and ran towards the clinic.

"Thank you, Uncle Policeman!" Conan left the clinic holding his chin, but Dr. Aso disappeared early in the morning. Where should he go back?

By the way, where Keiji Aso was burned to death, Conan ran to ask the old people in Moon Shadow Village confidently, and finally found Aso's house after wandering around for a long time.

Conan looked at the building in front of him, his eyes flashed, and the truth was right in front of him.

But when Conan entered the building, he pushed the door hard but couldn't open it. When he was standing at the door, he suddenly heard Dr. Aso singing softly from inside.

He immediately withdrew his hand to push the door.

No way? ? ?

Then Conan heard a very familiar man's voice.

"Honestly, lift your ass!"

Nani? ?

It turned out to be Uncle Mori's, Conan's expression changed drastically immediately, his eyes were full of disbelief, it's only been one day in Moon Shadow Island, this lecherous uncle actually got involved with the young and beautiful Doctor Aso, this is just a joke!

Listening to the rhythmic slapping sound inside, Conan only felt that his heart was hit by an indescribable crit. He was misunderstood by Xiaolan as a coward, and he, Uncle Mao Li, slept with Xiaolan last night, and today he even slept with Dr. Aso Getting together is simply unforgivable! ! !

Conan ran away with a face of pain, this is the last bit of dignity as a single dog.

The truth, what else is the truth important! ! !

Conan chased the sun and ran to the distance, his little face was full of bitterness.There seems to be a BGM echoing in his head: "We are different..."


Aso, who was lying on the table, looked at the three photos in front of her honestly, enduring waves of shocks, with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face: "Dad, mom, brother, I seem to have found the happiness I want , I will live a good life in the future, you don't have to worry about me!"


Xiaolan, Huiyuan and Conan waited anxiously on the pier after packing their luggage.

Xiaolan couldn't help frowning: "Where did Dad go? Why is it so slow? He hasn't appeared yet."

And Hui Principle rested his cheek and analyzed: "Uncle Mao Li should go to hook up with girls, either with that police officer Sato, or with Dr. Aso."

Conan had a strange expression on his face, looking at the sea in the distance with a look of wanting nothing. It seemed that there was a low pressure on his head, and no one wanted to get close.

Soon, Mori Kogoro and Dr. Aso appeared and walked slowly from afar.

Huiyuan couldn't help but sighed: "Sure enough, it's exactly what I expected."

The two approached the pier, and Xiaolan and Huiyuan went up to meet them. They found that Ma Shengcheng's complexion was improved after taking revenge, his little face was extremely rosy, even the knot between his eyebrows was untied, and the curved willow-leaf eyebrows stretched out , Much better looking than what I saw yesterday.

And Mori Kogoro and Aso were saying goodbye, and Mori said, "Doctor Aso, thank you for your 'hospitality' this time, we will meet again when you pack up all the things here and return to Tokyo."

Aso blushed honestly, and smiled: "Maori-kun, I am the one who should thank you for your help this time."

Mao Li smiled meaningfully: "Don't say that, it's too outlandish, after all, I also charged the 'entrustment fee'."

Conan on the side couldn't help but 'chi' when he heard this.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "Doctor Aso won't come with us?"

Aso smiled honestly: "It's not enough, some things need to be sorted out, and the clinic still has some procedures to go through, so I can only go back to Tokyo in a few days, don't worry about me, Xiaolan, and I have already promised Mr. Now, I will be your personal doctor, and you can come to me if you have any physical problems in the future."

Hearing this, Xiaolan and Huiyuan's expressions immediately became a little ugly.

Huiyuan couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "I think Uncle Maoli has the most physical problems, and he wants to find you the most."

Mao Li hugged Hui Yuan: "Xiao Ai, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, Uncle Maori." A sweet smile appeared on Huiyuan's face.

"Okay, let's get on the ship, Dr. Aso, see you in Tokyo." Mao Li gave an order, and everyone boarded the ship.

On the pier, Aso looked honestly at the Maoli group who were going away, and kept waving.

Chapter 0079

In the evening, on a deserted island near Tokyo and Tsukage Island, Kogoro Mori hugged Haibara, and Ran and Conan stood beside him, looking at the captain on the pier directing the repair work on a broken ship.

The return trip was really bad luck this time. The boat broke down halfway. Fortunately, there was an island to dock just now, otherwise the ship would sink.

Mao Li and the others couldn't help but frown, this has been waiting for more than two hours, hasn't it been fixed yet?

At this time, the captain of the medium-sized ship came over, his head was covered with sweat, and he apologized: "I'm sorry, Maori Detective, our ship can't be repaired in a short time, please forgive me, tonight I'm afraid we will be camping on this island, we will repair it overnight, and it will probably be fine tomorrow."

what the hell!

Kogoro Mori frowned even more when he heard the news, but seeing the sweaty captain covered in oil, he was just a man who depended on the sea for his living, so he didn't criticize him any more.

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