Everyone couldn't help but become more curious.

Xia Jiang immediately asked: "What kind of person is that?"

Xiaolan smiled: "That guy is very smart, with strong reasoning..."

Conan couldn't help touching his head and laughing when he heard this, Mori Kogoro suddenly felt upset, so he gave Conan a popping chestnut.

"...and much stronger than me, has been protecting me..."

Conan touched the red envelope on his head and showed a smirk.

"...Singing is also very good, he is the bravest person in the world, just like my father."

When Xiaolan said this, she hugged Mori Kogoro's arm shyly.

Conan on the side only felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and his body seemed to have turned into an ice sculpture. A sentence echoed in his mind: "Singing is also very good, and singing is also very good..."

At this moment, the big red envelope on his head seemed to become more painful, and Conan's eyes were filled with tears:

who is it?Who is that person Xiaolan likes?Conan, who was calm on the outside, couldn't help but go crazy in his heart.

Only then did Mori Kogoro show a satisfied smile.

Qiben Xiajiang immediately said in surprise: "Wow, it turns out that Xiaolan is looking for a husband who is just like her father! Unexpectedly, Xiaolan, you have a little love for your father!"

Xiaolan's face immediately turned red, and Mori Kogoro touched his head with a smile, and said with a complacent expression: "There is no other outstanding person like your father in this world!"

When Conan heard this, he couldn't help but snorted: "Cut, uncle who is a waste of money." Conan who couldn't help but say it immediately had another fresh big red envelope on his head.

But at this moment, Conan didn't care, he made a decision in his heart, he must find out the person Xiaolan likes! ! !

Seeing this scene, Hui Yuan on the side fixed his eyes on Xiao Lan, and his light blue eyes narrowed slightly: She really is a woman that should not be underestimated!


At this moment, people came to the restaurant one after another, the bald man Hokuro Hagimoto, the fat aunt Mariko Hatamoto, and the family of Ichiro Hatamoto, the pockmarked son, sat at a table;

Backless female Banner Qiujiang and yellow-haired male Banner Kameo sit at a table;

The second son, the burly Hatakemoto Shouji, stood aside and helped Butler Suzuki organize the tableware.

In the end, it was Xiao Wu who came late, and he sat next to Qiben Xiajiang as soon as he arrived.

Qiu Jiang couldn't help but said: "It's so late, why hasn't grandpa arrived yet, butler Suzuki, go and call."

The old butler heard the order to put down the tableware, and then walked towards the room.

Not long after, the old housekeeper's screams came from the direction of the room, and everyone's expressions changed immediately, and they hurriedly ran to Hashimoto Zangwu's room.

I saw the old butler collapsed outside the door, and Hatakemoto Zangbu, who was wearing a kimono indoors, had a wound on his abdomen, blood flowed horizontally, his whole body was stiff, and his face still showed an expression of disbelief.

Everyone's expressions changed immediately, and Xia Jiang screamed in disbelief and wanted to run into the room, but Kogoro Maoli grabbed him.

Mori Kogoro sternly shouted: "Without my permission, no one can enter this room." He went in by himself to check the pulse of Ban Zangbu, and found that he was already dead.

The bald man Hokuro Hatakemoto said quickly: "Mr. Mori is a famous detective in Tokyo. He will definitely help us find the murderer. Everyone listen to him."

At this time, everyone's faces changed, and there were detectives on board!

Mori Kogoro began to investigate the scene. After being tricked by anime many times, he no longer believed in the original plot, and he still had to rely on himself to reason and solve the case.

The windows in this room are closed, and the door is also closed. There is only one key, which is still in the hands of Butler Suzuki, but the murder weapon has disappeared.

The people outside the door started to quarrel one by one, with joy on their faces, the yellow-haired man, the turtle man, kept saying, "This must be suicide, you see, this is a secret room, and the key is with Butler Suzuki, and Butler Suzuki has been there all the time." There is no way to commit a crime in the restaurant, the old man must have been tired of the world, and then left the world in this way to punish his children."

Turtle Man kept talking, as if he was going to commit suicide by sitting on Hatake Samuel, so that he could divide up the inheritance immediately.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help scolding: "Don't be stupid, this is a complete murder case. You can see that there are traces of blood that have been cleaned up outside the door. How do people who commit suicide clean up the blood?"

"It is now [-]:[-], and the time of death is about [-] minutes to [-] minutes. Since [-]:[-], we have been waiting for dinner in the restaurant with Ms. Xia Jiang and Butler Suzuki, which means we have no suspicions. , then the murderer must be among the few of you who don’t have an alibi.” Mori Kogoro said with certainty.

The yellow-haired turtle man said, "Then how do you explain the murder in this secret room?"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but cast a blank glance at the yellow-haired man: "Are you stupid? This is not a murder in a secret room at all. I have already said that there are bloodstains that have been wiped outside the door. The murderer stabbed Hatake Takeshi with a murder weapon outside the door." , and then Hatake Zangbu fled back into the room, locked the door behind him, and finally bled to death."

Hearing what Kogoro Mori said, everyone suddenly realized, and Conan couldn't help but looked at Mouri in surprise. How could Uncle Mori's reasoning be so accurate today?

Xiaolan couldn't help showing admiration in her eyes.

In this way, everyone is suspected of murder, and the suspects present couldn't help but become suspicious of each other.

Xia Jiang grabbed Mao Li Kogoro's shoulder, with tears in her eyes, she said, "Detective Mao Li, please find out the murderer who killed my grandfather."

Kogoro Mori naturally agreed.

Chapter 0082

Mori Kogoro carefully observed the death of Hatakemoto, his expression was very strange, anger, fear, pain, he couldn't believe that all these emotions appeared on his face.

Conan also lay on the ground, looking at the blood on the ground, the blood had already solidified.

The abdominal wound of Hashimoto Zangwu was a fatal wound, and there were traces of strangulation. The heavy bleeding caused by this kind of wound would kill him very quickly.

However, no murder weapon was found in the room, which means that the murder weapon was taken away by the murderer. But forty minutes have passed, and the murderer has time to deal with the blood on the floor outside the door. How could he not have time to deal with a murder weapon? , Just find a room to enter, open the window, throw it vigorously, sink into the sea, who can find it.

Without the most direct murder weapon, he could only look for other clues.

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