Qiu Jiang, who was being hugged by the yellow-haired man, sneered and said, "Auntie, I'm afraid you are too naive."

Mariko's face immediately changed greatly: "What do you mean by that, do you know something?"

A smile appeared on Qiu Jiang's face, and he whispered in Mariko's ear.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel speechless when he saw this scene. It was a bloody grievance between a wealthy family and a property fight, and it was the kind that completely tore his skin.


The bride-to-be, Xia Jiang, saw this scene but shook her head, left the crowd again, and approached the deck. The sea breeze blew her black hair, revealing her melancholy eyes, which seemed to be filled with tears.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri took two glasses of red wine, approached Miss Xia Jiang, and said, "As a bride-to-be who is about to get married tomorrow, it is really puzzling to show such a sad expression."

"Mori Detective!"

"You know me, um, let me guess, what are you worrying about?" Mao Li held his chin as if thinking.

Qiben Xiajiang couldn't help showing curiosity on his face, she wanted to see if this well-known neon detective was as amazing as the legend said.

"Well, are you missing your parents who died in a car accident last year? It doesn't seem right. It's because the various fights in the family disgust you? It doesn't seem right. Oh, it's because you think the groom who will get married tomorrow is not a good match, right? !"

As soon as Mori Kogoro said one reason, Xia Jiang's face became more surprised, and when he said another one, the surprised look became even more serious, and at the end the small mouth was slightly opened, and he looked completely unbelievable.

Mori Kogoro handed her a glass of red wine, with a gentle smile on his face: "Cheer"

Ban Xiajiang couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, took the red wine, and took a sip: "It's amazing, Detective Maori, is this the first time you and I have met? You can see through what I'm thinking with just one glance."

Mori Kogoro smiled, his whole face was very tough under the sunset, he turned his head to look at Xia Jiang: "I'm not that powerful, maybe it's just that I have a connection with you, Miss Xia Jiang!"

At this moment, Xiajiang Qiben's heart beat faster, and his little face turned red, and he said, "Mr. Mao Li, your words are really interesting!"

Quietly, Mori Kogoro and Hagimoto Natsue got closer, and the two began to talk and laugh against the sea breeze.


Xiaolan, Haibara, and Conan were eating fruit salad on a distant table.

Xiaolan was unaware of this, and Conan saw Mori Kogoro hooking up with a woman again, and the resentment of being a single dog broke out, turning grief and anger into appetite, and dealt with the fruit salad in front of him with a grim face.

Haibara saw Mori Kogoro and Hagimoto Xiajiang having a happy conversation, and his face turned slightly cold: "Damn uncle, he's messing with girls again. This is the bride-to-be who is going to get married tomorrow. I'm going to mess with such a woman. It's just too bad.

Haibara couldn't help jumping off the chair, and approached Moori Kogoro with his short legs.


Mori Kogoro's shoulder lightly rubbed against Hagimoto Natsue's shoulder, but she didn't seem to notice, she was still immersed in the topic of Mori.

"Yeah, Maori-kun, I also think the movie Titanic shown last month is very good, but how can you be so lucky to meet true love in real life?"

Mao Li's eyes were very understanding, and he smiled gently, "Xia Jiang, you are so kind and such a beautiful girl, you will definitely find true love!"

Hearing Mao Li's praise, Xia Jiang Banmoto couldn't help but blushed slightly, and her greenish eyes stared at Mao Li Kogoro: "Mao Li-kun, it would be great if I could meet you sooner."


Hui Yuan, who was behind the two of them, couldn't help the veins in his head twitching slightly when he heard this, how long have they known each other?One of the two called Xia Jiang and the other Mao Li-kun. Why did they become so close? Haibara couldn't help being shocked by Mao Li Kogoro's ability to provoke women.

Maori watched Hajimoto Xiajiang's favorability slowly rising, and was about to continue speaking, but at this moment, Maori felt as if someone was pulling at the bottom of his trousers, and turned his head to see that it was Huiyuan. She raised her small head and looked at To Mori Kogoro, the cute loli voice shot out: "I want to hug!"

Seeing such a cute loli, how could Kogoro Mori hold back, he stretched out his hand to hug Huibara, couldn't help but kissed him, Haibara also habitually stretched out his hand to hook Kogoro Moori's neck.

Ban Xiajiang, who was disturbed, gradually regained his composure, and smiled politely again: "Mr. Mao Li, is this your daughter? She looks so cute."

Mori Kogoro touched Huiyuan's head, and kissed two more: "No, this is my adopted little girl, you know I'm a detective by profession, this child is alone, I took her by my side to take care of her. "

There was a light in Xia Jiang's eyes: "I didn't expect you, Mr. Mao Li, to be such a kind person."

Ban Xiajiang's favorability has soared again.

Seeing this, Huiyuan sensed something was wrong, and immediately said: "I'm not Uncle Maoli's daughter, Uncle's daughter is Xiaolan, who is eating salad over there." The little finger that looked like a lotus root pointed over, and Xiajiang Qimoto followed.

Mori Kogoro instantly understood Haibara's intentions, but he was not worried at all, and said with a sigh of relief: "Yeah, since I separated from my wife more than ten years ago, I have lived with my daughter for a long time... ..."

Mori Kogoro's acting skills exploded, his eyes filled with reminiscence and vicissitudes, his uncle's temperament instantly exploded, and Xia Jiang's eyes lit up again.

Chapter 0081 The person Xiaolan likes

At this moment, Xiaolan's voice came from behind: "Dad!"

There seemed to be a hint of anger on Xiaolan's face. Seeing this, Mao Li's eyes instantly returned to normal, and he said, "Miss Xia Jiang, this is my daughter Mao Lilan."

The two greeted each other, and they knew each other.

Xiao Lan said, "I heard Mr. Bei Lang just now, is Miss Xia Jiang the bride who is going to get married tomorrow?"

Xia Jiang Qiben nodded, and said: "Yes, with the help of grandpa, I am finally getting married. My fiancé is Xiao Wu who was just called by grandpa."

Qiben Xiajiang looked at the sky, the sun had already quietly set on the sea level, and the sea breeze became a little colder, so he couldn't help but said, "I'm a little hungry, let's go, let's go back to the restaurant and chat."

After saying that, several people walked into the cabin, and the deck was already empty at this time.

In the restaurant, the old butler Suzuki was constantly busy, serving drinks to the Maori and the others, who were chatting with Miss Xia Jiang.

Suddenly, Xia Jiang Qiben asked with a smile on his face, "Xiao Lan, do you have someone you like?"

Xiaolan's face turned red, Mori Kogoro's ears pricked up quietly, Conan couldn't help but tilt his ears, and Hui Principle rolled his eyes at Xiaolan with dead fish eyes.

Xiaolan looked at everyone on the field, her gaze lingered on Mao Li for a moment before she turned away, and said, "I guess there is!"

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