But turning his head to look at this barren deserted island, there are no buildings on it, it is simply unacceptable to camp on it, Mao Li does not want Xiao Lan and Hui Yuan to suffer.

At this moment, a bald, middle-aged fat man who was about to board a luxury cruise ship at the side of the pier saw Mori, and asked in surprise, "Isn't this the famous Tokyo detective Mori Kogoro?"

Mori Kogoro looked at the cruise ship behind him, straightened his collar, and said, "It's right here."

The bald man suddenly looked excited: "I didn't expect to meet famous people on the island of my banner family. I am so lucky. I have watched Mr. Maori's reasoning programs. By the way, Mr. Maori cracked the case yesterday. After the shocking drug case on Moon Shadow Island, I must be returning to Tokyo now. No wonder I appeared here. Unfortunately, I have been busy with my niece Xia Jiang's engagement ceremony for the past two days, so I couldn't read the newspaper for details. It's really a pity. "

Mao Li didn't expect that the case he solved last night would be known all over the world today, and he would even meet his fans on this broken island.

"Actually, it's nothing. If Mr. Banner wants to know what happened last night, I can tell you." Mori Kogoro said calmly.

"Really? It's such an honor, Detective Mori, you can just call me Hokuro, please, let's talk on board." Hearing this, Hokuro Hatakemoto was even more excited, and Dayuan's face was full of red Lightly invite Mori Kogoro and others.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking: "Where is your ship going?"

"Oh, today is Xia Jiang's engagement ceremony, and then the cruise ship will sail to Yokohama. My niece Xia Jiang will hold her wedding in Yokohama tomorrow, ah! Mr. Mori, if you can attend my niece's wedding, that would be great."

The direction from this island to Yokohama is completely opposite to the direction of Tokyo. Originally, it took about two hours to fly back to Tokyo, but the flight to Yokohama may take one night, but you can quickly reach Tokyo by taking the Shinkansen from Yokohama. It doesn't take much time in this way.

Moreover, this cruise ship looks extraordinarily luxurious, resting on it for one night is like camping on a deserted island, Kogoro Mori weighed it, and naturally agreed.

This Hokuro Hatakemoto couldn't help being overjoyed, he is almost fifty years old and still looks like a little fan.

Xiaolan and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This kind of result is naturally very good. If they really want to stay on the island for one night, it will be really difficult.


The luxury cruise ship sailed towards Yokohama, and the afterglow of the setting sun swayed on everyone's faces, making people feel very comfortable.

The Banner family is really rich and powerful, and has chartered the upper two floors of this cruise ship. The sailors, captain and shipping staff are all on the bottom floor, and they are not allowed to come up to disturb, which also forms a private space.

Mori Kogoro and Hatakemoto Hokuro sat on the deck, and the two clinked glasses with wine: "So, your Hatakemoto family still has such rules!"

"Yeah, since the Edo period, anyone in the family has to come to our flag island to tell their ancestors when they get married, so we specially chartered a cruise ship to hold an engagement ceremony on the island. Now, that's my niece Hagimoto Natsue, Now studying at the Department of Business Administration at the University of Tokyo." Hokuro Hatakemoto pointed to the past.

Maori turned his head, and saw a beautiful woman in a light blue dress, with slender black hair, and a trace of sadness on her fair and pretty cheeks, looking at the sea in the distance, her eyes seemed to be slightly green, With a quiet and beautiful temperament, this woman is the real lady of every family, the daughter of a thousand gold, completely different from the crooked Yuanzi.

It's really beautiful, Kogoro Mori looked at the bride-to-be, and couldn't help being a little disappointed, he didn't expect such a woman to get married.

Hatake Hatake, who was leaning on the fence on the deck, seemed to sense Kogoro Mori's gaze and turned his head.

Mao Li smiled on his face, showing the demeanor of a mature man naturally, and raised his glass to him as a greeting.

Ban Xiajiang also smiled at Maori, her etiquette is impeccable, she is really a woman who is easy to like!

When I turned my gaze, there was a young man wearing a suit and pockmarked face beside the deck, who was also attending the engagement banquet. He was drawing something with a paintbrush in his hand.

This bald fan who had just introduced himself was his son, the outstanding young painter Ichiro Hagimoto.

The bald father spoke of his pockmarked son with pride.


At this moment, an old man with white hair and beard came down from the second floor of the cruise ship. He was wearing a kimono and had very thick beard and eyebrows. When he saw Mori Kogoro and others, he couldn't help being furious: "You bastard, this ship Didn’t it get wrapped up by us, how could there be outsiders?”

Hokuro Hatakemoto was sweating immediately, stood up and explained, "I'm sorry, Dad, this is a celebrity from Tokyo..."

"I don't care where the celebrity is. You are quite courageous. You made a decision without my pain. It's really good." The head of the house, Hatamoto Hozou, was frightening when he started, his face was full of violence.

Hatakemoto Hokuro kept apologizing.

Gozo Hatakemoto glanced at Hokuro Hamoto, and then Ichiro Hatagmoto, who was constantly drawing, and said, "I'm useless, and my son is also a waste. It's just a dream come true for such an unrealistic fantasy to come true." .”

With a pockmarked face, Ichiro Hatake couldn't help clenching the paintbrush in his hand, with his head lowered.

He turned around and walked to the cabin on the first floor, and said at the same time: "I will ask Xiao Wu to come to my room later."

When the old guy left, everyone on the deck breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, a handsome young man appeared, Xiao Wu, Miss Qianjin's fiancé, as soon as he appeared, another man with yellow hair said, "Xiao Wu, the old man told you to go find him in the room." .”

Xiao Wu looked apologetically at Ben Xiajiang, the flag, and followed him to the cabin.

Chapter 0080 Xiao Ai Wants to Hug

The yellow-haired man was leaning against the railing with a domineering woman in his arms. This was Xia Jiang's brother-in-law, Kameo Banner, and the woman he was holding was Xia Jiang's older sister Qiujiang Banner.

In this cold weather, Qimoto Qiujiang wore a backless dress, but he was not afraid of the cold at all.

The upper-class families in this country are like this. It is the same as the marriage in Huaxia. In order to prevent the leakage of property, these men married the women of the Banner family, so they all changed their surnames to Banner.

Including this bald fan of Mori Kogoro, Hokuro Hatakemoto, also changed his surname because he married the eldest daughter of Gozo Hatakemoto, Mariko.

The two young women, Akie and Natsue, were the daughters of Hatamoto Gozo's deceased elder son, Hatake Shoichi.

At this moment, Hatamoto Gozo's eldest daughter, Hatakemoto Mariko, and second son, Hatakemoto Shōji, also came out when they heard the movement.

Wearing a white suit, Hōji Hatakemoto is quite burly, he said to the bald man Hokuro: "Don't mind, Dad is in a bad mood after eating my cooking, that's why he became like this, and I blame my cooking skills It’s not good, and I made the western food that my father hates the most.”

Hearing this, Xia Jiang came over, and comforted him gently: "Uncle, your cooking skills are very good, everyone likes it very much."

Xiang Er smiled: "Xia Jiang, don't comfort me."

The eldest daughter of Gozo Hatakemoto, a fat lady in a kimono, Mariko Banmoto said to the bald man, "Honey, you just have to be patient for a while, anyway, Dad is getting old and won't live long, wait Once he leaves, the entire Banner family property will be yours."

She didn't shy away from others saying it directly.

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